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420SA Needs Your Help

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Hi guys

Best wishes for 2024! Hope you all enjoyed a good festive season.

Unfortunately just like last year, I'm having to reach out for help with covering the hosting costs for the forum. The forum has sadly hit a complete standstill in terms of generating any revenue from vendors or advertisers for the past year. So any expenses need to come out my pocket. Fortunately a vendor joined recently which allowed me to acquire some long overdue software and security updates for the site.

The renewal of the website's hosting fees unfortunately also come at a time when I'm often financially strained. I'm in the process of growing a business which is requiring constant investment too so I just don't have the funds sitting around to cover the costs for this website.

Hosting renewal is due for 8 January 2024. Renewal fee is $78.88 (R1443.13)

I'm not asking for much from any members individually by any means but collectively we can get close to the number and I will cover the rest. See it as a tiny non-mandatory membership fee 😉 

If you would like to help please drop me a PM and I will provide banking details. 

Your help makes sure that we can keep this forum going for as long as we can 🙏


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  • 420SA pinned this topic

Hey bud. Sad news. My journey from online nursery to bricks and mortar retail venue has just hit a major obstacle. After months of setting up I find out water at this particular farm is super high in iron. Might have to close shop, fuck. Trying to arrange finances myself to ship in water and for water storage tanks.
Send details. Can afford R100 if that helps.

Sent from my SM-A032F using Tapatalk

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8 hours ago, West Coast Vaper said:

Hey bud. Sad news. My journey from online nursery to bricks and mortar retail venue has just hit a major obstacle. After months of setting up I find out water at this particular farm is super high in iron. Might have to close shop, fuck. Trying to arrange finances myself to ship in water and for water storage tanks.
Send details. Can afford R100 if that helps.

Sent from my SM-A032F using Tapatalk

Hey bud

Thanks for reaching out! Really appreciate it. Any donation whatsoever makes a difference. I'll pm details

Sorry to hear about your schlep there. Have had my fair share of stumbling blocks at my business premises. They never seem to end really but we push on. Have you looked at the possibility of getting an RO system? Or are you looking at too high volumes for an RO system to cope with? 

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Hi guys

So far there have been donations from 2 members totaling R600-00.  Hosting expires tomorrow (08/01/24) so there is a chance the site will go offline until I can scrape the rest of the funds. I will do my best to get the site back online as soon as I can manage to. 

During that time you can contact me at the forum's gmail address 420saforum@gmail.com as the primary mailboxes will likely be suspended as well.

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