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Posts posted by Weskush

  1. 17 minutes ago, Naughty.Psychonaut said:

    a marigold is a stink afrikaner? 

    arent they meant to repell unwanted insects by the smell of the plant itself and attract predatory insects with their huge bulbous flower such as bees and lady bugs and other pollinators thus detering unwanted plant eaters even further?

    first time I ever hear a marigold attracting unwanted insects. 

    Jip. First time that i've seen a Marigold sacrifice itself in this way. 

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  2. 1 minute ago, Khakibos said:

    Seems to be in shock, did you pick up clone or have it shipped to you ? I'm assuming because you got it from GSR you had it shipped ? 

    If you had it shipped it could've gone into shock due to the extreme change in temps/humidity when being shipped 🤷‍♂️ 

    Ja was shipped. Still perky and no drooping or brown leaf tips though when received. Roots were also well developed and nice white.

  3. Howzit fellow growers.

    I received a Green Crack clone from GSR. Kudos to them for their excellent customer service!

    The clone was in good shape when received. I transplanted into 50/50 coco/perlite and potting soil mix. Gave light Kelpak watering till slight runoff. Plant is currently outside in the shade until the shock is over and sleeps inside at night. No artificial lighting during night. She will go into 3 liter pots once roots are established. Problem is the drooping and browning leaf tips. This worries me. No signs of perking after 3 days in solo cup. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks✌️


  4. Im not an indoor grower but from what i've seen, coco/perlite medium and a nute regime. Just make bloody sure to stay on top of watering/feeding to avoid the medium to dry out too much due to its relatively low water holding capacity. Synthetic or organic. Your choice. With outdoor you can experiment a bit more. Bugs will be had outdoors. Part of the fun. ✌️

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  5. My knowledge of serum is zero to nada. Will get some tips from you. Regarding the P%$^& expensive part. Meant that Organic nutes is P877676 expensive. That's also part of the reason that i switched to No-till living organic soil. If you keep a hand on it with lasagne layering etc it will sustain a good couple of grows without having to start all over.

    Lekker bra✌️

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  6. Looks good bru👌

    With my mix, i added some additional amendments and also some bat guano pellets not listed. Once a week i will water it down with some Epic 5:2 at 1/4 teaspoon/10L rainwater.

    Check out my mix:

    I used Subcool's New Super Soil Mix recipe as reference and added a couple of additional amendments as per recommended ratios.


    Here follows my recipe and total volume is about 250L or 9 cubic ft:

    Base Mix:

    - 3 x 30l compost mix

    - 3 x 20l potting soil mix (peat moss based)

    - 1 x 20l sand (mix of mostly sand and fine clay from garden)

    - 5 x 1kg Coco Coir bricks

    - 1 x 30l bag Perlite


    1kg Bone Meal

    - 3 x cups Kelp Meal

    - 3/4 cup Epsom salt

    - 1 x cup Dolomite lime

    - 1kg Soft Rock Phosphate

    - 5L Biochar

    - 1L Diatomaceous Earth

    - 1L Insect Frass (BSFL)

    - 1L Basalt Rock Dust

    - 1 cup Gypsum

    - 1 cup sprouting barley seeds for kicks

    Note: This is the first time that i made my own living organic soil. In the past it was the Biobizz line all the way. Works like a charm but poes (apologies moderators) expensive and the living organic way seems more sustainable and of course cost effective in the long run.

    Peace brother and will follow along on your growing journey✌️

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  7. Howzit fellow growers

    I'm back with another insect query.

    This time it is an insect that i'm unfamiliar with in my area. Did some Googling which pointed me to a South American specie called, The Lovebug. Couldn't find anything else on this foreign visitors. They are mating like crazy and only gathering in and around my living soil bed. Don't want to interfere too much with Mother Nature's creatures but this one seems odd.

    Any advice would be lekker. Thanks✌️





  8. 17 hours ago, Pants said:

    Still finding my feet but currently leaning towards 200 with a bump at the end.

    So apparently the spent herb is decarbed and ready to go into munchies?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Correct. Double whammy! 👌

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  9. To me it looks like nice, frosty buds except for the second last pic. What is that separate small white pieces that i see? Remember when i was in the UK back in the day that they used to spray the buds with sugar water to add weight. Always had to test it by feeling the texture between your teeth. If it felt grainy it was sprayed or even worse, dipped in something for added weight. Thats why i only grow my own.

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  10. Glad that you're stoked on the vape vibes! Ja also enjoying my Cloudious 9. Was a cheapy but gets the job done proper. Definitely don't miss the rough throat in the mornings. Adding to that. An old school joint every now and then still reigns king ekse✌️

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