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Everything posted by Marzcanna

  1. I would like thank @GreenGrow Garden Route @Totemic @Bay Seedsfor the awesome gifts and @420SAfor giving us such a great platform to be able to display our work. You guys are force within our community and I ask that you may continue doing the great jobs that you do and as the saying goes "stay lifted"
  2. I wounder if @Totemicand crop king both woke up one day with the same cross idea ......... Unlikely
  3. Marzcanna

    Germination Poll

    Well sooner or latter these type of tactics comes back to bite them
  4. Marzcanna

    Germination Poll

    No credit given either, well it is what it is, seems others like to ride on others hard work. Happens to me all the time with my competitors, copying my original ideas and than passing as their own. Its sad
  5. Marzcanna

    Germination Poll

    Will you send me the link, i'd like to read it
  6. Let me throw my 1c in here, I used a 600w HPS for a long time and just before I converted to LEDS i used a 1000w HPS, first thing the heat off those things is crazy, having to run your extractors on all day costs cash plus add in the costs of running such lights to your electricity bill, Was it worth it? Have i seen better yield using HPS rather than LEDS? I cant say because i haven't run true 1000w LEDS to be able to compare, what i will say is for less watts than HPS I get a pretty damn close yield with LEDS, less heat also meant I didn't have to run my extractor all day, meant I saved on electricity bill, less watts for the same outputs or close to those of HPS aswel. So no matter which way you look at it, LEDS are a win win
  7. On the wall yes but output is much more with LEDS, so 600w HPS vs 600w LED might be the same on the wall but far apart on output
  8. OH i remember running HPS (High-Pressure-Sodiums) they used to get the job done, BUT running at 600W the electrical bill was no fun. LEDS for a home grower is a must
  9. TA (GHE) is really good, nothing against it at all, the only thing that puts me off the product is the price tag that comes with it. I think there is just as good local products for a fraction of their price
  10. Yea I'm keen to see how this vote goes. I mix my own soil aswel. I have used FF once tho
  11. Because I'm expecting people to come at me with pitch forks and touches we all now the normal 12/12 and 10/14 but not to many people have heard or tried the 13/11 or 11/13 thats why I decided to post under conspiracies
  12. I'm Increasing the dark period as the weeks go by. My normal routine was actually what you mentioned above, going from 12/12 to 10 hours light to 14 hours darkness with 36hrs of complete darkness before chop. Now I switched it up abit with 13 hours of light / 11 hours of darkness for the first 2 weeks and work up to 36hrs complete darkness. So all im doing is increasing the dark period from early-mid-late flower
  13. Its not surprise to any veteran & new grower that we switch our plants from veg to flower by switching the light cycle to 12/12 The light cycle is important because plants need light to photosynthesize. The more light we can give them, the better they are. With photoperiod plants, we are limited to only 12 hours of light during the flowering stage. However, there is confusion in the growing community about the duration of lighting that works best for flowering 11/13 Flowering Light Cycle: Can it Improve Your Grow? When growing photoperiod marijuana, it’s a standard practice to give it 18/6 in veg and 12/12 in flower. However, there are growers who use a shorter photoperiod and swear by it. Let’s review the existing studies and anecdotal evidence and see if 11/13 flowering light cycle and similar light schedules really work. What Does Science Say on Flowering Under 13/11? It’s notoriously difficult to find any peer-reviewed scientific publications on the subject of cannabis cultivation. The question of using 11/13 for flowering is no exception. There’s one major paper that studied the effects of light (intensity, spectrum etc.) on cannabis production. It only briefly states that shorter photoperiod potentially leads to smaller yields*. Well, it’s expected, and this is the same thing as growers on forums say. Another study actually focused not on medical marijuana, but on hemp grown for fiber. It also noted that shorter photoperiod causes earlier flowering**. The researchers observed little difference in flowering times if days lasted 13 h 40 min or less. However, if light hours were at 14 h 40 min or more, this significantly delayed the beginning of flowering (and the harvest time). Well, hardly any real-life grower has ever experimented with a 14/10 cycle, so this doesn’t give us much insight. It’s interesting that both 12/12 and 13/11 fall into the “13 h 40 min or less” category, and the scientists didn’t find the difference statistically significant. And in case you’re wondering what’s the maximum length of day at which most cannabis plants start to flower indoors, it’s 13.2 hours (and 10.8 h of dark)***. So not only the ‘11 on 13 off flowering’ light schedule, but also the opposite (13 on 11 off) can be used for flowering. At least, for indicas and indica-dominant strains. And that’s it in terms of reliable scientific data. Let’s hope we get more in the future More Controversial Findings on 11/13 Flowering Light Cycle Perhaps, the list above didn’t inspire you to try less than 12 hours of light during flowering? Well, here are a few extra points that’ll probably change your mind. At least two celebrity breeders—the legendary DJ Short of the Blueberry fame and Swerve from Cali Connection—recommend to shorten the day during flowering. DJ Short believes that this method is great for breeding. It’s because it increases the expression of sativa genes in a hybrid. This affects the plant structure and the shape and the texture of buds (e.g. foxtailing). More importantly, it also influences the high. Presumably, the standard 12/12 cycle makes the effect more couch-locky. And if you want more of the cerebral sativa energy, you better make light hours shorter and darkness longer. The effect of 11/13 grown buds also tends to be a creeper, according to anecdotal reports. Some people say that they’ve noticed less stretch on 11/13 during flowering. Which means that you should give your plants a longer veg than normal if you want the same final height. There’s much controversy about whether the 13/11 flowering time produces more trichomes or less. Some think less light equals less THC. Others say THC gets degraded by light, so more hours of darkness means more potency. Anyway, if you want more resinous buds, the 11/13 method doesn’t seem like a good idea. You may want to try the extended dark period before harvest instead. The same goes for 13/11, the logic behind it is that cannabis can flower with more than 12 hours of light and less darkness but to a certain point. Buy maxing the amount of light you can give during flower (which is believed to be 13) You can potentially increase your yields. I have tried both 11/13 & 13/11. I didn't see much of a difference except a slight bigger bud on 13/11 and more resin in 11/13, but not that much. What i have adapted from the above test and article is a 13/11 for the first 2 weeks of flower, 12/12 during mid flower & 11/13 during the last weeks followed by 6/18 and 36hrs of complete darkness on the last week of flower. I'm keen to hear everyone s take on this. ARTICLE SOURCES: 11/13 Flowering Light Cycle: Can it Improve Your Grow? Benefits of 13/11 13/11? Or 14/10?
  14. I'd say potassium or PH fluctuations, calcium is anther possibility https://www.growweedeasy.com/cannabis-plant-problems/calcium-deficiency https://www.growweedeasy.com/cannabis-plant-problems/ph-fluctuations https://www.growweedeasy.com/cannabis-plant-problems/potassium-deficiency
  15. Yea im with you on that one. Weed without some type of terpene profile is just grass
  16. Ladies entering week 5 I top dressed abit late and so the ladies got abit hungry. I switched to some organic liquids for the mean time, everything else seems to be going smoothly, my only regret so far is having worried about the stretch to much and should of let them grow abit more
  17. Id toss it and start over but if you really don't want to be at a loss, you can try water cure it, you will lose terpene profile but atleast it will be smokeable
  18. I wait atleast a month before planting
  19. Yea go with with the Elemental blend. It has everything you going to need at 1lt for every 10lt of medium
  20. I agree with you, in my business i have a no drug (including weed) policy, ironic since im a farmer but as you said some positions require a sober mind, but i know my employees come to work blazed and i don't say or do anything because its during off hours however i know some places that would still get you fired...sadly
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