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Everything posted by ORGANinc.

  1. Just be careful not to take off too many leaves. Looking again, and it doesn't seem too bushy anyway. maybe even leave it be.
  2. I would not suggest doing anything drastic this far in, however, the plants look super healthy and if I didn't know they were 9 weeks in I would think they right on track. So I would say maybe doing a partial clean up of the bottom fan leaves, and all fan leaves covering buds for better light exposure, then a lot more patience. maybe about 3 weeks more patience... that and beef up feeding as well.
  3. Nice thread man! Very good idea, I wish I could pull a whole month. I get by with 2 days every now and then. Good luck with it bro! Will be good to hear a review on the first smoke after a whole month lol.
  4. Which ever way It happens. I’m more than happy to participate. If there must be some minimum requirement. Let it be money in the form or a entry/reg fee. Maybe one of our seed suppliers could part sponsor some real fire for everyone to grow and ensure consistency, it would make sense given the entry fee. Maybe even inclusive. Then there’s something to grow for. Some commitment. Achieving an even playing field would be quite hard. So if everybody gets a seed and pushes out a bud/pics after X amount of time. Considerations judged for both indoor and outdoor criteria. Could be quite an exciting competition
  5. Don't think they will let her back for public comment twice lol This guy who was arguing against her is an absolute beast! kept his cool and let her make herself look like an idiot... brilliant!
  6. Another annoying reminder... They have only given a month of reviewing public responses, so this will come to an end on the 9th of Oct. Please I urge you to go to the link and complete the survey. It may seem like this does not apply to you, but I submit to you, being on this forum alone is more than enough reason to react change in everybody's mind regarding our humble plant. You see this biggest issue regarding the draft bill is the criminalization aspect. Cigarettes and alcohol have no limitations in households whatsoever, and I'm sure we can all attribute more than enough crime, domestic violence, hurt, pain and abuse of all kinds to such. You may be happy and not concerned about what how our government wants to control our privacy, but again, please take a closer look and see what the implications are. I think we all know what is right and would not back something immoral. So if you feel maybe cannabis has not served you well in the past, and it needs to be held as high as opioids in terms of regulation, then YES lets keep the bill and demonize everything cannabis yet again. The highlight for me definitely has to be the tools being used to get the message across about this "DEMON PLANT"! The kids! We need to make sure the kids are safe! you know these pot heads haven't a clue about raising it kids it seems. Sad how perverse and twisted this world is getting. If its ignorance, then I understand and I can sympathize, but anterior motives... On a lighter note have a giggle at this retard slandering the name of DAGGGAAAA all over the place... If you have not seen this, enjoy... also this little girl is apparently apart of a children's shelter affiliated to Kwasizabantu mission church... Why so much hate for Dagga???
  7. Think it’s a bit too early to say? maybe someone can see something I can’t. Doing much better though.
  8. Hey man! Yeah, as it stands they have given us their written requirements. Across the world there’s been a standard of prohibition. Looks like the way it will go for now with improvements, improvements how far is what matters. I do feel as though more legislation or regulation is still to come. Something that could be sufficient for regulating organizations, members, clubs, non-profits. From a formal and informal standing. This would mean even more understanding and education across the board. I received the bill for Malawi, it recognizes all the above mentioned characters and how to regulate them, so nobody is ill minded here. Criminalizing people is what is the biggest issue I would think. So that should be the main point and the rebuttal going forward. Regulation is a given. Opportunity should also be made but I don’t make the laws... So much potential. This is a article by the Charl mentioned in that article. https://fieldsofgreenforall.org.za/dagga-arrests-are-they-necessary-at-all/
  9. The growth would be equivalent to that of the canopy and all you really trying to do is keep it even. So ya I think it would help
  10. Hey bro! Yeah I rate you definitely could! I think it all works for the good of the plant though and the size of the colas. So there is definitely a sweet spot. Size vs number of colas. I’m going to start watching how I manage the space between colas. And opt for less colas depending on the size of the plant. And that could vary per strains... I’ve got 2 slurricane in 20l pots and they have arms reaching out all sides and I’m really just trying to manage and maintain these plants. And the BBG flowering now could have possibly done with less colas. Around 8. 1 plant has 8 and it’s performing the best. Also the smallest and most compact. But likely one of the heaviest. So that back cola will definitely stretch over at the back. However it would only be an issue if there were plants behind it. I think best to leave it. This is my advise.
  11. Oh no it gets better. Heard a podcast of Jack stone or John stone from C3, him and his attorneys are going to try the DPC model court, he says he will not wait until the cops coming knocking on his door. Hope he isn't talking tough, really want to see what happens with that. The model definitely works from a community enrichment perspective. However registering a non-profit and going balls to the wall is sailing unchartered territory. They say you will only know how concrete clubs are until one lands up in court, which still hasn't happened yet. But that in itself makes you wonder why.
  12. @SkunkPharm DOES IT AGAIN! too good!
  13. This is exactly it, the bill is misinformed and really vague in its classifications. There is no doubt it needs huge adjustments, and I'm sure there will be. However, if these adjustments are not inline with home growers and meeting their private consumption needs it will still all be a waste of time anyway. I read an article either from Ens or Schindlers and they reckon that if the Justice department even tried to enforce the bill, they would have difficulties because of how vague it is. FOG did a review on the bill with questions and response for every paragraph, quite hilarious. So yeah things can definitely be fixed, but if the 8 flowering plants or plant equivalent thing sticks, its easy to have a gentleman's agreement with friends or family to have appropriation for excess plants preferably written up.
  14. Bacillus amyloliquefaciens
  15. I spray a bit of disease pro, which is one of Bacillus fungis... but a fine mist on leaves. don't want to drench the buds.
  16. Dankie maat, Ya wasn't too bad. snipped all the leaves with pm and got the humidity under control atleast... Hopefully they can finish strong now.
  17. Just a reminder if you have not done the survey yet...
  18. Either Week 9.5 flowering / Just over 7 weeks since true flowers under the @Liontree Supernova 320 ... The bubbleberry glue pheno in the second image is going to be done soon soon. Probably harvest this weekend, the rest I will leave for another week at least. Small bit of PM ruining my life, but nothing detrimental, got a dehumidifier in so should be the worst of my troubles going forward.
  19. Hey bru! Yeah I’ve been wondering this... regarding all strains really. When does everybody classify the beginning of flowering? Do the labels means from switch or from first set of average pistol arrangement? I don’t know. Havnt seen a discussion regarding it. Interesting to know.
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