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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/01/2022 in all areas

  1. Happy new year guys! Wishing you all a successful year Let's hope that 2022 will be a little less and a little more
    4 points
  2. Aweh gromies. The girls started showing some early signs, females got transplanted to final spots. Might chuck some pollen if we find a good male, but thats a big if, as theres enough other stuff going on. 1. Girls only recieved some natural rain and wormtea, with a crassclipping topdress to conserve moisture and keep the rootzone cool. Will do a lower part cleanup once they get over any transplant stress and start vegging proper. 2. Got some potted ladies going as well, wanted to compare growth and yield between the growbed and my diy soil style of growing for my own interest. 3. Did a serious defol on this big girl as she was getting way too bushy. Might need to do some lst to open her up a bit. She recieved some biobiz grow humic/fulvic and molasses as she seem quite hungry. Lekker
    2 points
  3. Hi guys!!! Thanks for taking your time out of your schedule to read this thread. I recently started growing some indoor female genetics and I’m still a complete novice at it. The little plants are about 15 days old. I need as much assessment as possible. Is this the normal size for 15 days old plants? Am I missing something or should I just wait it out?? *** The older plant in the pictures, is a lemon haze and she is about 64 days old and I’m not sure if I should start prepping it for flowering? I topped it earlier today and still looking out for results. I am growing in coco coir in a 150x150x200 cm tent. I also need someone to tell me if the leaves on all plants are looking healthy enough or has signs of deficiencies?? Any help would be appreciated!!!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  4. So who else got shitfaced last night? Photoperiod section doing well. Autos doing well upstairs. Tent is getting a bit crowded with all the clones.
    1 point
  5. My tortoni - funny story here sort of. I was originally planning on putting one of each in the ground and keeping the others in the pots. I didn't check what I was doing and put both my tortoni plants in the ground also I broke a branch off while cropping ...........
    1 point
  6. Grapefruit Sourz note: one of my plants is really going through shit, general blight, over watering (from myself and rain). The other plant is thriving though
    1 point
  7. Day 59 22/12. Small, sticky dense buds and a nice fruity aroma. The spider mite problem is still affecting one part of the plant but doesn't seem to be getting any worse.
    1 point
  8. Some beautifull big ladies you got going. Looking healthy and strong.
    1 point
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