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Posts posted by Psylecta

  1. Flowering Stage --- All pots --- 14/09/20




    Introducing Wheelbarrow Grow 14/09/20



    All pots --- 16/09/20



    2 ladies in Terracotta pot have begun reveggin'! (16/09)



    All pots --- 23/09/20 - (reveggers below)



    Darkroom prepped & Lady in Pot A below begins 8hr/16hr photo




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  2. 46 minutes ago, Ill_Evan said:

    99% of busts are tip-offs. Also, can't get busted if you don't do illegal things. 

    In the context of the thread, I can't say for certain I have seen or heard anyone being arrested or busted for growing purely recreationally. 

    I completely agree 185% lmao, if anyone gets busted for growing recreationally that's called getting screwed over not being caught...moral of the story be extra nice to the wife & neighbours 😂

    Enforcement is a major issue though I though the whole point of decriminalization was to avoid us being subjected to having our personal rights violated with unjustified criminal records & alleviate the enormous burden on tax & prison systems - from what I understand being over your plant limit regardless of total weight will constitute trafficing & earn a 15 year sentence!?? Wtf?! Why can't we have a bill that isn't shrouded in ambiguity & flawed to hell & back --- #doitrightfirsttime.ffs

    Spoke to my cousin in Toronto this week regarding this, there everyone is allowed 4 plants no license, if you want/need more plants for whatever reason you apply & pay for a grow license....simple & effective, no kak n hare  

    • Like 1
  3. Seeing as I've recently harvested portion of my plants,  its now time to log my first grow diary here on 420sa

    I apologize in advance for not having many pics of the seedling & early vegetation stages - I didn't anticipate joining a forum at that time & as a result didnt take as many pics as i should of - so there will be some posts where there's gaps here and there - my next report will be more thorough/consistent so please bear with me on this one 😜

    For sake of simplicity in documenting all the main plants in a single diary, im going to try & post each group of pots chronologically (each post will have title so no one gets lost)

    Pot A: Maroon Rectangular Tub (Soil/Soilless combo)

    Pot B: White Square Pot & Round Terrracotta Pot (Soil/Soilless combo)

    Pot C  😄😄Wheelbarrow & Toilet Cistern 😄 (backyard supersoil)

    • Like 2
  4. On 10/3/2020 at 8:28 AM, ChroniclyChronic said:

    If anyone in the Centurion area is interested in a rooted clone from the Lithium OG Kush above PM me, I have run out of space and have 2 so they are free to the first takers

    If I still stayed in wierda park I'd take them, but unfortunately am back in the cape, will message a mate maybe he has space

  5. Reveggers that got the chop seem to be holding up nicely, haven't watered since then though,

    Is it OK to give some water today since its been 5 or 6 days since I gave them the snip or should I wait till Monday to water? 




  6. @ORGANinc.Cops are still busting though, saw a link in the clone group yesterday morning about a raid in cpt - think it was 200 lil 10g bags and some cash, allegedly a 'foreign national' growop - judging by pic they clearly were dealing but it goes to show that all it takes is pissing off the neighbours for kak to hit the fan 


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  7. On 10/7/2020 at 6:09 PM, BBOYC said:

    Hi guys. Wanted to seek your opinion. Am I sitting with a hamaphrodite plant? If so will it be able to polenate my ladies? 20201007_175843.thumb.jpg.0f28e656cc3166e06b5aecd56cbd4381.jpg


    Eish, kak one but atleast you caught him/her.....*uhm* it,

    But might be a little bit late bud, looks like the bigger sacs have began opening judging by that second pic, hopefully you plukked it in time, once they start growing ballas you got like 2/3 days to spot it otherwise he's gonna bust a nut like a laaitie catching a pomp for the first time

    If your ladies do get pollinated don't plant the seeds, as any plants grown from those seeds will almost exclusively be hermies

    • Like 2
  8. @Dojee Dave I agree with psycLown, even if you got an idea of what strain it is, chances are more likely you'll be completely surprised with the outcome, keep a log of it, could be a diamond but in the same breath could be a zirconia - grow it out, looks healthy & healthy plants always deserve a chance

    I grew seed from Swazi parcel I get from a guy I've been hooking up from for 17 years, his stuff has always been very consistent in flavour smell, color etc, always the same for all the years, so would only be reasonable to think that growing those seeds would get me the same bud? I was delightfully wrong, some plants exhibited completely different traits, i've observed atleast 3/4 different phenotypes from these seeds - harvested some bud from 3 plants - one tastes EXACTLY like lemony creams, with powerful citrus overtones, really uplifting, the other 2 have more of a musky/stinky, very bold overtones with less fruitiness but either way was much stronger than anything I've bought from him hands down, probably because mine is sensi & grown more organically with a ton of love

  9. 1 hour ago, Ill_Evan said:
    • Zkittlez x Purple Punch - Ripper Seeds x3
    • Criminal+ - Ripper Seeds x3
    • Royal Gorilla - Royal Queen Seeds x1
    • Aurora Indica - Nirvana Seeds x4
    • Jock Horror - Nirvana Seeds x2
    • Grand Daddy Purple - Green Smoke Room Seeds x2


    @Ill_Evan Green with envy dude, lineup is superb - definitely quality street, pics of the aurora look INNNZANE!!!!

    • Thanks 1
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  10. 2 hours ago, Totemic said:

    Yeah, this opens a whole new can of worms. If I can theoretically fill my garden with cbd plants, just how do saps tell the difference without opening themselves up to civil claims.

    @TotemicWell said, the whole thing is so illogical & paradoxical it adds an extra 2 to the term ''catch 22'' - 

  11. 2 hours ago, Stinger96 said:

    Would this influence the law on flowering plant total though.. I need allota bud for making me some decent coconut infused oil.. That's  what gets me a bit.. If i want to make extracts and smoke some bud.. how do I do that as a outdoor grower growing regular seeds.. with only four in flower..?

    Perpetual growing outdoors might become very labour intensive and costly.. As a household, can you then have 8 flowering.. seing as you wil be allowed 1.2kg of dry bud..?

    Maybe I shoild just go read the bill again.. 


    Yip 8 flowering plants per 'household' - can always spin what the definition of a household is, but otherwise it really limits your growing options as a personal grower, kicks breeders in the nuts as they forced to break the law and no doubt will impact the the seed market as i imagine people will start favouring high yielding feminised strains over autos, from what I understand you allowed 1.2kg at any given time so having a 8 plants with 1.2kg each is the goal I guess

    Spotted 'clubs' online that will grow an auto for you for R2000 and send you the yield (60/80g-so must be auto) but have no idea how legit it is, sounds scammy but my point is I'd imagine these guys would use that argument when cops asks why he has 20 tents in his yard, he could show agreements as proof that the plants belong to another household where they can go and confirm ownership

  12. Yeah it just made me heavy anxious, a weird feeling in your chest, that then brought on the headsweats but yeah was the 1st time I ever had to lay down cause I felt so weird, wish I remember what strain it was. But yeah didn't smoke it clean again made sure to to mix in other bud just in case lol

    Other than that was really decent

  13. On 7/23/2020 at 9:00 AM, zolrooker said:

    I wanted to grow a high CBD strain but have never smoked a strain like that before. Didnt know what to expect, so i still have the seed on hand

    @zolrooker plant it you won't be dissapointed, I was also under the impression for many years that good skuif is all about THC and didn't pay attention to anything else but I learned my lesson the hard way why CBD content is so important even if its a small amount - one day I smoked a double bladder of some bud (forgot what it was) with a really high THC but only .02+/- CBD content (according to dispensary) so I roll it up and the first half of the joint was loving it, super nice flavour, decent strength, no complaints & puffing away nicely, but on the second half of the joint 5 minutes in the stone is coming on nicely but something started feeling off i got this overwehelming wave of nausiating warmth with an urgent need to sit cause it felt my knees couldn't support my weight, forehead covered im sweat, was litterally vibrating from feeling super tingly & super anxious lol  I was like WTF cause I constantly smoked strains with 20%+ and it never made me anxious or anything like that so the dude at dispensary highlighted the fact that that strain has almost no CBD in it to counteract the THC & I wasn't the first to complain

    That's when I learnt every cannabinoid has its place

    • Like 1
  14. Got 1 square bin to spare & 6 round ones - PM if interested

    Square bin has 4 drain holes in each corner but I've drilled tons into mine with no worries (plastic is very thick so won't deform or crack)

    Looking at the round ones I'd imagine this could work for someone with a hydro setup or outdoor for seedlings 

    Also uploaded whats left on the plants, let me know if you guys reckon I should leave as it is or trim a bit more






  15. @PsyCLown I've actually got 1 spare square bin and quite a couple round ones to spare, will upload some pics, maybe someones keen on trading a rooted cutting of something nice for my backyard

    Square bin dimensions: L750/W400/H270 = 91L

    Round bin dimensions: 550(r=275) H200 = 47L (has the slightest taper so call it 45L)

    An update on the plants:

    The dark room hasn't had the desired effect for reversing the revegging on 2 of the 3 pots, even my mother is now starting to show signs of revegging on the highest parts so in my one pot ive have chopped off the main cola on one plant (can barely see my hand its so fat) & clipped top 1/3 of the other plant but on this one just clipped the buds off & left the fan leaves as I want to see which one recovers better. Will upload pics later

    would I be right in saying once the plants recover after 3 weeks they should start branching out like crazy not so? (Like Monster cropping a clone)


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