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Khakibos last won the day on May 10 2022

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  1. @ORGANinc. those lotus head crosses !!
  2. Edibles: Small Bites for the Modern Cannabis Kitchen by Stephanie Hua , Coreen Carroll , Linda Xiao Browsed through a decent amount of cook books and this one stood out, pretty interesting recipes but also a lot of useful info for anyone who is just looking into making edibles / cooking with weed
  3. @Darclinc Maybe save the autos for the beginning of summer next season. I would say if you plan on growing in winter next season maybe start some photoperiod plants towards the end of autumn - they should stay on the smaller side depending what you decide to go for
  4. I was actually about to mention the Teaming with books a bit later today I got a few decent recommendations on some cooks books I'll post later
  5. Greetings everyone ! - I know this topic has been posted before but I have felt like reviving it. Please note any book related to cannabis goes (growing, breeding, extracts, cooking, soil management) ! I'm actually trying to find something other than your average all in one grow bible if that makes sense articles are also welcome ! There are a lot of books I can't think of right now but I'll start off with: Marijuana Botany: An Advanced Study: The Propagation and Breeding of Distinctive Cannabis by Robert Connell Clarke Cannabis: Evolution and Ethnobotany by Mark Merlin and R. C. Clarke Hemp Diseases and Pests: Management and Biological Control: An Advanced Treatise by J. M. McPartland & R. C. Clarke & D. P. Watson
  6. They have Trademark Chad by Riot in stock - OMFG !!!!!
  7. https://limitedbeans.com/Product/doggy-bag-regular-10-pieces/
  8. Why you washing them ? Am I missing something here ? edit: aaaaahhhhhh I scrolled passed that part - yeah no 100% wash them
  9. Outdoor grown Beach Bum X Holy Cherry Dry Sift 120 micron - The terps were similar and I really couldn't tell the difference in trichome size from either 3 plants so ended up running everything together. Literally had to do the 120 as I don't have a 90 atm and I couldn't get it to go through the 75 ........
  10. Good day people ! Hoping someone on the forum can point me in the right direction here. I've been looking for Sakura tree seeds and cannot seem to find anywhere. Only online store I came across was seeds for Africa, but they are out of stock ........
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