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Everything posted by CreX

  1. If you could use a tent for drying it would be really good... Cut the ventilation and just use a circulation fan... If you don't pull new air in... The humidity from the plants and maybe a bucket of water will really go a long way. A humidifier will work great too if budget isn't too much of a concern
  2. How are you doing your drying? In a closed space or in a cool open area? Ideally you want to maintain roughly 60% to 65% humidity while the bud is hanging to dry... If you do that it should take about a week to dry nicely. At the time the bud goes into jars, you bring the humidity down to 55% and let it sit at that RH for as many weeks as you can. And keep the Temps low! Definitely under 25° or you will lose terpines and cry
  3. What's up my guy!! Welcome to the forum! Have you bought the lights already? And seeds? What are you gonna grow
  4. I have one of these in my garden at the moment too... A Chocolope saimese twin mutation that looks exactly like your whorled phyllotaxy. I just hope mine is one sex because it has 2 taproots
  5. It is such a Grey area.. One outdoor plant grown semi decently could set you up with enough bud until the next harvest... Likewise... A poor shitty grown indoor plant is gonna give you enough bud till Saturday. I do hope we go toward more the Canadian laws... I think they have a 99 plant limit... Or it's straight up do what you want with the plant except sell it. My advice is... Keep your grow a secret... Nobody needs to know what you do and if nobody knows, the chances are lower that cops will one day rock up
  6. Pretty much... If it's a small pot, a put a bit extra good soil in the hole too... Packed with goodness for a baby Marijuana plant... Then that red sand takes over... I have needed to start feeding the big plants so that yellowing leaves doesn't happen. But yea... They just get dumped into the ground and love it
  7. LOL!! I would like to give it another go some time... I do have a bunch of seeds I want to get going so we will see how things go
  8. Good lawd you guys are in for a tree today!! In the garden I have the following... According to size. Ghost train Mint OG Aurora Kush Critical mass Northern lights 2x Ayla Blueberry Inzane in the membrane
  9. Fuck... So heavy days... I let the res water drop a touch low and the roots went out the water... The whole plant is crispy and I had to call it... This diary if anything... Presented the opportunity for easy clone and cutting transportation... Even though I was a lazy bag of shit in the end
  10. Since the last time, I have moved them all outside due to lanky stretching and just poor growth over all. The wind is really making these plants bend lol!! Hoping to sex them and then plant them in bigger pots. I don't have time to point them out lol... The ones in pots
  11. Looks like nothing? If you're referring to the light brown spots... I would say that you recently sprayed something and it burned the leaves a touch... Otherwise new growth looks fine? What are you asking actually? OH!!! And welcome to the forum brobeans!!
  12. CreX

    Help plz

    Yea, depending on your DIY skills and if you have a multimeter. I would send it back to the supplier if it is under warranty, they will repair it or exchange it hopefully.. If that's not an option.. Then open that bad boy up!! Maybe it is just a loose cable and then it's sorted... Can you take more pics? I can see something is wrong... But I need more pics. I doubt it's the actual LED panel... It's more likely a faulty driver in the unit... Each led panel could have its own driver like the nova lights. Let us know!!
  13. I agree with PsyCLown, that soil is very poor quality. But in the same breath... That little plant looks weird at the top... Like it's flowring already. What is it and do you have more seeds? Put it in the sun for a few days to see what happens
  14. Nice man!! I also have a similar mutation. Where yours looks more natural... Mine looks like 2 plants conjoined like a saimese twin haha. Keep us posted
  15. I agree... Down with cannapax!! Atleast for another year... Once laws are passed and they fall out of the Grey area... Then we can celebrate their success, and hopefully their quality improves
  16. I wouldn't go in with every watering... Luckily it's very hard to overdose with magnesium... But it can happen... I would make do a magnesium feed once a month with one of your feeds. Not sure if you have a ppm meter, but aim for 400ppm... Which is not much... If you don't have one... It's okay... Go in at a good sized table spoon measure per 10l water and that should help. I doubt you will use all 10l on one plant... But by the sounds of it, all your plants could benifit from a mag boost. I agree with @Dank on the Foliar spray... It will help ease the plant up a bit... But the soil drench is needed. As for the salts, Epsom salts are a vitally important salt for any soil.. I agree... Not knowing what you are putting into the soil could really muck things up. But I think he is safe with this one
  17. Purple stems are very rarely genetic and are more stripey purple than a solid purple. I would give the good ol calmag a go. If you don't have any handy... It's chilled, I'm more wanting the mag in the cal mag... Purple stems like that are directly related to a magnesium deficiency and is easily corrected with Epsom salts. You can get some from pnp for about 20 bucks... And it will last quite some time. Mix as directed on the box and the plants will get better. New growth on the stems should become nice and green again... And over time the old stems will go green too
  18. Those humidifiers work like a dream... But then it's best to reduce intake and exhaust to keep the humid air in. Or else you're just heating water and taking it outside Hope you find the humidifier though!
  19. Howsit and welcome!! Yea man! It's been really great the past year... It is a real true blessing to see so many people growing and nobody is getting hurt or murdered or anything negative because of weed. Enjoy your stay! Hit us up with a grow diary when you get some seeds! Enter the outdoor competition even! It's just begun and you can still participate! That would be cool outdoors, otherwise what do you have in mind? Weed will grow anywhere so your choice on what to grow
  20. Those pics were taken on Monday morning before work, and this is from this morning, super veg mode ON
  21. Yo yo!! Iv had great results using a fishtank heater to heat a bucket of water in my garage. Humidity went up past 40 for the whole garage, I'm sure it would work like a charm in a tent. You have any fishtank heaters?
  22. @Nikkel and you get to see stuff you weren't looking for too! I'd hit up hydroponic.co.za and see what they have for you. Whenever I see something I want from a hydro store, that's the place that it's happening at... Too bad for me it's in Capetown and I'm in jhb
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