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Twix Aphen

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Everything posted by Twix Aphen

  1. The 3 cheeses carry on bulking up and loving the fish mix they got, last week.only 1 dream queen has survived. I dropped the tray and decapitated the other 3 more room, more light and a bit of fish mix too
  2. These have had a nice growth spurt since they were put under 50 W of LED. Touch wood I haven't seen any more spider mites, but I will keep on spraying before flowering. I haven't done any sprays since I let the persimilis loose. Rosetta Stone master kush garlic sorbet Spumoni I've cloned the garlic and put her into a 25 litre pot now. She has got some vigour and is going to need a cane for support soon.
  3. On the road to recovery. 2 doses of fish mix and 2 doses of Margaret Roberts plant food. They are improving every day. Epsom salts, fulvic acid, malted barley are the other things I added too. When I remember, I must put on some more kelp, rock dust and worm castings for a final top up in the pot.
  4. Mycoroot test. with mycorootno mycoroot one on the left is with mycoroot No difference between the two, in terms of health, size and vigour. I am starting a new test with plant matters v mycoroot v control to see if I can see any difference in seed germination.
  5. Cosmoroot fell behind and the clear winner was kelpak and aminomix, in this round. I will also try to conduct a better trial with my next round of clones. On the back of this experiment, I've bought some Cosmocell H-85 humates, which is part of the ingredients in the Cosmoroot. I'm now using 0.1 g in 2 litres of water Tap water v chlorine, I still can't tell any difference between the two. I'm satisfied that there's no problem with using water straight from the tap. 1.5 ppm of Chlorine is nothing to be worried about and the pH from the municipal supply is spot on at 7.1
  6. Thanks for explaining. Can you connect both ends of the soaker hose, to balance out the pressure? One more thing I want to ask is why do you mix this in a bucket for 2 days before applying it? First, I put 3 tablespoons of barley down and chuck2 litres of EWC straight on top of the pot, then water it in.
  7. Good morning, they look very happy this week. Are blumats a pain to set up properly? Do you use the drippers, or soaker hose? I hope you solve the issues soon.
  8. @GGG I've already started with the fish mix I also might have gone a bit heavy handed. The last 2 waterings I've used 3 ml fish mix + Epsom salts.
  9. @PsyCLownthey sell the soaker hose on marijuana SA. R67 per metre. I was just looking for prices on the carrots and drippers. It's going to cost R1200 to set up enough for 2 totes. I use something similar to water my compost piles with. I currently use a timer, tank and spaghetti tubes for watering during flower. I flood into the trays every other day and let the pots suck up the water overnight. Thanks, but I still can't shift the lime colour from the two big girls though. They don't look so lekker, right now. I will claim the bulbs too, cheers. @Bay Seedsthe boy/girl. Its happened to each one, so I probably stressed them out.
  10. Thanks for the tips. Can you set the carrots to maintain the dampness in the tote, so you don't have any run off?
  11. One carrot per tote? I am going to put one plant in each tote. Do you also use the drippers?
  12. If I can get 2 pallets, put a tote on each one. Do you use the blumats too? Or water by hand.
  13. What is the active ingredient? It says on the label that it's for ornamental plants. Be careful using systemic synthetic chemicals on your indoor crop.
  14. This one seemed to be growing normally and then pushed out 3 branches from the node.Then reverted back to 2 branches, at the next node up. Random pics It makes life easier and is quicker to dose with a pipette, instead of a teaspoon
  15. @GGGthank you for the kind words and the suggestion. What about using a pallet? 150 litres must weigh a fair bit. I'm going to use this mix again, from last year's grow. The pots are bone dry so I gave them a good wetting and a dose of seagro. I've got a lot of old hydroton that I can mix in to lighten the load on the floor joists.
  16. They are looking great and making some nice tops too
  17. The clawing is going now but some tips are still affected. I don't think they liked my defoil very much and my attempt to dry out the soil was a disaster move on my part. The leaves have stayed small after the plucking and some thrips are also joining the party. The two biggest are the hungrier plants so I upped the dose of granules, doubled up to 2 table spoons, gave a spray of Epsom salts and put in 3 mls fishmix with the last two waterings. I was given some 12 V strip lights and a pair of 80 watt t-5s. I can add some light for clones with the strips and boost the veg with another 160 Watts. Or even use them on the periphery of my flowering area. I'm prepping the room for flowering and think I might go up to 160 litre totes for th first 2 plants. My only concern is bearing the weight of soil onto the floor boards.
  18. Twix Aphen


    I agree, the curling round the bottom of the pot is from over watering. Its very easy to do, I also have a heavy hand, but if the Pot is raised up and never sitting in its drain water this can help to improve things. Or try not watering till run off. Little and often will discourage the roots from dropping straight to the bottom.
  19. Hello Dave. If the soil stays constantly wet, with too few roots then the problem will continue, if you keep up with daily a watering routine. I would let them dry out a bit, let the roots breath and then they can start to build and fill out the pot. An automated watering device (blumats tropf) would help to take the guesswork out of the situation. The carrots cost about R200, I would buy one of these instead of spending more on a moisture Meter. Weighing the pots is an excellent suggestion and I am going to start trying that out too.
  20. Hello Bud, I water my 25 litre pots in a similar fashion. When I transplant into them I give roughly 300 ml per day and go up to 1 litre a day as they grow. During flowering they can take in 1.5 - 2 litres a day
  21. Please can I claim the seeds and tub of myco?
  22. This diary is a great read and I always enjoy the updates on those roots too.
  23. Charlie is looking strong, this week. Hopefully the Durban is a quick grower and she will catch up with her big sister.
  24. It is inspiring, a raised bed would be cool to see indoors. The plants are looking superb. I've got 2 totes full of soil thats ready to use. I'm going to transplant from 25 litre pots into the totes and try those blumats too
  25. The other 7 Watt bulb is keeping the boys happy in the cupboard. @GGG hello buddy, I hope you are well. these 2 are the great white Sharks and they're just about to start shedding pollen.
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