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CG420za last won the day on July 11 2019

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Grower Info

  • Preferred growing medium or system
    Freedom Farms or Organic matter soil
  • Preferred Lighting
  • Favourite Strains
    Blue Dream, Apollo 13, Exodus Haze, Girl Scout Cookies
  • Grow Room Setup
    120x70x165 Tent, QB288v2, CXB3590 x 2
  • Preferred Nutrients
  • Indoor or Outdoor
  • Preferred Medicating Methods

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  • Plant Of The Month Winner

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  1. CG420za


    I also have a light similar to that in my tent. Only kak is if it comes on during LS, but LS is during my dark period... Always an issue.
  2. Welcome to the misfit gang
  3. Could it not be that the soil is retaining moisture for too long?
  4. I always thought if you're in coco/perlite, you flush with clean water and once you're no longer running off, you'd feed with a weaker mix
  5. I just saw this now and went on the site... @Totemicat the rate you're pushing out crosses, i will need to change my grow style to even smaller plants so i can try all the flavours. Can't wait for spring!
  6. Yep, it was defs bound to happen. It's a kak one when someone claims your work as their own. On the upside, something i know, people don't copy kak. So there you have it brother. Keep the fire coming!
  7. I agree, FF has given me the best use and re usability of all the soils I've tried so far. Organics matter came with fungus gnats flying out the bags. Yet to try Jamie's, got a bag in the garage for the next run
  8. CG420za


    it's a pity there's no way to really control RH if you're poor... fucking RH always has me stressing. One thing i have learnt in the past few years on here, smaller buds have less chance of developing budrot, rather have many smaller koppe. Seems to work for me.
  9. Thanks bro, took a few hours, but i had the time, was my lockdown project in april last year.
  10. Hahaha! Don't kick my sunnies brother! They cover my whole face. But awe man, thank you!
  11. Awe, go for gold bruv! I'm thinking of changing it up again. All in the name of streamlining.
  12. Hopefully you can see what I was aiming for, I managed to run my whole setup off one plug. All wiring goes from my "control board" into the tent through the one vent, then into some electrical piping, then out just above the fan and to the desired devices. Never mind my lady frame sunnies, it works piele under the LED's
  13. I wish i had a setup like this to play with
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