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  1. I read about Ed Rosenthal is a Cannabis grower and activist and writer and lots of other things. His writings on Cannabis are very well done and usually dive into some scientific findings, which is very nice to see from someone so involved in the Cannabis community. Anyways, the following is one of my favorite quotes from him about CBD, and I think it sum's it up pretty well.
  2. I'd take the gamble on the test, unless you are 100% sure you are going to fail. Honestly, it depends on the company as well. If they're larger, then it will probably result in a termination or they'll pass on you. A smaller company, on the other hand, may be flexible if they really want you. A small company who I worked for had an intern fail who was really good at materials analysis and they basically said," Don't smoke weed for 3 weeks because we are testing you again!". That is, of course, very rare for a company.
  3. Hello World! I’m Albert and I live in the Boston. I’m a software license distributor and I’d like to learn how to code so that someday I could create something that would be of help to the community. I’m currently learning JAVA and I like how the this site is helping me learn it. The best thing about codecademy is the “experiential learning” that it provides which for me is the best way to learn. You learn right away when you make mistakes, and correct it. You can also review previous lessons which makes learning more effective. I would like to learn as much as I can so I can create what I want or be prepared for future coding opportunities. Thanks and happy coding to everyone!
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