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Everything posted by CG420za

  1. I'm not being a hater or anything, but I work with solder and SMD stations. The fitting of the LED's looks like it's done by hand with a soldering iron... That's not ideal coz dry joints are a real thing.
  2. After all the washes i've done, this method has proven to be the best for extracting water from the buds. I wonder what my neighbours think I'm doing
  3. I always wash my buds simply coz of the amount of dirt that accumulates on the flowers. I agree with the smoke being better as I've done a side by side, washed and unwashed sections of the same plant. My process is first to remove all fan leaves, the 3 buckets, 4 if i had PM. Lemon and bicarb wash, i think the fizzing helps with dislodging hairs and shit. Then 2 baths of clean water. After that it's the spin cycle, swinging buds like a mal donner. I like to hang my plants on the washing line, in shade obviously, just until the excess water is out. Once it's not dripping anymore, i swing again and then into my tent with only the extractor fan. This works well for me, coz the tent vs ambient temp and humidty is around 1 degree and 8% RH different.
  4. I have a contact i can give you if you're in cape town
  5. Believe it or not bru, i found the advice on an organic gardening site. The bottle contains 25000 mites housed in vermiculite, so i sprinkled a little in the pot and held the mouth of the bottle on the leaves that are most affected. Just did the mom's this morning before work. I'll do the tent tonight.
  6. Morning okes. Decided to go this route with my spidermite problem. These P mites are oppit! Running all over the show, chasing down the spidermites, and yes, i watched those little fuckers flee for their lives... Sooooo satisfying. Could almost hear the little mite screams
  7. is this it? https://hydroponic.co.za/hydroponics/ecobuz-pest-pro/?attribute_pa_size=40g-sachet&gclid=Cj0KCQjwpdqDBhCSARIsAEUJ0hNN5z64cJloi2jQf6ubt7Mg_uwuJ7ZqgiIzVU4TziWYl8nwEPhQKikaAn_NEALw_wcB
  8. Yoh, if i had known last week i woulda messaged him. I'm getting 5000 mites for R350. And murphy's law, my mite situation has calmed down a shit load coz of the cooler weather
  9. We could even trade... I have mandarin cookies R1V2 (ethos)
  10. Spiders are great, I had a rain spider as a pet once. Then i introduced a male. My heart was broken the next day, there were just legs left of the new arrival.
  11. That's one strain I'd love to get my hands on, Slurricane #7
  12. They're pricey. I'm picking up some predatory mites later at the hydro shop for R350, but I was told that will not be the price when they officially sell them
  13. Good news on he topic, hydroponic.co.za will be selling bugs soon too, supplied by Koppert i believe .
  14. Ahoy fellow growmies. I've decided to start a tent thread... I'll randomly post current grow pics. It's not a journal, I suck at those. This grow started in mid Jan, but because I tried something new, my girls took very long to take off and thrive. DON'T EVER TRY TO START SEEDS IN TEA BAGS! The last pics is where I'm at now.
  15. I've never seen one of these before. Kill it with fire!!!
  16. That would be correct. I imported mine from the factory though.
  17. I've had good growth with seedlings at 20cm @ 25% strength, once the true leaves are out 25cm @ 50% then kept it at that height until flower, raised to 40cm @ 75%. Light bleaching started at 10cm. Anyone else noticed an increased need for CalMag under LEDs?
  18. Meet Roger, the fungus gnat slayer and yes, he's my pet coz he's been in my tent for 3 weeks, we're homies now.
  19. Awe @Bos, this is the business my man! Thank you! I happen to have all of the above at my disposal. Also, these okes made me second guess my experiment I'll be sure to wear goggles!
  20. The thing is CreX, I could do nothing, but it hurts my heart that this will be the ONLY hiccup to a flawless run. My ladies are looking great. I can't just watch those litter fuckers go to town after all I've put in. 12 000ppm is kak high if you don't have a clue. Like me, I don't have a clue But, to aid my mission, I have 3x18oz CO2 bottles. I reckon that will do something in a 2x4. Doesn't suffocation = death? Also, spider mites don't have long legs man, they slow AF. Lets see what happens, it's either this or fork out R600 on predatory mites.
  21. Awe man, I figured I could leave the tank outside of the tent with the hose running in via the top vent. That way the CO2 would filter down nicely seeing as it is heavier than air. The downside is that I don't have anything to measure the CO2 PPM, but the candle idea seems solid. No IP webcam though... Guess I'll just wing it and max the CO2 concentration for 30 mins as you said. I've read somewhere that you should run it for an hour at 12000 PPM. I need to read some more.
  22. I have a C02 tank that I used to used for paintball may moons ago. The ASA screws onto the bottle so I can vent it in there that way. I'll tape the zips with duct tape to prevent any leakage and my exhaust fan vents straight out the window. @PromMy tent is automated, I can turn the fans on remotely. I won't be going into that room while the C02 is present. I don't mind pissing the girls off, I'm just worried that I could suffocate and kill them. As for the spider mites, I would've loved to kill them with a blowtorch, but plants burn
  23. Howzit ladies and gents? As the title suggests, I'm planning to nuke my grow tent. I have 4 girls in week 5 of 9. On Saturday I noticed that I have these fuckers chowing my babies. I don't see any webs just yet, but the spotting on my leaves makes me nervous. Ideally I'd like to use ladybugs to get them, but it's not available to buy in SA at the moment. I have a bottle of pyrol, isopropyl alchohol and neem, but I want to avoid spraying any sort of pesticide. I did some research and it seems CO2 is an inexpensive solution. I do however have concerns regarding the amount of CO2 and the amount of time that I should bomb the tent for. Also, is there a chance that I could kill my plants using this method? Any input would be greatly appreciated.
  24. Should be fun to watch... GL!
  25. Personally, i feel that these parents either care too much or don't care at all. Kids are either getting babied to the extreme or abandoned. Like there's no middle ground.
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