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Everything posted by Bakstein420

  1. I can almost smell the lemon looking top shelf bro
  2. @Ill_Evan is it on Netflix or did you stream it somewhere?
  3. Ah man I'm a huge fan of his films. Gonna look for it tonight.
  4. It's a good choice you went with auto's bro
  5. Just be patient bro, this effing cold slows everything down.
  6. LSD at the start of week 9 of flower.
  7. She was an auto and I must have stressed her early on in veg. You need a good solid start with autos otherwise they wont yeild well. On a side note i gave the gelato a smoke this morning after 2 weeks curing. So smooth and tasty I can see it's not gonna last long.
  8. Ah that takes me out of the game.
  9. It is insane the things you can do with sonoff. You can even get the sensor to work with the smart plugs. So it can basically turn things on/off that aren't even wired through the th16.
  10. I saw a forum member got some beans from them last week. He seemed very happy with their service
  11. Cool beans... been wanting to try clones and have about a week left on my indoor grow. Would love to grow out forum members cuts.
  12. This is this first iv heard of that light, hopefully others can help.
  13. Yep rabbits love the stuff, and cats too strangely enough.
  14. How's it going bro, their are a couple capetonians here that grow some fine herb. Any pics of your setup/grow?
  15. I am actually growing in organic matters at the moment, gave it a try as it came with some Mycorrhizal fungi.
  16. I have never had any issues with seedlings in Freedom Farms green bag, be it auto's or fems.
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