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Budwizer last won the day on March 14 2021

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Grower Info

  • Preferred growing medium or system
  • Preferred Lighting
    HID & LED
  • Grow Room Setup
    Medium sized tent, custom environment controls
  • Preferred Nutrients
    Salts baby!
  • Indoor or Outdoor

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  1. Budwizer

    DIY QB

    This build ends up costing me about the same as an HLG 550/650 kit, so not cheap. But I’ve got better cooling than those kits, so my boards should last a little longer. And when my boards are finished, I can just replace them. Plus, there’s a lot of satisfaction making something yourself.
  2. Budwizer

    DIY QB

    Haha ya you don’t wanna walk into them. I’m still looking for a heatsink with a thinner base, but these things are hard to find in this country.
  3. Budwizer

    DIY QB

    Thanks my dude Yeah, the silver doesn’t look too bad. My first effort at building my own QBs. Ive refined the wiring, and the hanging arrangement. Black releases heat faster than any other colour, so the new ones are a little more effective. These boys are quite heavy with those massive sinks. A little over 7kgs each.
  4. Budwizer

    DIY QB

    I don’t like having anything in the grow tent that doesn’t have to be there The QBs are 480w total, split in two fixtures I mount the drivers on a board outside:
  5. Budwizer

    DIY QB

    Can’t find the correct heatsink on RS now, but this is the closest: https://za.rs-online.com/web/p/heatsinks/4907056/ The ones I used are 300 x 200 x 40
  6. Yo John What was your total dry yield in the end?
  7. Budwizer

    DIY QB

    These are my DIY QB lights I can run them full power with no issues. Quite expensive to build, but I like the reliability of passive cooling.
  8. First one is Northern Lights from a few years back Second is a Blueberry I’m growing now- pic from my last harvest. That one dried to a 20 grammer
  9. I’d do 150 for a day or two, see how it goes, then bump it up to 180. 35-40 cm should be cool.
  10. Yeah, I can already tell you: decent LED lights are as good or better than HPS. @Ill_Evan hit it on the head- there’s much more to bud density than just light. Sure, light is important, and good LEDs do the job just fine. Good genetics, good watering practices, correct nutrient strength, ph, temps, humidity, airflow and on and on. You can have the best light in the world, but get one or two of these other things badly wrong, and you’re nowhere.
  11. I’m also using those from lightitup. Doing an informal comparison between 600w HPS and 480w QBs. Ill know in 2 weeks time, but it’s looking good for the QBs
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