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Everything posted by CleanGreen

  1. From you picture below. Those grainy light spots on the leaves. Just wondering if you have them, iI have them on my girls spray them with Neem oil in veg period. I can't get rid of them completely.
  2. @Pat999 Looking good man! See you got some thrips going on?
  3. @Jrmiehazefvr A picture of the patient would help
  4. So my friend said that my weed looks like the "mythical" Rooibaard sativa strain. Very energetic high, grows tall and wild and so far "touch wood" no powdery mildew ( my indica next to it is suffering from this ). What you guys recon... any ideas?
  5. Well am sure its safer then street bought oil/weed.
  6. What do you do with a broken branch?.... Make fresh oil of course lol Quick dip.
  7. @Gnome Thanks man... Will try next time. am using 91% rubbing alcohol from Dischem.
  8. @Smelly Joe Why read if you can watch ... btw its really simple process, just some patience with cooking off the alcohol.
  9. Good Good Friday So I finally decided to make some ISO oil from my cuttings 4 ziplock bags became 10g of magic! Blew my mind how much came off.... I am gonna be one stoned bunny this easter!
  10. Also suffering PM.... Seems like in control. I use 1ml 50% hydrogen peroxide to 1l water.
  11. The girls are drying... Happy dayzzz. Some big buds
  12. until

    ooohhhh 9 days left!!!!
  13. Happy loadshedding free Monday! About a week left for this girl, so far no hermies with all the load shedding, shhheewwwwww Can't wait for this batch of clones to go under
  14. Maybe the stretch is due to hanging height of the light!? My light manual says about 40cm from canopy but I hand them at 20cm. less coverage but that why I supplement with cheap led flood lights.
  15. In my second grow now under the light... so far so good, fingers crossed haha. Do you or anyone else know where to get 10W diodes locally? just to get spares.
  16. @SkunkPharm Thanks man....Bestva 1500 (draws about 300W) and cheap 50W led flood lights.
  17. Week 7 flowering.. Nothing to see here!
  18. @CG420za Soil.. what that? lol yeah I am expecting that the grow will be much slower. Just don't want them to die on me.
  19. @SkunkPharm Guess semi closed. I close up the vegetative plants at night with panda plastic and close my study door.
  20. @SkunkPharm Those heaters are to heat the room temp... at only 80W
  21. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Sunhouse-Tubular-Thermostat-Mounting-Brackets/dp/B00PIV7NJC/ref=pd_lpo_sbs_86_t_0/257-0204842-6212764?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=6HJDPEH5QBJB15BQFXBY Seems like a good option, put it on the ground next to the water reservoir.
  22. @SkunkPharm LED lights
  23. Hi fellow grower, Seem like winter is approaching Cape Town early this year. So this will be my first winter grow. I got away without any cooling in summer, anyone done an indoor grow in winter without heating? what was you room temp and humidity? Looking at the yearly climate in CT LINK lowest temps are in July with a min of 11 degree. Also a question on my mind that I can't find answers to is what about if you only heat the water reservoir?
  24. https://consciouslifenews.com/am-i-stoned-app-enables-users-to-track-how-high-they-are/11153878/#

    Technology amazes me everyday, now my body does not need to tell me if I am stoned, there an app for it. Dream come true!

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