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Everything posted by 420SA

  1. You must paste just the video URL Smokey, not the embed code
  2. I think you built up the courage just in time actually cos those buds still haven't even begun to swell properly yet so if you give them a good couple of strong feeds you may be in the clear I actually wouldn't even bother with a flush at the end and just feed her as much as you can while you can. I've experienced the wrath of bud rot myself and it showed up a week before harvest. Random bud leaves just went brownish yellow and died. Then I checked inside the bud and found a nice huge patch of juicy grey mould. As reaf says keep a look out for random yellowing dead sugar leaves/bud leaves.
  3. Your plant is underfed yes and it could've been subjected to a far less stressful life but I wouldn't say its down and out by any means. It might be tough but it can be salvaged for some medium grade bud. CP says he wouldn't smoke it if its free but if you're currently smoking shitty street outdoor I guarantee you that you can still put out a product far better than that. Just up her ratios. Take the PPM to about 1100-1200 (White Widow is a heavy feeder!) for the next week or 2 and then start flushing. She won't be the best but at least you wouldn't have wasted all your money and time. Nutriplex needs higher amounts than what they say, its not a bad nute range at all. If not the best in SA. Like I said you need to multiply the ratios by 1.5. In your case multiply by 1.2 at first.
  4. Been doing a lot of reading up lately, heard of Clackamas Coot? lol His recipe has quite a lot of Canadian Spaghnum peat moss in, which he then buffers with oyster shell or in our case we can use lime. This is a recipe that a lot of people are swearing by. Does peat moss have any considerable nutritional value which would make it a better alternative to coco(provided it can be buffered correctly)? Have you tried peat moss in your mixes Reaf?
  5. 420SA

    Coco's first grow

    Sorry about that CP. That is issue is a pest! Been trying to sort that out. In the mean time if you make a huge post either copy the post before you hit Post or sometimes if you've clicked post and you get logged out, just click the Back button and you'll be taken back to your post, copy that and make sure you are logged in. Also when logging choose Forever or make it at least 2 hours. Your plants don't look terrible by any means no. Just stop using those GHS in the soil would be my I've seen people have good results in hydro with those nutes though!
  6. 420SA

    Coco's first grow

    I wouldn't gamble with those GHS nutes in soil. GHS may say that the nutes can be used in soil but GHS like to make a lot of money too. What's the harm to them if a few soil growers buy their product and then realise that it doesn't work in soil...they've already made their bit of cash off someone who wasn't meant to buy their nutes in the first place. Also that 5.7 PH is most likely recommended for Hydro growing
  7. 420SA

    Coco's first grow

    I'll second Max on overwatering. How often are you watering the soil girls?
  8. Thanks bud. I see quite a few guys are suggesting it as a good source of calcium in your soil. Check out the video and the attached PDF. Both suggest using a bit of Oyster Shell. Also helps to buffer apparently. Thoughts? HowToBuildASoilArticle.pdf
  9. Or....what is a good local alternative?
  10. Does anybody know where one can get whole, crushed or powdered oyster shell in SA?
  11. Hey tobes! I'm going organic very soon and very interested to know if your compost tea is the shiz or not? Are you noticing positive results when feeding with it?
  12. Welcome back Master KJ!!! Look forward to the results!
  13. Have a listen if you want. They were on yesterday Follow this link - http://cliffcentral.com/the-dagga-couple/
  14. Gotta agree Totemic. Nothing would light up a narcs eyes more than a bunch of growers in one spot sharing each others weed
  15. Any ideas how we could get something like this going with forum members without compromising safety? edt: Shotgun being a judge
  16. Welcome aboard jacks!
  17. Sent messages are not saved by default. You need to check the box that says "Save a copy in outbox" if you want to see your sent messages
  18. Hi Sterling If you're brave enough and patient enough to develop the contacts, you could do a trip through Swaziland. There are literally plantations everywhere if you go looking deep enough and your chances of coming across some potential Landraces are quite high. You really have to make an expedition of it though. How are you experiencing PM issues?
  19. Sorry for the disgustingly late reply Toby clearly got sidetracked! Got my seeds from Bonza. Great stealth and great packaging Highly recommend them if you're ordering in the cape! I had it sent straight to a home address via Bonza Booty which is the only method they recommend for us Capies. No problems. Took a month to deliver. I won't mention all the seeds I ordered but the strain I'm looking most forward to is Scotts OG from Rare Dankness. Ordered 2 regs of those so holding thumbs. Highlights among the freebies is Barney's Cookies Kush.
  20. Sitting in darkness here due to load shedding and thinking... with Eskom and it's load shedding an all, my fridge is obviously going to oscillate in temps as I don't have a generator. Seeing as I will most probably germ these seeds before the end or the year should i just store them in an airtight container in a cupboard. These oscillations in temps worry me a bit seeing as that's not recommended. Any thoughts?
  21. Must agree with this as well. I started using Oasis RO water and only experienced problems. Couldn't kick a N deficiency no matter how high I went in strength. As soon as I went back to tap water my plants looked sorted again! While on this sort of subject matter, what's your guys opinion on using filtered rainwater? As in collect rainwater, filter it with a coffee filter and use it on my plants.
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