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Everything posted by Ill_Evan

  1. Freedom Farms or Organic Matters seems to be the two favourites around here.
  2. Lots of space and light power if it is just for two plants. You can mainline your plants in that case, even an auto. I saw a forumite do it recently, believe it was @AcidAlice. Could help your final yield on the CBD auto strain you got there. Check it here [https://www.420sa.co.za/topic/2856-can-you-mainline-an-auto/?tab=comments#comment-33813]
  3. Went to the Transkei for a few days and left the ladies alone for a bit. Got back to find great growth on both ladies. Doing LST on the bigger of the two and once they are both on an equal level in height I am going to put up a DIY scrog net and grow out as much of the 80cm³ space as possible using the 4 mainlines I have created between the 2 plants.
  4. When it comes to cannabis vapes it is highly determined by what your goal is. I feel I have narrowed it down to the two best vapes for two different uses. Da Buddha Vape is great for at home; plug into wall with no worries about battery life. Arizer ArGo for when I want smaller hits or want to have a portable way to consume my herb. I would not recommend the Arizer Solo 2 over the ArGo. I would only recommend the Pax 3 if you want to vape concentrates as well as dry herb, but if you're gonna vape dry herb only then definitely the ArGo. Pax 3 just has too many features that I feel are unnecessary, like the app and such, which drives the price up. ArGo can outperform the Pax 3 in dry herb tokes and to a degree battery life as well.
  5. First place I'd probably go is Builders Warehouse
  6. I've managed to wean myself down over the last month or so to maybe like 1 or 2 grams a day. All it really took was a change in consumption method. I used to be heavy into joints and bongs but around the same time I stopped smoking ciggies I also moved over to vaping my cannabis. Started with Da Buddha Vape, now using the Arizer ArGo. Nifty little gadget, with good homegrown bud you can get away with a few bowls a day, and when I mean bowl, that thing can get you high off 0.5g Just from doing that I think I've gotten my tolerance down enough to enjoy the few grams a day. Really also helps to stretch the homegrown supply. If I hadn't done this I'd probably be struggling tits up this week I'm not sure if I was experiencing withdrawals as heavy as you describe, although during that time I was getting mega headaches but it was also change of season and my sinuses were absolutely wrecked.. could maybe have been a combination of things if I consider the cannabis withdrawal but I can't be certain
  7. Damn a whole month see you on the other side homie Unwittingly on a bit of a tolerance break myself, but just for a week. First time in a long time that I won't be having at least a little puff on the daily.
  8. I've so far had 100% success rate with the paper towel method. You can still take your seeds and do this method, even so many days after starting to attempt germination. Sometimes a seed can take up to 10 days to pop. It's luck of the draw, but try the method above. What I also like to do is place the germination setup (ie your two plates, paper towel and seeds) on top of a refrigerator. The low constant heat is nice for the seeds. Plain old tap water is also fine, as long as it isn't from Flint you should be ok. I think the trick is constant moisture but not drowning in water; a little bit of heat; and the seeds must be in darkness. Good luck @Bakstein420
  9. Your protection is your knowledge. Know that you are allowed to cultivate marijuana in private for private use without intention to distribute. You can reasonably argue personal use at roughly two plants per person within a household. This is not law, it is not written down or referred to anywhere in legislation. Two plants per person in a household is just a legal argument one can use once put to the case in court (if you get taken that far). This is somewhat the case in Australia. South African law does take into consideration laws in foreign nations when precedent is being set (especially now in SA while we still wait for the official legislation). Let me emphasize that the law is still yet to be written on private marijuana cultivation. Each situation will be argued on a case to case basis. In other words, the less you look like you're dealing and the more you look like it's for personal use, the better off you will be. Unfortunately then in the case of growing large quantities for yourself, that's the risk my china that is the game you play, and play it well you must.
  10. Some pitter-patter rain in the area has raised the general humidity quite nicely, sitting above 40% when it's usually at this time below 20%. Ladies look super good. Decided to top the little sister and begin LST on the big sister. An interesting difference between the two plants apart from their size are their own root developments. The little sister sprouted multiple root sites under the net pot where the bigger sister grew a stem from the one small root to the surface of the water and is the site for it's main root development.
  11. What the tits are you on about @nachmanedes? You realise you're thread nechro. You're replying to a 4 year old conversation. Even in E'frika some things change in that time. If you've had a problem with a delivery from hydroponics.co.za, start up a new thread and calmly retype your issue. I assure you'll be taken more seriously and get decent answers then. Hell, maybe you're lucky and an affiliate will even answer you.
  12. Awesome replies ✌ agreed on lighting being more associated to the nature of a grow and not within the realm of organic/non-organic. Here's another question; is bud grown with organic products "healthier" for you? Taste aside, if your feed is overly synthetic, can that translate over to your body in a negative way?
  13. I think the use of an indoor environment can still be considered in the realm of organic, depending on the organic nature of the medium and nutrients used, however not natural as @Ssomeguy suggests. How far could the argument of 'natural' be stretched? It could be argued that there exists no natural cannabis apart from landrace strains untouched by human intervention. But I think in this thread it is suggested that natural is considered as using the sun, soil and organic nutrients. Organic on the other hand is suggested to be considered how synthetic or processed one's medium or nutrients are. I think when MH or HPS bulbs are considered they should be considered on more the organic than the synthetic side as it is the combustion of gases within the bulb which emits the light, somewhat as similar as how our own sun emits light on a grander scale. A curve ball question then could be asked; how organic are LED lights in the context of this conversation? Should the organic nature of the lighting system even be considered at all in the objective description of how organic one's grow is?
  14. Pruned the healthy lady and topped to her third node. Going to continue with LST in a few days as the two main nodes start to recover and grow from the stress of the pruning. The smaller lady is pushing on root development heavily. Looking healthy and just carrying on at a decent pace. Smooth sailing at the moment.
  15. Oh jeez, nice one. Popular belief seems to be in the negative, stoked to see your success
  16. Could be just residue from the spray. Try foliar spray from the bottom side of the leaf and check new leaf growth for any discoloration as you go.
  17. Ill_Evan

    Help plz

    If there is a warranty I would first contact the shop you got it from. If no warranty, pop that sucker open and check the obvious; loose connections, obvious signs of damage, burn marks etc. Hopefully it's just a loose solder connection to that side of the board.
  18. Got the 6 inch intake at the bottom open with some ducting to keep it wide and an old stocking as a filter Also got one of the side vents on the wall right side of the tent open I'm actually now against getting an intake fan just tryna beat this heat man
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