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Everything posted by The_StonedTrooper

  1. You might find the peroxide adjustment to the water or even itself, is a low or high pH level and or the oxygen will stop it growing further, but like before it lives in and on the plant, it's on the leaves to spread and not to live as to speak, it lives off the plant.
  2. Yes you can use it, diluted. And you can even pH your water and spray that, as it cant live on a certain pH, high or low. But the best is to prevent and not cure, as with wpm, most of the time when you see it, it has taken hold and inside the plants system, therefore m6ch harder to stop or fight.
  3. @Promwill have to import bottles of Serenade and sell to us, as he is the only way I can think of getting it and who has the connections for this
  4. I do now, and thank you for the welcome brother, and compliment, always appreciated. @PsyCLown I agree with milk, and used it before, as a side note and precaution, please if you do use milk, use the low fat, so your buds dont get that sour milk / lactose smell we love haha. Unless you wash the buds afterwards
  5. I'm so pleased to have just received my order from @Marijuana Seeds SA and really cant wait to plant them. Original Glue Fem GSC Auto Sherbet Cookies Fem Blue Cheese Auto Grease Monkey Fem These are definitely going to be logged and photographed in every detail, and hope you'll all come along for the journey with me. Proudly supporting this company since day one and because of their ethics, and have always had outstanding service from them, so will continue to grow with them. Thank you Family,
  6. Yes definitely as a preventative than cure, always, with anything in life and WPM. Plus as you are @Fridge best you store it in yourself as the bacteria lasts longer.
  7. This is what I've used and happy, and much safer in flower, and best to keep it in the fridge to keep the stuff fresh too.
  8. This is super interesting though, we need a thread about this definitely.
  9. That means so much to me, thank you @Chris Jay
  10. Something more decent, but sad how much stuff is on the net that isn't legit. It Started With Some High School Kids You know who does know a thing or two about this? Larry "Ratso" Sloman, author of Reefer Madness: A History of Marijuana. The most accepted root of the high holiday starts with some high school kids in San Rafael, California, back in 1971. Sloman says the phrase started as "420 Louis," meaning "at 4:20 [they'd] meet by the Louis Pasteur statue outside the high school" and get high
  11. Googled A marijuana user smokes joint at a 420 Day celebration on "Hippie Hill" in Golden Gate Park, April 20, 2010, in San Francisco
  12. Wasnt it to do a bill or something that was passed or it became less taboo, it's also not clear and a myth or legend type situation.
  13. He would prefer that I watch these and not participate, he is being funny by saying not to let me enter or even give me ideas to do so, haha. I love it, good banter and that is what I have missed dearly.
  14. This should be easy, in simple it's the 20th day of the 4th month. A hippie celebration as to speak and to smokers it's their official, unofficial holiday.
  15. Oh hectic, sounds a lekker spot. Not sure what Fresh and Healthy are and will google them to see, but looked interesting enough to share, and wasnt exactly sure what it was about. Like your description of the owner too, he must have a few stories to tell. Raw is good, depending on what it is Thanks Evan
  16. Silly me, saw the error and didnt think that was a link, technology
  17. First video age restricted and not showing
  18. I did think of that, but will be fair and join in when I can again, be proud of the others and support from the comments. I'd love to help in anyway though, you know that
  19. Hi Fam, Not Affiliated to this or taking part, but thought I'd share with my family as I've just seen it and dont see mention of it here yet. Should be good, but this is the only detail I have sorry.
  20. I know the guy, and you correct, though there is a little unsettling info on the seeds here on the forum and makes me uncomfortable to purchase them now. Not to say I wouldn't ever, but I dont have total faith yet and therefore will wait for more info. I far rather go to GB than GG
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