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Everything posted by LukeS

  1. Mmmm those LED's are nice
  2. Morning All, I stay within the Ekhuruleni municipality, and we seem to have had a tariff increase on Electricity as of 1 July 2019. I just want to find out if other's have noticed/been affected? I don't remember an announcement for this, it's also quite a dramatic change as the number of units has decreased dramatically, resulting in an increase of around R600 a month (From June-July (At current calculations)) with my grow op.
  3. Perhaps you could find a fellow member who would be willing to assist you, but i don't know of any brick and mortar seed shops, i only know of online seed shops. They are however trustworthy, you don't need to worry about that. The packaging is also discreet so can get it delivered to your work place unless they open packages.
  4. You guys should check out the seller " Led Select" on bidorbuy, carries a wide variety of products, including heatsinks etc. https://www.bidorbuy.co.za/item/417742531/Aluminium_Heatsink_94_x_14mm_350mm_to_1000mm_long_LOCAL_STOCK.html
  5. Hi ZP, So the major concern i see is the Powdered Mildew, You should consider doing a bud wash to try and kill the PM before you smoke.
  6. The above info was posted for me to do a foliar spray to kill PM, it was also mentioned that the h202 should be "food grade" and the stuff from the pharmacy wouldn't cut it. I bought 50% h202 solution from GTHydro
  7. The formula was posted for me in another thread, I will paste it for you here. Thanks @Kgrows you can use the formula for diluting anything thats a bit tricky: Using C1V1 = C2V2 To make a fixed amount of a dilute solution from a stock solution, you can use the formula: C1V1 = C2V2 where: V1 = Volume of stock solution needed to make the new solution C1 = Concentration of stock solution V2 = Final volume of new solution C2 = Final concentration of new solution So lets say you want 3%(C2) final concentration & 1000ml (V2)of the final solution You have 12% H2O2 (C1) So: 12 x V1 = 3 x 1000 12 x V1 = 3000 V1 = 3000/12 V1 = 250ml IMPORTANT STEP: V2-V1 = water volume 1000 - 250 = 750ml So to get 1L of 3% H202 solution you need to add 250ml of 12% H2O2 to 750ml water
  8. I will be washing for the same reason as you, I am following "the original" person to do it, via this post https://www.420magazine.com/community/threads/bud-washing.200881/ He had a 4 part system, which included lemon and bicard in a 2nd bucket. I might still do the same but only on a 3 bucket system, so hot water bucket will also have lemon and bicarb. This is basically to ensure that everything is dead like the mildew, and also that any cotton fibres, dead skin cells, dust etc is also washed off before the drying process.
  9. I'm about to do it. Bucket 1: 3 parts RO water to 1 part 3% H202.Bucket 2: Warm waterBucket 3: Cold water The above is the formula i will follow on a 3 bucket system
  10. LukeS

    New kid

    lol, thanks anyway. Appreciate it. Edit: My wife brings up a good point, atleast you told me before i sprayed it on the plant. Thanks for that.
  11. LukeS

    New kid

    Shot, about 20 minutes too late. Just got back from the pharmacy, anyway, will go past GThydro tomorrow thanks.
  12. LukeS

    New kid

    Okay cool, will get tonight and spray tomorrow morning. Thanks for the info.
  13. LukeS

    New kid

    @kgrows I am willing to do what will work, Up until about 30 minutes ago i was not aware of the severity of the issue. Thanks.
  14. LukeS

    New kid

    Spray on plants every one to two weeks. Potassium bicarbonate– Similar to baking soda, this has the unique advantage of actually eliminating powdery mildew once it's there. Potassium bicarbonate is a contact fungicide which kills the powdery mildew spores quickly. In addition, it's approved for use in organic growing.
  15. LukeS

    New kid

    Is bicarb soda the same as potassium bicarbonate? Thought normal bicarb was sodium bicarbonate
  16. LukeS

    New kid

    Thank you, Is the 3% solution the correct one then? I've also read previously that Potassium bicarbonate is the best for PM, and another person mention a product called AQ SF from Jamie's Garden Shop. Not sure which option i should use..
  17. LukeS

    New kid

    Maybe i'm not realizing the urgency to get rid of the PM. I was spraying with the lemon juice solution throughout the flowering. stopped basically when i started seeing trichomes. Will spraying hydrogen peroxide now not affect the flowers/plant negatively?
  18. LukeS

    New kid

    Yeah no im aware, just waiting for harvest and will sterilise the tent before next plants. All part of the learning curve.
  19. LukeS

    New kid

    Day 40 of flower now Alot of my fan leaves have gone yellow, i didn't feed one day but gave molasses instead and she went yellow overnight and only got worse since then, even did a feed early to try and compensate but it didn't help My plan now is 1 more molasses then plain water to flush over the next week/two weeks Slightly dissapointed in my first grow if i'm honest
  20. So I've bought majority of the ingredients, just a couple i'm struggling to find. Mycoroot, Volcanic rock dust, Rock phosphate, Mushroom compost Any ideas in JHB?
  21. LukeS

    New kid

    Shot, Yeah man, definitely appreciate the advice. Through implementation and patience she is keeping up her end of the bargain for sure.
  22. LukeS

    New kid

    Today we begin the 5th week of flower. Day 29. Plant is looking gorgeous, I opened her up for some natural light to photograph a bit for an update.
  23. When did you first notice this and at what stage of your plant are you? i.e. how many weeks flower? When did PM first start on your plant?
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