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Everything posted by greenkush

  1. The EC range they give has nothing to do with them assuming you will use additives to get it in that range, the ml per l, is their recommended dilution rate, however as said before you need to take into account solution temperature to get a more accurate ec, I am not sure what temp they recommend the solution to be. But you'll want to add nutrients till you hit that range, not add additives. I would slowly adjust upwards and not to 1.5 immediately.
  2. Thanks but I’ll stick to brands that are reputable like Apogee; and the MQ-500 is portable.
  3. You don’t get them locally; otherwise I would have stated it obviously.
  4. You can yes, but if you getting PM constantly something is off in your environment or you are tracking in spores.
  5. Very effective, you will need to do multiple applications, AQ sf is a hyperparasite to PM.
  6. What EC do you get with their recommendations at that particular phase of the cycle. i..e week 4 or whatever.
  7. EC is purely based on the recommendation of the nutrient maker. Haifa veg is 1.1, flower is 1.8 Green house ranges by week Your mileage will vary.
  8. You know that the temperature of your solution changes your EC, did you factor that into you 2019 quick maths.
  9. Your plants are being starved 400ppm for that growth is nothing, also do yourself a favor and get an EC pen, PPM is so 1995.
  10. I've now gone to pure coco and fertigation, zero issues at all.
  11. @CleanGreen What % is the hydrogen peroxide?
  12. Agree with @CreX its text book lock out and high pH.
  13. No I did not grow it, its an example from the breeder. Correct its from In-House Genetics.
  14. Hurdur... I assumed the video was to support your claim for genetic weakness.
  15. I assume you have a point to just randomly posting some video?
  16. I agree I generally tend to steer clear of fems unless I have no choice.
  17. If the strain is bred properly and stabilized there is very little to no chance of genetic abnormalities or weaknesses.
  18. I see grass, we need to put more plants there this is unacceptable.
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