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  1. converter my shower to a veg tent lol perpetual grow here i come
    2 points
  2. Breeding Cannabis at home as a hobby (or more seriously) is now easier than ever before, thanks to the pioneers that have been tirelessly breeding (and preserving) countless of generations since the early 80's in Holland, US and other parts of the world. We as hobbyists can now start with proven genetics and try to develop new, or preserve certain traits/effects that the Cannabis flowers posses. Feel free to ask questions or share your experiences/resources. Cannabis Breeding Articles https://www.cannabisbusinesstimes.com/article/cannabis-breeding-basics/ https://www.leafly.com/news/cannabis-101/what-is-cannabis-breeding https://www.royalqueenseeds.com/blog-breeding-and-preserving-cannabis-genetics-at-home-n511 https://www.alchimiaweb.com/blogen/marijuana-growing-guide/history-of-marijuana-strains/ to be continued..
    1 point
  3. Im starting my first grow. i would really appreciate any feedback or advice . here is some supplementing facts about my grow. Grow type : indoor grow medium : coco perlite 50/50 nutrients : EHG COCO Nutrients ( Micro/Grow/Bloom) Hydro system : Autopots with 8 pots system Lighting : 600w HPS (grow) 600w MH (Bloom) Other : humidifier , Fans , Carbon filter connected to cool lights trough light hoods , Humidity 50% Temp 27 C always Genetics: 4 Pants are Dynafem purple mobi dick 60/40 Indica/sativa 4 Plants are Humboldt Lemon Thai Kush 40/60 Indica/sativa 17 May 2019 Germanation Mistake Number 1 : dont use tap water for humidifier... clogs the carbon filter. First hard training and topping Lemon thai is doing great First time cloning is going good introducing air into root system via airpump with airpods Plants are loving extra oxygen in roots Clones staring to form roots switched to Bloom ... changed lamps to MH 11 Jully built a better scrog net from pvc End of week 4 in Flower ... look at the size of the mobi dicks!!!! thankfully cloned that plant lol
    1 point
  4. So making a screen for your green shouldn't cost you an arm and a keg... There are cheaper ways of doing this, but I went with a wood frame for a bit of weight. You can get aluminum angle bar that is pretty cost effective too... But light. Also conduit can be used, but I would use it for smaller nets and more of a sub canopy support and not for canopy support as the plant will lift the net with growth and time if it is not heavy enough. I bought some 38mmx38mmx2m square pine wood from builders... Cost around R50 a length. Bought a packet of screws to put it together... Cost around R50 too Had a spindle of string at home so I was sorted there... But strings not costly either. Okay so I made 45° cuts on my lengths of wood, I made a custom size to fit my grow space exactly. And ended up with enough wood to make a 2nd decent sized screen ... I measured my square sizes and made marks on all the lengths of wood the same. Drilled all the holes for the strings. My square size is 75mm x 75mm I screwed the corners together using 3 screws on each corner. That made up the frame. Then I strung it up making the string fairly taut. Check it out! So begins a new experience for my indoor grows
    1 point
  5. Welcome, Pitty about the timer. That's a shit one. Although you did not check for a week? Damn! I take a look at least once a day, at worst and if I'm not home I look on the 2nd day. Good luck with your next grow, looks as if you'd have had a nice harvest if the timer hadn't broken. Sent from my Redmi Note 7 Pro using Tapatalk
    1 point
  6. I'm also using a shower. The built in drainage is great
    1 point
  7. Yeah man, I love me some rock... you know, with the drums ... and some bass. Drum and Bass, right?
    1 point
  8. I must say I actually like most genres, I even listen to some classical. Mushroomhead, cannibal corpse, stutterfly you name it
    1 point
  9. hanging The main bud site is so dense, I just can't wait haha Plants ended up smaller than hoped, but they did go unmanaged for a few weeks while I was overseas, timers kept everything going but no fresh nutes or anything like that.
    1 point
  10. Thrn you will be fine... Might look like a dead piece of shit at the end of it... But you will have viable seeds in bulk
    1 point
  11. I'm going to say about 14 days, however, it depends at what size you first spotted the balls. I think I may have a few that will pop around Sunday-ish. Sent from my CLT-L29 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  12. ALTERNATIVE TO PERLITE and it wont cost you a cent......... 1. Styrofoam as Perlite Substitute. Perlite is excellent for amending soil used for container grown plants and for starting seedlings in a soil or soiless medium. ... Blending for about 1-2 minutes and then draining in a sieve will give you a nice Perlite substitute. It has the consistency of coarse sand, but very lightweight. 2. Rice hulls share similar physical properties with perlite and may be substituted for it in fresh or parboiled forms. Because parboiling rice subjects it to steam pressure, which kills all weed or rice seeds, it is preferred over fresh rice in potting mixes. 3. All natural cat litter. (Calcined clay.)Your plants will dig it. 4. Pumice is the better choice for sandy soils because it greatly increases water-holding capacity. Both pumice and perlite help improve soil drainage and increase oxygen levels in clay soils. Pumice particles are larger than perlite and less likely to blow away in windy areas. 5. Crushed glass also works. 6. Biochar can be used. just crush it up, but be cautious as it will absorb nutes. From what ive read you only need to apply about 10% to mix.
    1 point
  13. Spot on, many growers actually trim the tips of the leaves to allow more focus on the roots and less on the leaves. Personally, I leave one fan leaf and the new growth. I don't generally cut the tips unless it's a space issue in my dome. I don't like the leaves touching each other too much. Gel, powder and peat pellets. Make sure the water you soak in is correct ph, dip cutting in gel and then in dynaroot no2. 12 days from snipping to transplanting, some of the eager plants can be transplanted after 10 days. If my clones haven't rooted within 14 days, they are disposed of. Sent from my CLT-L29 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  14. Flowering : Week 5 Not much to report, except that biological frost machine has gone into overdrive. Moved 1 ssh and 2 slh from main flower to veg tent, which had my chocolope competition contenders. The veg tent is now a small flower tent, and the chocolopes have been conscripted into main tent under those LEDs. Added about 100g of powder feeding, EC up to 1.3 from .4. No idea what ph is, but doesn't seem to matter too much, and I'm the ultimate lazy grower
    1 point
  15. Starting to look very promising... Sent from my CLT-L29 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  16. If kids gonna smoke weed then I hope that's the most extreme thing they ever do. I for certain did worse as a kid than I do now as an adult. I just want to be able to freely grow and enjoy my weed without fear of any prosecution, and if I felt my product worthy for the exchange of monetary funds in order to pay the rent, then also be allowed to do so.
    1 point
  17. I have read that cutting leaves / removing leaves can help the plant root quicker, less energy spent on photosynthesis and more on forming roots. I took some cutting and they had roots pushing through the jiffy pellets after 2 weeks, they're almost 3 weeks old now and in soil already. Although I am about to build a bubble cloner, so will see how that works in comparison. I try and ensure few / small leaves on my clones. Below is a pic of 2 cuttings I took tonight, before I cut / their leaves off, the tips mostly. I put them straight into soil though in this case.
    1 point
  18. @CreX do cuttings that size often grow well? Do you use rooting hormone and do you open for /change the water at any point? That looks amazingly simple, I'll be trying that
    1 point
  19. I still can't come to a rational conclusion why a plant needs any legislation. Legalisation implies laws exist governing cannabis. Outlawing nature is a crime. If laws governing the protection of minors step up, it can't possibly be more severe than our current liquor laws. My point is the law has been the primary vilifier of Cannabis. The problem is that.
    1 point
  20. @Oolong83 I can see this tread becoming a complete mess lol @CreX Nice idea .....Cute man, she so tiny! My clones below, took 4 WEEKS to give roots! was worried sick. Rooting in summer took only two weeks.
    1 point
  21. Stick a cutting in a bag with a bit of tap water and give it some time on the outskirts of your grow lights.
    1 point
  22. @Oolong83 Am not a fan of anything pharmaceutical but yah seen guys that have success with Aspirin. I use cheap hormone powder, also seen guys using Aloe plant sap to root.
    1 point
  23. never trust the popo just keep your grow stealthy regardless, plant some other things around your plants
    1 point
  24. Welcome and enjoy your stay!
    1 point
  25. Welcome bro... Make yourself comfy... And don't forget to strap on... It's gonna be a glorious ride Strap in! Lol... It's too early for strap on
    1 point
  26. Looks like we on to something here!
    1 point
  27. Alrighty then just a small lil update again nothing serious. The Lemon Diesel and AK are both tall enough to tickle my nipple, I'm honestly not that short. So just a few randoms of the veg tent also going on too My Amnesia Haze and Bay11 are the frostiest this round and I'm honestly surprised with the Bay11 not really knowing what to expect. Bud shots in order of appearance Bay11 Amnesia Haze Blue Dream DC OG The white marks on the leaves are from the previous milky spray Sent from my G3312 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  28. 1 point
  29. Flowering : Week 3 All going well, ebb and flow working nicely. Feeding (gh powder feeding long flower) at acout 1 EC, then let it reduce to .5 before back to 1. PH meter still broken.
    1 point
  30. Flowering : Week 2 Ladies are doing well, seem to be happy on ebb & flow. But..., 5 mins after takin picture, the input pipe became detached. I tried gluing under because if it's mounted properly, it doesn't drain fully, and I don't want pools of water in my tent, especially as it gets warmer and drives up RH. I'll try a different glue tomorrow, although I suspect the plastic tray is purposefully 'non stick'.
    1 point
  31. Update on the ebb & flow conversion. Everything is installed and working, just figuring out the timing. I don't have another digital timer, so may just do 10 mins every 2 hours on a switch timer, that's on the main daylight timer. I will switch to fabric pots for next, and maybe switch medium to leca.
    1 point
  32. Flowering : Week 1 Not much to report. First full week on 12/12. Manually watered, added 1.4EC powder feeding. Just ordered the necessary to convert the flower tent from Autopot drip system to a full ebb and flow. The autopot jams and overflows at the slightest impurity, which has then caused powdery mildew... The tent is on a raised platform, so easy enough to convert, theoretically...
    1 point
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