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Everything posted by Totemic

  1. Just smoking. It's delivering enough at this point. If the need arises I have coconut infused feco I can add.
  2. This is for posterity. Cold Turkey is rough but it brings with it a learning experience. This thread is to document any and all side effects of a cold turkey while implementing a THC rich cannabinoid regime.
  3. Day 7-12 has been the real withdrawal I guess. Tension in my ribcage, back, shoulder and neck muscles breaking into spasm. I guess this is what labor feels like. Constant nausea and vommiting with an inability to keep anything down. Virtually no sleep. (Day 7 -10) Most of these have eased up as I head for the 2 week mark, with only the muscle tension really still prevalent along with the pins and needles in my fingertips. That meditative dissociative feeling is gone. I feel I'm back in my body as it were. I'm already more active, and feeling less depressed actually. Let's hope it only gets better. I have also found that I am actually smoking less cannabis as well. I'm experiencing more THC activity ie. I'm starting to feel the effects of THC now.
  4. It really depends on what you are dealing with. How far along the infection is. PM starts in the leaves and as the infection spreads, the petioles then branches and eventually the buds will be infected to. I don't like bud washing and as in this case my infection was still localised on the leaves which were removed. Water is PMs enemy as it washes away spores before they have a chance to embed. My plants always get a good sprinkle watering with the hosepipe to rinse off dust etc a day before harvest so I suppose that's a washing of sorts but I don't dunk my buds in water.
  5. Let your tap water stand for a day and check if that ph stabilizes somewhat. It would help you out a lot
  6. Your pH range is too unspecific and you are going to run into problems. If you are going it organic then narrow the range to 6.0 to 6.4 with 6.2 the sweet spot. Inorganic your range is 5.6 to 6.0 with 5.8 the sweet spot.
  7. This is more of a journal and trial than anything else. Long story short. Been on high dosages of SSRI's for 3 years. Been necessary in dealing with my particular trauma. But, and here's the big but...Emotional blunting! I can't handle how the medication makes me feel nothing. Fokol. Not good. Not bad. Not anything. It's really like you've given up on investing time in anything. Anything! So this isn't a psych consult or a thread where I'm going to answer any questions about my current configuration or what led to it or what meds I'm talking about. It's a journal of going cold Turkey off my meds as the reality of adequate self medication with THC has become a viable option and trial. A week after just stopping. My finger tips and toes have a permanent tingling electrical feeling. I feel completely dissassociated from myself. Almost euphoric. A feeling of being in a dream state. I have a constant ringing in my ears. Naturally my moods are up to shit and getting violent swings as emotions actually are starting to be felt now. Let's see where this goes.
  8. Fresh seeds have blocking enzymes that inhibit germination and they take about 6-8 weeks to disappear.
  9. For what it's worth...I germinate my seeds in full summer sun. They are built to handle extremes we are blissfully unaware of. Even indoors will do well under HPS imo.
  10. I like to keep my fat cells as full of cannabinoids as possible..... smoke more if you have too much flowers!?!?!! Honestly that piss test will spring apart and break. But yeah storage as mentioned above is a must.
  11. Busy with the commissioner...Well of he OKs it, it will be another Jackie Selebi mission.....
  12. Totemic


    Overwatering and that plant is starving to death. Repot. Feed. And start watering way less.
  13. Separately cultivated seeds. I also experienced no pollen drift and pretty sure it was me pollinating the neighborhood and not the other way round.
  14. Nah you not stepping on toes. Just the way I communicate. Excuse me for I am feral to say the least. Definately not socialized. As for the breeders bible. Yeah it's great info but breeding becomes breeding when you are breeding. Good starting stock...no impeccable starting stock is the key.
  15. It's actually quite simple to understand the hermie phenomenon in Cannabis. Picture the x and the y chromosome as a ruler each, and every mm is a genetic switch that will either be on or off. Hundreds and millions of switches that determine only half of the circuit. For the hermie trait to pop up in a female the the dominant X switch needs to be on. If you find this chuck it cause you ain't flipping that switch off. If the recessive x switch is on it may or may not Express, but will definately express in the offspring at least 25% of the time. Now with a male the dominant Y chromosome does not have the switch but the male does carry the recessive x and if the switch is on there 50% of the offspring will carry the gene in an active state. This is simple genetics and applicable over many more DNA strings than just cannabis. Environmental conditions do not make a plant decide what sex it will be. That is genetically impossible. A female will not decide to be male. She will hermie. A male can not be a female, but can also generate female flowers. The only evidence is applicable to offspring. It is the same as you saying you turn into a girl in winter weather or a boy in summer...?
  16. From the moment the seed is conceived in the flower its sex has been determined.
  17. I am afraid you are confusing a standard genetics explanation and trying to explain dioeceous hermaphrodism. That gene is carried on the x chromosome and not on the male y chromosome as you suggest. Hermaphrodism is a female survival response and can only be expressed on the x. All xy plants are male. Always. All xx plants are female. Always. Normal males either drop x pollen or y pollen. Thus the male determines the sex. If you get a female to produce pollen there is no y so it can only be female offspring.
  18. Well schedule 4 isn't exactly anyone. You need to be a pharmacist to dispense, and a medical Dr to prescribe. Why schedule 4 though. I bet Borstol cough syrup is more toxic than CBD.
  19. Yeah. I'm in CT and its wet here...3 weeks drying time is my standard.
  20. Blah. Our tap water is fine. Not going to even entertain info flexing. You knock yourself out. Growing Cannabis or any other plant is not nearly as finicky or precise as you suggest.
  21. Reality check. Our water in SA is not so contaminated with choramine as you suggest. In fact our tap water actually teams with life. I grow with only the micro herd in mind and tap water is more than fine.
  22. All dried and ready for the cure. Both plants delivered in excess of 750g each. It has been a pleasure to bring you that are following this log. It is still frightening at times to post to a practically public platform a tiny piece of my passion for plants. I have however realised that as much as this log has been incriminating, it has also been an example of how benign it is to grow cannabis. None of my neighbors bled or died as a result of my plants. I breed pepper plants too and spend more time with them than any other species. The point is. Here it is...the seeds went into soak on the day the Constitutional Court made the verdict, and an entire baby later, yes almost 6 months of veg and just over 3 months of flower, I am consuming my own non criminal cannabis, and this log is proof of where my Cannabis has come from. Start a grow log. Not entirely for our benefit but for your own. This revolution has long gained traction but having a log like this one is powerful, factual evidence that you are growing your own Cannabis and you can fully account since seed/clone. But really...we have had to live in the dark with this forever...Let's show them how we do it like the productive normal people we are. To put costs of this grow into perspective. I spent a total of R200 on fertilizer. My soil mix cost me R400. Water was R30 x 9 months, so R180. For a total of under a grand spent, that works out to about R1 to R1,50 a gram. This changes everything. This improves my life. This, well this! That gives myself and my wife 2g a day until I can grow and harvest again 12 months from now.
  23. I can't fathom how the powers that be can even consider overuse or abuse. Besides tolerances the mushroom will moer your ego into submission quick quick.
  24. Well its equally criminal to incarcerate someone for eating a mushroom. People are frightened to death of hallucinogens simply because they are frightened of their own minds. This is powerful medicine when used appropriately. Its also certainly not dangerous recreationally either.
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