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Everything posted by CleanGreen

  1. Maybe to be on the safe side.. flush your medium properly and add fresh nutrients. When my leaves fall off they are NOT yellow. see below pics btw nice bushy girls man! Right is week 6 flowering & left is week 1 flowering My leaves kinda turn dull dry out and fall off.
  2. Get one of these... you can grow in them to!
  3. Great White Shark i hope!
  4. You reckon you will find a fishing buddy in a stoner forum?
  5. Hey man, Yes that will work. I have a Mars Hydro 90W, but only 45W with vegetative light on only. The only issue is surface area, the light hangs about 30-40cm above the canopy, so the light coverage area is not that wide. My solution was to add 50W led flood light.. got mine on a special for R200
  6. Below pic... this is my second grow. The tips of the leaves are getting hooks, not a huge issue for me, just annoying as that the leaves hook each other. I have not lowered my nutes due to that I have now two girls in one reservoir. Any ideas?
  7. I can confirm this... by week 8 flowering more as half of my leaves have fallen off.
  8. Yes man looking good.... One tip I have experienced with this setup is that those pots are to small, the plant will keep on falling when bigger. Get the 12' pots.
  9. Would love to see your setup when you done there
  10. Going into week 6 flowering
  11. I find that suction cup dont stick for long
  12. @Smelly Joe I don't do credit!
  13. @Trailblazer420 lol a rock here... but am a stoner looking for a easier way!... Found these https://www.futurama.co.za/15cm-6-inch-air-stone-disc?gclid=Cj0KCQiAzePjBRCRARIsAGkrSm4Mtfm1aryM_qbHLkbDOkK37OAOYu0dmOEjGECYHarzzi_xIuu1VcwaAtHrEALw_wcB
  14. @Trailblazer420 @Trailblazer420 Thanks man... But don't they float? suction knobs don't work lol
  15. Happy Friday y'all!.. Friday is beer time and refreshing nutrients. These girls are half way through flowering and flower development is better than last time "practice makes perfect" One irritation AIR STONES they keep breaking after manhandling, any input on air stones appreciated.
  16. @Pat999 I leave it all to God's hands haha.... Test the ph once a week when doing a reservoir change. Use the liquid tester and till now i have not had to ph up or down my water. Cape Town water is great for hydro... my opinion
  17. @Pat999 Thanks man. Yes its hydroponics.
  18. Going into week 4 of flowering, these thirsty girls drink more as 5l water per day! Can't imagine doing this in soil lol...
  19. Stage 4 load shedding.... the stress of an indoor grower!!!! 


  20. Keeping a grow log is GREAT like clockwork she is producing white pistils
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