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Air Intake, Proper Filtration


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Good day people !✌️ 

So recently I decided to dig into filtering air intake in a grow space for a home grower, and well I didn't get much further than air purifiers and I found this one HEPA filter box which is specially for indoor growing. I also know about those boxes gthydro sells, but they just have like a thin piece of cloth in them or something if I'm not mistaken ?

The HEPA filter box I came across -

Anyone got some suggestions ? 😆

Edited by Khakibos
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I run the below filter. It has a removable "cartridge" with a about 5cm worth of poly filter pads kind of the same they use for fish tanks. It cleans up nicely, I just zap it with a hose and leave it in the sun to dry for an hour. Are you current fans going to be adequate to do the 55 minimum air exchanges through the filter? 


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Air intake needs not much effort in purification if its a small scale grow. I have 100mm fan from H2gro, and I wrap a bug mesh over it so it doesn't suck in any undesirables, a more permanent and effective solution would be a standard carbon filter.

These HEPA filters are for GMP standards, so if you growing some home grown medical marijuana. BY all means  🤪  

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3 minutes ago, Naughty.Psychonaut said:

if the bug barier doesn't catch enough dust particles, a pair of pantyhose will 👍

Bru my propagation station needed a intake, and a filter of sorts. Those bathroom fans are 150mm, only 100mm ducting would fit through the Propogation tent holes. So I needed a reducer of sorts as well as a filter. Pantyhose check, plastic 2l pot, cut the bottom out with a scalpel and boooyaaa reducer check... When there's a will there a way. 

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