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GreenGrow Garden Route

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Everything posted by GreenGrow Garden Route

  1. Welcome Bud.. Good first impression.. Enjoy your stay..
  2. Found this.. HydroherbAfrica Sells it for R160.. https://hydroherbafrica.co.za/product/420-mix/ Happy harvest is R110.. https://happyharvest.co.za/product/420-mix/ So with shipment you might get away with it being cheaper than FF.. But I will not change.. Had some fungus kgnat issues but since I mix Diotomatious earth in my mix I have not had anny issues.
  3. For some reason they fascinate me... and I'm a bit skittish for them also... Have you seen their fangs... I always expect them to bite.. When I find them on a plant it is assif I have peace that there will be no pests arround..
  4. Cut the bottom of the bag open.. Turned it around slip it over the plant and closed the Ziploc to the stem.. Helps catching pollen..
  5. Morning Green thumbs.. So the male is chucking pollen and the little girl started flowering.. An arranged marriage is on the cards.. The pheno hunt is still on going and it seems as if the next lot is a bit more sativa dominant. Some more seedlings where potted up and the hunt is on.. I made a new soil mix and will be testing it with a few seedlings.. Pushing the boundaries a bit again but doing a pheno hunt with only FF on a tight budget does not work.. I germinated seed in a big flat bucket and some I did with the paper towel method and completely forgot about them on top of my light... Planted them and they seem to be ok... 24hrs turned into 3days..
  6. So the companion plants are coming along really nicely.. Glad that most survived my hot soil. Curious to see if they really do what is expected and they attract beneficial Insects.. Spotted a new mantis today but I don't think these plants attract them though..
  7. Some feedback I saw when I was still on Face Book was not very positive.. Would like to know if forum members have used it and what they think.. What I saw price wize was a bit shocking.. I do not think I will change from FF though..
  8. At the end of the day Twin Towers came down... Male.. The 3 new seedlings in the tent show some promise.. The 1st little one below has a very strong spicy smell to it.. at 3 weeks that's a first for me.. Must be some of the LGO coming through.. The other two also have me a b it excited as they seem to be good enough to either pollinate or get pollinated.. I think these will carry the LGO forward.. The current chosen male is bussy flowering and I am about to collect some pollen. If one of the above seedlings turn out male.. he will become the preferred pollinator..
  9. Looking real good there bud.. They're happy as can be...
  10. Evening growmies.. So the companion plants turned into far more than just companion plants.. I have to get my grow space ready to host all these new seedlings and Vegelings..
  11. Geeze bud.. You just won the beaver hunt compo.... Looking awesome... they half way yet?
  12. https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-samsung-rev2&sxsrf=ALeKk03IHV0JlwbpxUNJ17RUbP3g7WqxVw:1613108575519&q=Cottony+cushion+scale&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAONgVuLSz9U3MDIvKDAxWMQq6pxfUpKfV6mQXFqckZmfp1CcnJiTuoOVEQBq_XoSKQAAAA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjuxoLd0ePuAhXkUBUIHZ_oBGsQgOQBegQIHRAG&biw=360&bih=616&dpr=3
  13. So.. the Cabbage Patch Doll turned out to be male.. and Twin Towers is a female Yay... The newcomers are catching up but most of them seem a bit retarded..
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