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afternoon blazer

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Everything posted by afternoon blazer

  1. Shiiiiit. Mine goes back to about high school aswell. Having a few not permitted drinks in a local area. Meet a few older people smoking absolute shit(now) but strong stuff(then) a few pulls here and there now and then. Get elevated. No lie though. Always felt like sleeping or going to sleep. Then u like. Nah. We need to do this shit on it own. Without the drinks. Get a few mates. Stay over at another friends house for the weekend. Parents on holiday. And we start the journey. And man did we start some shit. We were like. Lets try it with a movie. Lets try it with playstation. Lets try it listening to music. And the list went on and on. And fucking hell. Everything was better with it. Alot of people said its better to study with and focus. That shit didnt work for me. Definitly not. I was too baked to do serious shit. And then as time goes on u start to hear shit like higher grade and hydro and greenhouse. And indoor . And then theres names and pics and prices were crazy. U try to upgrade ur smoke as much as the pocket allows. But then u become such an experienced smoker. That ur tolerance demands more quality and quantity. Which kind of leads u right to the path of growing. But grow also just seems fun and rewarding and a journey. Getting high on ur own supply. But its also circumstance. When u are able to grow. U start. Never had the time and commitment to really start something proper until covid had me caged up at home. #Certifiedstoner #stillgraduatingfromgrowing
  2. Get 1 of those Ring things bro. Or make 1 out of solid wire. Not sure what its called though. Maybe mainline ring. @Bakstein420 help this member out.
  3. Its a awsome zoom bro. But u know u got that fancy shit. But would u be able to tell if its cloudy or not with it?
  4. Not sure about the macro camera. Not fimiliar. I just got back from shopping. Got my jars. And boveidas. Also ph down. Bought a ph test kit last week. Not the best. But helps. And got some slightly larger fabric pots for my next grow. Got some exciting seeds coming through this week.
  5. Nice brother. Shopping is always fun. Pruning scissor not a must. I believe a heavy duty scissor would work. The boveda packs are to maintain correct humidity in the jars. When storing. Glass jars. Anything that seals properly. Hygrometer would be a good thing to get for the drying area. And jars for monitoring. With regards to the filter. Cant help u. As i have no idea. A pocket scale would be a needed too later on. Ph pen is good. And if u dont mind spending some extra cash. Get a TDS meter too. Its cheaper then the ph pen. And a small microscope - for checking when to harvest.
  6. Brother man. Those look delicious. Gona be a good smoke. Oh and . Welcome to jozi have good visit
  7. U missed it. Coz our @TheUltimateNoob Likes to make us hang for updates We have to sit and think about our life and the decisions we made and reflect while waiting for him.
  8. Morning Blazers. Weekly update time. Week 3 - day 15 Really enjoying the grow so far. Fed her yesterday. Think i will start some gro. And fish mix at half strength on the next feeding. Any suggestions or u guys spot anything im missing?
  9. @zolrooker looking nice and bushy brother
  10. @Bospatrollie2 i love it brother.
  11. Whats your ideas on the Frame @Naughty.Psychonaut ? @ChroniclyChronic looks really dope.
  12. Thank you sir. Deeply. This is perfect. I will be going DIY when im ready. Gona save these specs. Might go abit lower scale though.
  13. Howzit brother. Im a curious noob. What is this?
  14. Looking nice bro. How many plants at the moment?
  15. Damm brooo. Starting a forest there. What a variety of plants. Cant wait for this 1. Goodluck brother.
  16. @ORGANinc. show ur what u working with.
  17. Looking good brother. Do u have any pics of when u just did the LST? Would like to see what u were up to.
  18. I would like the dual 1z. Dry bud and liquid. Need to buy a F@#%ing light first.
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