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Project "Alice" - Testing grounds


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@CerealKilla dont lose hope or become despondent, its an opportunity to learn. Best advise educate yourself in your chosen method, ie, organics. There are loads of material out there + you have the forum to pose question when problems occur.


To be honest growing weed is kak easy, growing dank weed is where the skill comes in.


Like GLO has mentioned, keep it simple, less is more and very important be patient.


Ill post up my current outdoor grow soon where I utilised very basic techniques and it's going excellent.

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Shot guys. I'm reading all the time. Thing is, I really wanna do this completely organic. If I fail, I fail, I have millions of seeds, so eventually I'll get it right ;) Yes, it's a tough nut to crack, but I wanna learn and I'm sure I can pull it off, maybe my 1st grow won't yield much or anything, but I would've gained lots of info and experience in the process.


I'm making up some soil from GLO's guide, specifically "Reaf's living soil mix". I finally scored an air pump to make my aact so now I can start brewing and feeding the mix.


So Alice will be my problem child until I've learnt enough to not have major problems. I'm just glad I have you guys to help me along the way ;D  I do appreciate everyone's input!


As for my nitrogen deficiency, if I add blood meal to my tea mix, that should help her along? I'm thinking 1 cup castings, 1 cup JGS to 5l water, 2 tablespoons molasses and how much blood meal?



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Hi bud

There are many ways to grow organicly and a complete soil mix is the hardest to do as you need to know your strains and feeding habbits as well as have a good variety of microbes at your disposal.


Adding blood meal to your tea won't help with he N Def meals need time to be broken down by the microbes to work , which can take months . Honestly to me that's doesn't look like an N Def it looks more like ph lockout and over watering.


Keep it simple to start bud . if you want to learn to swim you don't just jump off a boat in the middle of the ocean , you start in a swimming pool where you can stand .




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Honestly to me that's doesn't look like an N Def it looks more like ph lockout and over watering.  


Hey GLO, I got a cheapie pH tester at superplant. My soil pH is at 6.5, I believe I'm within the a good range? Also, I have eased up on the watering quite a bit. I water just before the soil is bone dry and almost on the previous weight. Do you think the pot I used was too big considering I had to pot up prematurely?

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The run off stops after about 5 mins (no more dripping). The last watering had a 12 day gap. She looked her best at day 10/11. Watered on the 27th, her pot still feels a bit heavy and the soil at the bottom of the pot is damp. I haven't fed anything yet.


Also, I do understand that AACT is not a feeding, it's to inoculate the soil, but I've found a few recipes specifically for vegging MJ and the guys swear by it. What are your thoughts? Do I really have to go the biobizz route? My friends plant (which she didn't plant, it just grew there) is just about waist height, it lives under the tap in her yard, where nothing grows. How hard could this possibly be with decent soil?

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Weed is really really easy to grow if you don't over think things lol.

I do hear you on the acct and I agree acct would be great for your plant but she needs food now. Growing is all about trial and error and learning what works for you and learning what your ladies need and how to sort out issues. We have checked the ph and it seems fine if the meter can be trusted , we know your watering habbits are fine.  We know she had a fall and is recovering and we know she looks hungry and for now we have eliminated ph issues .


This leaves us with one very clear next step .... feed the plant. I know you want to go completely natural and I fully support that way of growing . She is your first baby and I really do understand you want her to be perfect but in the end of the day it is your first grow and she won't be perfect... for now we need to concentrate on getting her healthy and into flower. I just feel for your first grow and where you plant is that you should feel her with a nutrient . Go ahead and still make the aact and learn from the experience,  aact and nutrients won't hurt . Also make a few batches of aact and use it on your normal plants as they will love you for it and the more you make the better you will get and the more you will learn .


Take it slow and get a few grows under your belt and in a year you may be giving me aact recipes lol.  You know I am a purist organic gardener but for me if my plant needs nutes they get it , it's about her needs in the end and she doesn't care how you want to grow ... all she knows is the is hungry and wants food




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Shot GLO, I hear you loud and clear. I'll look into getting a bottle of BB Grow, but until I get around to that, I'll feed with some tea. Just to see what happens.


One more question, do you think I should flush the soil before I water with the tea? In my mind, I'll be flushing the current microbes and replacing them with newer, healthier ones.


For my first brew I've got some soil from the mountain side, JGS soil, worm castings and worm tea and I've read that some guys add some bokashi bran a few hours before they finish their brew. I have the bran, worth a shot?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi bud

How's things going with this grow?

Hahaha, the struggle continues... She's growing, I'll leave at that :-hilarious


I've given up on the idea that she'll yield anything, but it's a good learning curve. Got rid of the yellowing, but now it's nitrogen burn... she's doing better after numerous flushes, but still not 100% Green leaves, burnt tips, teeth facing upwards at the moment.

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I see N def and Mag def on your plant CK. I'm pretty sure the mag def is the cause of those cupping leaves. Have the lower leaves yellowed an died? If yes its definitely mag def. It really is time to start feeding her now. As GLO says, compost tea will not do the trick.


I'm no organic fundi but if you're not keen on Biobizz maybe try some of these cheap organic supermarket alternatives


  • Epsom salts - for the mag def. 1-2 Tablespoons per 5L of water
  • Seagrow and/or Nitrosol - for the N def amongst others
  • Guanoflo or GoOrganic Seabird Guano - Not cheap at around R120 but cheaper than Biobizz


I'm pretty sure these are deemed organic ::) or perhaps I could be corrected. I don't see a problem with using them on an organic grow personally. These are only good for veg though so once you get to flower you're gonna need to make another plan.


You don't wanna waste time holding out with the soil as it is now, you won't have anything to smoke at the end :-puffin

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I see N def and Mag def on your plant CK. I'm pretty sure the mag def is the cause of those cupping leaves. Have the lower leaves yellowed an died? If yes its definitely mag def. It really is time to start feeding her now. As GLO says, compost tea will not do the trick.


I'm no organic fundi but if you're not keen on Biobizz maybe try some of these cheap organic supermarket alternatives


  • Epsom salts - for the mag def. 1-2 Tablespoons per 5L of water
  • Seagrow and/or Nitrosol - for the N def amongst others
  • Guanoflo or GoOrganic Seabird Guano - Not cheap at around R120 but cheaper than Biobizz


I'm pretty sure these are deemed organic ::) or perhaps I could be corrected. I don't see a problem with using them on an organic grow personally. These are only good for veg though so once you get to flower you're gonna need to make another plan.


You don't wanna waste time holding out with the soil as it is now, you won't have anything to smoke at the end :-puffin

@CK This should not be happening with a JGS mix! I suggest you go back to Jamie and ask why the soil is lacking certain nutrients. Just my :-2cents

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I see N def and Mag def on your plant CK. I'm pretty sure the mag def is the cause of those cupping leaves. Have the lower leaves yellowed an died? If yes its definitely mag def. It really is time to start feeding her now. As GLO says, compost tea will not do the trick.


I'm no organic fundi but if you're not keen on Biobizz maybe try some of these cheap organic supermarket alternatives


  • Epsom salts - for the mag def. 1-2 Tablespoons per 5L of water
  • Seagrow and/or Nitrosol - for the N def amongst others
  • Guanoflo or GoOrganic Seabird Guano - Not cheap at around R120 but cheaper than Biobizz


I'm pretty sure these are deemed organic ::) or perhaps I could be corrected. I don't see a problem with using them on an organic grow personally. These are only good for veg though so once you get to flower you're gonna need to make another plan.


You don't wanna waste time holding out with the soil as it is now, you won't have anything to smoke at the end :-puffin

@CK This should not be happening with a JGS mix! I suggest you go back to Jamie and ask why the soil is lacking certain nutrients. Just my :-2cents


Word! Im also growing with JGS and I aint lacking anything...

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Thanks for all the input. I won't be going back to Jamie to resolve the soil issue. I'm going to start from scratch with a different grow. Alice can trot along on her own.


I'll be using a different soil mix and nutriplex nutes until my soil ready. I think I'll have better luck with a known strain.  :-peace

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Then we'll carry on with little miss sickly! If I repot this one, is there a way to get her out of this JGS and into the CCPS or will she she be fine with the JGS and CCPS mix?


Also, I got some Calcium Magnesium Nitrate Plus, they like little granules, how much do I use for a litre of water?

N - 137g/kg

Ca - 122g/kg

Mg - 33g/kg

B - 2.14g/kg



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Then we'll carry on with little miss sickly! If I repot this one, is there a way to get her out of this JGS and into the CCPS or will she she be fine with the JGS and CCPS mix?


Also, I got some Calcium Magnesium Nitrate Plus, they like little granules, how much do I use for a litre of water?

N - 137g/kg

Ca - 122g/kg

Mg - 33g/kg

B - 2.14g/kg



Just re-pot the JGS mix into bigger pots which has been filled up with CCPS at the bottom and around the sides. I wouldn't advise adding any form of nutrients to the CCPS mix because its proven to have all the necessary nutrients.

Hold onto the CMNP until your plants show that its lacking Calcium and Magnesium. Chances are that you wont need it at all, :-peace

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