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Green Leaf Organics

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Everything posted by Green Leaf Organics

  1. Contact the supplier... after zooming on on your soil mix there is not nearly enough perlite in there. I would say you either got the wrong stuff or a bad batch... Cheers Reaf
  2. Woohooo! Big thanks to 420SA and his site thanks as well to all the members that make this site what it is , I predict big things for the site in the years to come. The ballast is going to be put to good use Cheers Reaf
  3. Hi bud Don't stress with pics it's really really hard to guess weight I am probably way off
  4. What's the theory behind the 48h dark phase before harvest Reaf? I've read about it quite a bit but have forgotten ... Have you found it to be noticeably effective? All my ladies get a 48-72h dark period before harvest. I just find it finishes things off nicely. Some strains I can't see an effect but others there a definite positive effect again personal preference , just like making sure the soil is bone dry at harvest... I find it helps shorten the drying period. If all those little things I do just help a little it's enough. Cheers Reaf
  5. Woohooo well done bud!!! Need a wet weight and I can give you a good gestimate , looks about 40-50g
  6. Quiet simply put no....chemical nutes can not be used in an organic grow as it will no longer be an organic grow by definition , it will now be classed as a hydrid grow. Now on weather you can use them or not yes you can but I personally wouldn't. There are clear definitions that class weather a nutrient is chemical or organic due to the process by how they are made and how they work. Yes on the end they all come down to ions but it's how they get there to me that counts . Chemical nutrients rely on the manufacturing process to chelate the ions to a usable product for the plant what organic will rely more on the microbial life in the ryzomophic layer in the medium to chelate them into a usable product. There is a lot of debate about weather chemical nutrients actually kill of the microbial life or not but there is no definitive answere. For me it comes down to feeding the soil not the plant , by using organics correctly you are constantly conditioning the soil and improving it. On the other side you have chemical nutes that slowly deplete the soil of essential minerals as chemicals will not replace those in the soil. Chemical will also over time I feel kill the soil as the constant application of harsh salts can not be good for a living Soil. Hemp is grown around Chernobyl because of its unbelievable properties to extract harmful chemicals out the soil and is helping speed up the Chernobyl cleanup by decades and for this reason I personally grow organic it tastes better and I am not smoking chemical nutes. In the end of the day this is just a personal preference of grow style and preferences. Either why this topic is a can of worms that's been opened lol Cheers Reaf
  7. Hi bud Some ladies do not like going amber and have to be left a long time to amber up. The fact that one lady is putting out nanners tells me she is at the end of her life and won't get to the amber phase. I personally would put her in the dark for 48h and harvest. At this stage unless you have some young ladies in there I wouldn't worry about seeds. Cheers Reaf
  8. Hi bud Dilute it down to roughly 20ml per L , use 40 volume. The beauty of of h2o2 is the fact that all it is is water with an extra oxygen molecule which is deadly to all microbes and fungi and will leave no residue on the ladies . Once it drys the water just evaporates and with it the extra oxygen molecule. Start with the ratio I gave and do a test piece , what ypu are looking for is bubbling on the infected areas , if it doesn't bubble up your ratio. If you see the bubbling this is good because it's doings it's job. Once dry spray with AACT to reinoculate the plant . As I said this is not a permanent solution but it will by you as much time as you need as you can repeat the process as needed without worries about residues on the flowering ladies. In veg I use my own recipe for PM 10ml canola oil , 5ml coconut oil 3 drops Sunlight soap in 1L warm water. Coconut oil is a natural fungicide and the canola helps with not allowing the PM spores to stick and form on the ladies and the sunlight soap acts as a good spreader. I am a self proclaimed PM master lol.... every winter for years I suffered the PM curse dew to a bad growing area. Cheers Reaf
  9. Hi bud Things are looking good :thumbups one thing I think you may need to start thinking about are those maximum temps you reaching. This is not a now problem but considering its only September and you already hitting 28 degrees come summer you going to starting getting issues with temps. 28 is already on the high side of optimal . Just a thought to consider Cheers Reaf
  10. Good plan bud One suggestion is to take a black bag and cover the top of the soil with it, press it down right on top of the soil . This will act like a solar radiator and help heat the soil and keep the moisture in. Cheers Reaf
  11. One drastic measure you can take is spray your infected lady with a h2o2 solution and then reinoculate the leaves with aact , this will by you 2 - 3 weeks but is not a permanent solution but will buy you time . I have used this method in Late flower and it works. Cheers Reaf
  12. Hi bud Organic to me grows the best smoke hands down and no hydro grower will ever convince me otherwise. I feel that by growing organicly you are connecting to the plant on a much deeper level , you have to learn about the microbes , fungi , soil mixes ,cooking etc . By doing all of this you gain a much deeper understanding of or beloved plant and as a by product the rest of the garden. As for keeping costs down its also the best way to go as you can make all you need yourself with very little expense. Have a look at gills page as he has loads of recipes you can make yourself. As I have said for many years feed the soil not the plant , healthy soil healthy plant. Cannabis takes on the energy of the grower ... I speak to my plants I play music to my plants... each strain has a personality and each clone from that strain has a slightly different personality. We dealing with living things here and we would be nieve to think there wasn't some sort of consciousness no matter how alien it is to us. This being said would you want to be fed on chemicals or organic...treat your plants with as much love and respect as you can and they will reward you everytime Lol I think most of you will think I am crazy... Maybe I am and maybe i have spent way to much time under HID but I know a few of the old timers will agree with me ... Sorry for the ramble..... Cheers Reaf
  13. From those pics I would say you safe on the hermie front as well
  14. That page must be one of the saddest things I have read in ages.... it just shows how ignorant people still are.... I had to go sacrifice a cat and smoke a joint to make myself feel better
  15. Awesome bud Just make sure that hermie is far away from any others you are flowering... pollen can travel many many kilometers and some even say 100's of km . Cheers Reaf
  16. Hi bud Judging by where that plant is at 4 weeks of flower i would say you got a good 12 weeks left , it's a long time to dedicate to a small hermie plant. Otherwise Larry is looking good. Cheers Reaf
  17. Hi bud I agree with everything you say but the point i am trying to make is it's important to remember that a lot of newbies read these forums and will take what you said as it's literal meaning of just replacing food with molasses. While I see what your are saying , I have done extensive research into organic growing with many many years experience , it doesn't come across this way. I grow with extremely rich super soils and still sometimes a lady will need feeding and when it comes to feeding yes I have a whole arsenal of home brewed nutrients I can use but this knowledge comes with experience. I am not challenging your methods bud I am saying be carefull how you word things as I am sure you wouldn't want some newbie to only try feeding a hungry plant molasses . It's a soil food not a plant food. Cheers Reaf
  18. Awesome bud Yea a basic Promix is 50/50 with a buffer. I was actually in three Rivers for a wedding not to long ago , awesome place I must admit. Cheers Reaf
  19. You can also make your own rooting agent with coconut water and aloe vera. Cheers Reaf
  20. Hi bud Larry will still produce bud but the quality will be C or B grade . Like Kim said the production of seeds takes a lot away from the plant . As for your second question I am not sure I follow your train of thought... a female plant can be pollinated at any point during flower but if it's only pollinated say a week before you harvest the plant doesn't have time to produce seeds. They goal is to have no seeds in your bud Cheers Reaf
  21. Well that statement is very misleading.... We have all read the work by the 3 little birds and what they have to say about molasses and I agree that it's a wonderful product but to come out and say that it replaces nutrients like biobizz is actually just hurting the newer growers. Molasses is a suppliment not a nutrient. The only way molasses can replace biobizz is if you have a really good super soil and what beginner has that? Biobizz is a harsh waste of money..... well then I guess I just love wasting my money. We all all entitled to our opinions and to use any product you want but try think of all the beginners that will read this and then wonder why there plants are looking so hungry when they have only been feeding molasses..... you and I know that molasses can replace nutrients in certain cases but for you beginner grower this is not the case. Maybe explain why exactly you think biobizz is a harsh waste of money? Cheers Reaf
  22. Add some bakashi bran to the mix , it contains lots of molasses and beneficial microbes. It will kick start the process nicely for you Cheers Reaf
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