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Everything posted by ORGANinc.

  1. Almost forgot the group shot, T2 is definitely my favorite so far
  2. Nice one man! Look at that, just goes to show. A simple mix will always give best results ☝ Winner!
  3. Update in complete random order. Developments. I tried to train T3 by bending the highest branch, and holding it there with some garden wire. Worked out fine, as seen in one of the random pictures, but I pushed it down a while after for some unknown reason, and that lady lost an arm, anyway she was growing faster that the rest. Then I saw a couple people mention tying up the leaves for the bottom branches to reach more, so first time giving that a bash on the shortie T1 Otherwise. Cruising along
  4. Nice one man, and that plant in the last pic is a winner That TA Soil mix, do they put the ingredients on the bag?
  5. A question about judging, Is there a criteria for judging that can be followed? and who are the judges, surely the most objective people around these parts?
  6. These are most certainly the biggest plants at the moment? Right? Shewwww i'm excited to see all these buDZZZ
  7. Cheers bro! I’m just winging it with what I got, it’s so weird, the smallest one was the fastest taproot and first one out, the tall one was last out the gates.
  8. Girls got a feed today, 1ml fish, 1/2tsp molasses p/l, 2ml biodyne, 2ml fulvic extract. 2 and a half weeks to go. Did some further topping and cleaning up.
  9. Nice one! They snapped out of it nicely
  10. Another week goes by and 3 more to go till the switch. I’ve got 3 very different pheno’s it seems. Might have to get creative with light angling but that’s okay.
  11. ''3'' weeks, ''2'' main colas and the chosen ''1" Big balls man.
  12. They are moving now. Geeezm
  13. Yeah the dosage does seem a bit high, I normally do it at half dose, and use that as a drench, I think normal dose is 10ml per L, if I'm not mistaken. But ya, the plants respond nicely to less especially in amended mixes which is almost always the case. I'm keen to try it in a foliar, I usually use kelp micronized in a foliar, obviously the availability wouldn't be as high as kelpak, however I usually mix a batch and let it sit in a spray bottle (like a quarter scalpel tiny bit!), and that will sit for no more than a week, leaves pray hard with that foliar.
  14. They are looking well bud! I wouldn't say stand clear of feeding. Maybe look at doing a microbes feed earlier too bud, With the microbes, you want to get them in there as early as possible, not over doing it or anything like that, but you want them to establish themselves with the plants. Also I would not be scared to add some sea grow too, just little bits maybe half dose and don't have to drench the media completely. You will always have left over when feeding, and that can go into the garden or other plants. But other than all that, they doing GOOD!
  15. Hah, I have not considered that...
  16. Small update, the drip tape has been removed for now if you have not noticed yet. These plants need decent root ball first, I suspect it can be installed this weekend though, they are growing well. Luckily I didn't cause any damage, but definitely saturated the medium fully, this was about a week ago, so its all swell now. Plants responding quite well to the topping. Have just been giving water since this last wednesday (they got epic+fulvic e+Kelpak+Biodyne), but I think a decent feed is in order with adequate sources of nitrogen, thinking half dose of fish mid-week sometime. I usually couple the feeds with molasses, fulvic extract, and epic, pretty standard schedule and not much difference throughout. And then in the clone machine we have Inhouse - Deluxe sugarcane (unknown pheno) and Ethos - White wedding RBX
  17. Don't eliminate any of them, put them all into the bed, you never know what the bud will look like.
  18. All got a topping a few days ago. Freezing weather in the Cpt but they are doing decently.
  19. https://www.amazon.com/Biological-Transmutation-C-Louis-Kervran/dp/0918860652/ref=pd_lpo_14_t_0/146-9146846-5134641?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=0918860652&pd_rd_r=21f23c0c-4949-45e5-a357-7f484a75dad5&pd_rd_w=yTsE8&pd_rd_wg=eWrzf&pf_rd_p=a0d6e967-6561-454c-84f8-2ce2c92b79a6&pf_rd_r=4QEHZ20FGXE3S39K1XZR&psc=1&refRID=4QEHZ20FGXE3S39K1XZR
  20. The soil might be too hot, but if he just continues on with watering when the medium dries abit, i'm sure the plants will snap out of it and grow well.
  21. If your soil is wet and the plants are still building a root zone, I really wouldn't suggest flushing the soil bud. I'm having the same problem in such a big container, the soil does not dry up easy so overwatering is always a risk. Only once a the plants have a nicely developed root system will they be able to take a flushing, or further stunting could be on the cards.
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