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Everything posted by greenkush

  1. Transplants done, using new plantmatters 22L's I much prefer these dimensions than those of FF, they are not as wide but are taller which means more can be squeezed into a small space Also using newly obtained OM soil. Will be topping in a day or two after transplant shock wares off. Root zone of one plant:
  2. Yep, but the shop's doing massive markup's will just price themselves out the market and become irrelevant.
  3. Yeah some of these grow shops take the piss with their pricing.
  4. So growth is finally picking up, killed another straggler and it looks like I may cull another one or two. Two exhibiting bad leaf formation which i don't particularly want.
  5. In all honesty you should have started with soil, it is far more forgiving.
  6. Yep those fan's are total garbage, I would avoid their black with red fin fans as well. They have a pic of it with a speed control, you get it and it doesnt, you ask them and they're like their supplier said it did. Do you not check your own products? I avoid growguru like the plague, absolutely shoddy business.
  7. I don't have a wish list light, because nothing on the market really impresses me much.
  8. Try 27k last time I got pricing, but in all fairness you can build a much more powerful light than that DIY.
  9. Agreed, watering curing is such a waste of bud.
  10. It means you cant identify the strain from the sprouts if they're for example, AK47, White Widow, Purple flying spaghetti monster.
  11. You're shit outa luck, you'll be able to identify sativa vs indica and that's about where it stops, pretty much every strain has the same phylogeny, with the exception of some divergent (ruderalis) species that could break away from standard evolutionary branches. Whilst cannabis crosses have unique genes, they are ultimately still classified as the main clade.
  12. I'd imagine its most likely around the same region or perhaps 6.2. @420SA?
  13. Update: Transplants due this week, plants exploding.
  14. https://www.tocris.com/resources/dilution-calculator for the lazy ones
  15. So all have sprouted, one tap root fell off and I had to dig up a few to re-position them, I think I had made the pot a little bit to compact. In any event a few seeds did not sprout so they were tossed. Currently in FF germination mix, I will be transplant direct into 20L when they're ready and skip the middle man pots for these (just to see the outcome). They will be going into organic matters soil as well.
  16. Update: So the plants bounced back after their short bout of medium issue. I plan to transplant next week, medium of choice will be organic matters.
  17. It makes no sense that potency would be lost, as this is a genetic identical copy of the progeny.
  18. Fungus, most likely belonging to Zygomycete spp.
  19. Have you checked if they are root bound?
  20. The leaf edges curling up is still a problem. What is the RH @ now?
  21. Your plant looks fine, so don't change anything. Are you growing a chilli next to it ?
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