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Everything posted by Psylecta

  1. How about forum cuts - seeds or cuttings from the forums finest grows
  2. For sure, but looks good so don't give yourself too much of a hard time hehe I reckon the frame would probably take the longest - shade cloth I'd just tack on like a mad man with a staple gun but then would need to make an opening or door that swings open
  3. Let us know how it goes, am amped to see the grow - when your photos are in the ground I'm gonna holla at you for an cutting blackberry merits cyberbegging
  4. Sounds like bs, more than likely he hasn't got a prototype to show off Lol @Ill_Evan I call it a W.O.F.T - waste of fucking time
  5. When I saw this heading I was like he must be referring to BHO Shatter but lo and behold But sorry bud, you can't smoke honey and anyway why you would you want to, you definitely won't taste it if that's what u hoping for + skuif won't burn= pointless
  6. @Bakstein420 send a kop in the post when she's done!
  7. Awe always check them daily, but this is the first time I've seen chewed leaves, never had issues before so I was immediately alerted and bingo, an asshole - here's the k@nt
  8. I'd wait another 10 days - 2 weeks depending on how hot it is
  9. Like the shade cloth enclosure, need to make one myself, been getting nailed with leaf miners - plants looking great bud
  10. So the queens have an outdoor castle fitted with thrones and a moat lmao Propped the pots on 2 bricks inside a large round pot, got it filled with water (below brick) to trap any asshole pests trying to invade Leaves drooped slightly after the watering - perhaps they were thirsty will keep a close eye as usual
  11. Lmao, well until that private bill bullshit kicks in, I'm making hay while the sun shines!! Besides I usually go through 100g in a month so trying to keep it as consistent as I can until they pass the bill afterwhich they gonna get the chop even though there's no reason for cops to come round, bleh cost of being a good citizen I guess
  12. Hectic!! And I've been buying like an idiot for all these years!!!
  13. Growth is taking off with a few plants in the main grow tub so am busy prepping another round grow tub to transplant the best looking ladies over Will edit post with images shortly
  14. @Totemic with 500 seeds per flower, how many seeds would have to plant to be sure 1 plant would germinate?
  15. I must start the veggie patch cause nothing better than munching homegrown but reckon im gonna do it in front yard to lessen the risk of critters attacking the grow - noticed this afternoon a small piece of bud going brown & went to chop it off thinking its rot but then the whole fresh nug just fell apart & im like "wtf" thats not rot - look again & like a chameleon theres a fat green caterpillar munching himself f@cked up so veggie patch definately going in the front f@ck that - ive already put my smaller pots on bricks inside a moerse pot with water at the bottom like a castles moat - now just need to build a net to stop these flies from nailing my fan leaves with leaf miners and I'm pest free Am keen for some tobacco seeds, where can one hook up from?
  16. Really nice looking plant!!
  17. Holy shit, 500 seeds per bulb, germination rate must be low though otherwise we'd see tobacco growing everywhere, no?
  18. Just done that a hour ago, went on the safe side and split 1.5l among the 3 plants - soil wasnt completely dried out an inch down into medium so i wasn't all too concerned about the top being dry cause when I transplanted I made sure medium was nicely soaked (+ I have chunky vermiculite in there) but yea but when checking on them now OKC & AT are praying big time, slurry will get there especially if she is infact thirsty. When's the best time to start following a feeding schedule?
  19. Yeah I've been watering the plug with a bigass syringe (100ml) slowly letting it seep down the plug then cover it with a bit of dry coco so it doesn't dry out - I'm a bit reluctant to saturate the soil just yet (especially the slurry) but if you reckon I'm being a bit too paranoid please feel free to drop a suggestion
  20. Awww man that sucks bro, I'd suggest going with a photoperiod also, will yield much more than an auto and a photo is easier to grow in my opinion, autos can be finicky have to grow them perfectly cause you only get one shot, photo is more forgiving in that regard
  21. Ladies loving the sun - the slurricane not looking as perky as the rest though but hopefully she'll be praying in the next few days Slurricane Orange Kush Cake Alien Tarantula
  22. Growth is kicking off but still got some discoloration on lower leaves - might need to treat again by weekend Bucket grow also taking on nicely Spotted some budrot after last nights rain - immediately chopped it Close up After chop
  23. Ahhh I check yeah, thought they were in the ground hehehe
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