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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/15/2023 in all areas

  1. 12 December Late update. Had some spidermite issues due to high temps and low RH. Got a spidermite spray from the brand "Buddi". Worked well, issue resolved. Humidifer arriving tomorrow, to get that nice high RH for veg. The plants all have very different structure and are growing at different rates. Will probably take cuttings from Hiroshima #1 from what I can see so far. For the two larger ones I topped them now, as they reached three nodes.
    1 point
  2. Hella late updates, but this plant finished good and absolutely killed me asleep 9000 times. Very much indica this thing. Not growing this again my wife said too strong, on to the next which is Psycane - check my diaries for that grow
    1 point
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