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Everything posted by Dabtzar

  1. It does work.. But its very strain dependant. I had various results. Some of the strains I ran were: Pineapple chunk Skywalker Kush Sour Diesel Kosher kush So they grew out amazingly in the veg stage, and so have every other strain ive put into the veg room on 12-1 BUT when you flower out and you go to quickly into the 6/18 schedule, what you get is super trich production but not as much yield. Remember this is going to stress your plant to unnatural lighting, so it will react by either 1- Protecting herself and push out as much resin as she can if all nutrients are provided. OR 2- she will hermie on you. (Which did happen to one or two plants in the late stage of flower) Now I think from what ive seen from Joe and Dan B is that this schedule will work great for sativa dom. strains (especially with those long flowering times.) The revised version on the other hand works much better, because its much better matched to nature. going slowly down to 9-15... Peace
  2. WOWEEE.... So are you back in the game now? Or just feeling a bit lonely?
  3. I would use the hottest chilli I could get my hands on!! Two or three different types... Make that shit hot. And don't forget a teaspoon of dish soap.
  4. You got one of these reaf?
  5. Def worth getting a still. I get my Ethenol from a mate who makes it for me. Awe
  6. Total immune system boost, appetite increase, anti-inflammatory, pain management just to name a few...
  7. Get some GOOD oil into them... I'll add some great documents you can let them read on the benefits of using oil, to treat something or just for boosting health.. I use it regularly just as a supplement.
  8. I've also run into a few problems it seems.. I'll have to pull out of this one.. Did myself an oopsie in her. She looks like a dirty whore... Lol
  9. Yes what Kim said.. Needed my morning dab to wake up
  10. Gthydro has a cheaper one to start with. Act is " auto temp control" or summin. Not that important but cool to have..
  11. In all honesty mate, save up and buy an electronic pH meter. You will never get an accurate reading with that, and with Hydro your best friend is keeping your pH in check.. I've seen some of the best bud from guys who are anal about the pH..
  12. Yes I'm curious on how they worked? What species did you get?
  13. Or you go to the other extreme and get Super Critical Co2.... Lol
  14. Only if you are careless and maybe drop the tube, or hit it against another metal part. But you should think you are working in a Lab full of volatile chemicals and methodology should be precise.
  15. If you wanna try a safe tube blah blah. Go buy a small Turkey baster from crazy store. Make sure to do it outside and have good air flow.. And remember kids SAFETY FIRST. Im on reaf's tip.. Stainless steel for the win.... Peasants use glass.. #SSporn
  16. Safety first man.. Read the other threads on here about bho. Newport only
  17. It's the best to use in the game when it comes to cans.. Nothing else.. But you will still get mystery oil..
  18. My girl ... Will take anther pic with date tag This is a Hydro plant..
  19. Update: Week 3+- 650mm tall. She is doing good, healthy color, nice growth. Bit stretched but expected for GCS. They don't have a bushy build, so it looks like they struggling, but the bus that should come, will be fat and snowy..
  20. One tip... Use a drip tray/saucer and make sure you top it up when it's dry. It will help keep the soil moist but not wet. Peace
  21. What is going on here... Does no one wanna go to Weedstock? www.weedstock.co.za
  22. I've never been able to make rosin for some reason or I just didn't care enough for it. Id do the whole squish process but i'm not sure what I wasn't doing right. So my question is... Do you guys who smoke rosin notice the high lipid content? and if so are you winterizing/dewaxing? I'm under the impression that to rosin a few grams of good quality dry sift would be a better option as you wouldn't be pulling all the plant waxes with? But I guess i will only know when I try it.
  23. Yea if that tall... Now this is the typical growth pattern of cash cropping SOG growers. With maybe an extra week or two vegging...
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