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Green Leaf Organics

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Everything posted by Green Leaf Organics

  1. The Cannabis Chronicles: What the state really thinks KEVIN BLOOM SOUTH AFRICA
  2. The UNODC just called for decriminalisation again (and nine other UN agencies did too)
  3. Nice one bud , I am glad she is doing so much better. Once you have a few ladies under your belt it will become easier and easier to grow , I find it a wonderfull learning experience . You already flowering? Cheers GLO
  4. Weed is really really easy to grow if you don't over think things lol. I do hear you on the acct and I agree acct would be great for your plant but she needs food now. Growing is all about trial and error and learning what works for you and learning what your ladies need and how to sort out issues. We have checked the ph and it seems fine if the meter can be trusted , we know your watering habbits are fine. We know she had a fall and is recovering and we know she looks hungry and for now we have eliminated ph issues . This leaves us with one very clear next step .... feed the plant. I know you want to go completely natural and I fully support that way of growing . She is your first baby and I really do understand you want her to be perfect but in the end of the day it is your first grow and she won't be perfect... for now we need to concentrate on getting her healthy and into flower. I just feel for your first grow and where you plant is that you should feel her with a nutrient . Go ahead and still make the aact and learn from the experience, aact and nutrients won't hurt . Also make a few batches of aact and use it on your normal plants as they will love you for it and the more you make the better you will get and the more you will learn . Take it slow and get a few grows under your belt and in a year you may be giving me aact recipes lol. You know I am a purist organic gardener but for me if my plant needs nutes they get it , it's about her needs in the end and she doesn't care how you want to grow ... all she knows is the is hungry and wants food Cheers GLO
  5. You take it @420SA. I am sure there will be more compo's and I am definitely sure I will have another lady or 2 coming.
  6. I will do my best to get some footage. These guys are tiny lol youtube has a few clips of them if you want to go have a look so long.
  7. Right I am a happy man , my death squad has arrived! Took a bit longer than expected as I didn't realize that they had to come from Israel. I can't open the box until they are ready for release so i will take some more pics later. Cheers GLO
  8. Hi bud Ph seems fine then. How long does it take for the pot to dry out? Have you started to feed her yet?
  9. Eish... only 40g a month... How's a man to get high...
  10. Those little green fuckers can be so destructive.... I have a batch of white widow autos that I was testing for Strainhunters that got infected with them. I used pyrol and manual labour to get rid of them.
  11. @Heisenberg sorry bud I didn't mean to do this to your log @skolly do as you wish bud , we just not going to see each others points we are trying to make and this is someone's grow log . As for an organic hydro debate... I ain't touching that with a 40 foot pole and won't reply again to this thread unless it's too help heisenberg
  12. That shouldn't be an issue then with the h2o2 it will hurt just that top layer and will quickly bounce back. As for the worm... you have 2 options . You can either go nuclear on then and spray with a poison weather organic or chemical as the plant is still young or you can go the more labour intensive route and just keep checking and pulling them off manually . I have done both ways before and both work. As for the soil Toby is correct diatomaceous earth is the best. Cheers GLO
  13. Right so let's take this one paragraph at a time size each one is a different issue.... Doom/bygone as I said it's not what I would use but I know people that do so it's personal preference and don't always believe what hydro shop people tell you. H2O2 I am not surprised you have used it before as you grow hydro not organicly and it is widely used and has loads of benefits in hydro. As for flushing your soil with it is basicly nuking it and then just adding more microbes while you have a plant growing in it is crazy. Have you any idea what this would do to your soil balance and ph? Why do you think organic soil is cooked , it's not just because we want to be difficult , and by flushing your soil with H2O2 you will cause irreparable damage to your soil. Organics is all about my "precious" microbes and this is why I have been collecting my microbes from around the country for years so yes to me they are my "previous" microbes LOL @ organic mythical abilities. .... you might not care about biodiversity but don't lump everyone into your boat as many people do actually care. You also may just throw away your medium when done but I don't it all gets recycled and used again and again for years until eventually the coco has broken down to a point and then it goes into the garden . They are always many ways to get to an end goal and people will ALWAYS choose there own path and whether its organic hydro or however else they want to do it it's there choice . I can see this turning into an organic vs hydro debate again.....but In the end you gave an organic grower advice based on hydro principals which can lead to him killing his plant in an extreme case no matter which way you look at it
  14. Don't know how the others feel about this but I feel that @420SA should be allowed to enter.... that plant is stunning and would have my vote
  15. Hi bud There are many ways to grow organicly and a complete soil mix is the hardest to do as you need to know your strains and feeding habbits as well as have a good variety of microbes at your disposal. Adding blood meal to your tea won't help with he N Def meals need time to be broken down by the microbes to work , which can take months . Honestly to me that's doesn't look like an N Def it looks more like ph lockout and over watering. Keep it simple to start bud . if you want to learn to swim you don't just jump off a boat in the middle of the ocean , you start in a swimming pool where you can stand . Cheers GLO
  16. Hi guys Well as we all know life isn't always perfect in Rye garden and pest get in from time to time and when they do we need to deal with them. I have been battling the borg for a while now , for those of you who don't know who the Borg are they are those little red fuckers that love to piss on my parade.... Spidermites I have done the pyrol thing with good effect and the neem thing with good effect but as a pure organic grower it's always pissed me off that I have to turn to a pesticide even though it's organic to sort them out . On the international sites and overseas you will see there is another option which we have not been able to get in SA easily until now!!!!! Christmas has come early for me and in his sack has brought me 6000 of the best borg killers in the world , P. persimilis P. persimilis are a preditory mite that hunt kill and eat spidermites . Unlike there lesser trained allies the ladybug P. persimilis is ruthless and will decimate the spidermite plague and once done will then turn on themselves and eat each other . Back to Predators Table of Contents Phytoseiulus persimilis (Acarina: Phytoseiidae) Phytoseiulus persimilis, a predaceous mite, is one of the mainstays of greenhouse integrated pest management programs for control of spider mites on vegetables and ornamentals in Europe, North America, and elsewhere. This mite was accidentally introduced into Germany from Chili in 1958 and subsequently shipped to other parts of the world, including California and Florida, from Germany. Appearance Although extremely small (approximately 0.5 mm or 0.02 inches), P. persimilis can be distinguished with a hand lens. It is fast moving, orange to bright reddish orange, has a teardrop-shaped body and long legs, and is slightly larger than its prey. Immatures are a pale salmon color. Eggs are oval, approximately twice as large as the pest mite eggs. (Note: in the winter, the twospotted spider mite also develops a reddish color, although two dark spots on its abdomen usually distinguish this pest from other mites.) Habitat Greenhouses, interior plantscapes, and crops where twospotted spider mites are a problem. Pests Attacked (Host Range) This species is a specialized predator of web-spinning spider mites such as the twospotted spider mite. In fact, P. persimilis feeds, reproduces, and completes development only on mites in the subfamily Tetranychinae, although it also feeds on young thrips and can be cannabilistic when spider mite prey is unavailable. Life Cycle P. persimilis eggs hatch in 2-3 days, and although the larval stage does not feed, the subsequent nymphs and adults feed on all stages of prey. Total time from egg to adult ranges from 25.2 days at 15°C (59°F) to 5.0 days at 30°C (86°F). The adult female may lay up to 60 eggs during her 50 day-long lifetime at 17-27°C. Generation times of from seven to 17 days are possible, depending on temperature and humidity. Due to its tropical origin,P. persimilis does not have a diapause stage and is active year-round in enclosed habitats such as interior plantscapes and greenhouses. I will keep this thread updated as I go and this may be a good option for anyone wanting to take organic growing to that next level. Cheers GLO
  17. Please do not flush your ORGANIC soil with H2O2... this will decimate your microbes and fungi in your soil and more than likely kill your plant over time.... as for spraying with bygone or Doom, that just sent shivers down my organic spine , your choice bud but I wouldn't no matter what pests I have got. @Skolley , bud I am not trying to be mean or nasty but that's just bad advise for an organic grower. Cheers GLO
  18. Aact is not a nutrient... it's a microbial inoculation. Keep it simple this is your first grow? Get yourself a bottle of biogrow and give her a feeding. You can't absorb everything for your first grows. You have to grow your skills as well as your plants. Once you feel comfortable with a few grows then start to refine your techniques. Soil mix simple worm casting, soil, coco , lime and perlite. Feed with biogrow and get that girl looking good. Cheers GLO
  19. *update* http://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/afp/article-3282385/UN-agency-urged-publish-leaked-paper-backing-drug-legalisation.html
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