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Everything posted by alemo

  1. Great grower overseas recently updated his status: "If you're trying to stack in the last weeks you're too late by day 30-42"
  2. Synth or organic? Either way think about what you want your plant to do. Grow? Hormones. Stack, cell food. Photosynth, mag. It's all about what you want the plant to do.
  3. ^^ Not even close. Try 1/3 to half of your flowering light
  4. alemo

    The F Word

    2 weeks shy and you should cut anything that'll chelate macro elements unless purposefully blasting the medium to lock out the plant.
  5. alemo

    The F Word

    I imagine amino is a mix. But so is fulvic, and actually so is humic. I would try avoid fulvics toward the end. Synth chelates like edta and dtpa are the easiest to come by. But only really work for heavy elements.
  6. alemo

    The F Word

    All these solutions are is solutions with a high EC and low nutrient availability. Add some synth chelates to your mix and you have AN flawless finish. Add fulvics to mimick another international brand. Nitrogen fixers for another. It is really all the same. Find some good synth chelates if you're in hydro, play with the pH of the stuff. Add gatorade, aspirin whatever, it is all just hype. Do a little basic chemistry and a whole world of cheaper alternatives open up.
  7. MPK, or as the locals like, MKP. Mix a bit of seaweed extract and epsom and you have AN bloom booster Throw in some chelated heavies for the seaweed and you have GH Bloom. Mix in some fulvics and you have Ionic/Jungle Juice etc Bloom booster. It is all just Mono-potassium phosphate with extras. Make your own.
  8. CBD is scheduled and legal under the right circumstances. The question is really whether your source is actually providing an isolated product.
  9. Yes. Epsom salts. MgSO4. Magnesium Sulfate. Unless they use Mg chelate in Ripener, it will be the same.
  10. Which one? There are a few structures, none of which are soluble in water, only a solute, meaning the P needs to go somewhere?
  11. There almost has to be sulfur or something else. Else how would the Mg get mixed in? Most brands, GH included, use MgSO4.
  12. Magnesium carbonate probs? You mean chalk? I doubt it. Unless it is highly acidic.
  13. I don't think so, but I could be wrong. Wat is the pH of the stuff?
  14. So p,k and Mg. How does the mg get added??? MPK makes up the PK no problem, but the Mg? EDTA Mg?
  15. Rather just brew AACt's
  16. If you want uv, buy LEP. You won't ever go back.
  17. Yeah I'd rather be ignorant in your eyes. Get back to us when you're pulling 95%+ on your first pass.
  18. Because those cans are not designed to be cooled and heated. But don't take my word. Keep freezing the tane if you like. Chances are nothing will ever go wrong right?
  19. Don't freeze the tane. Those cans aren't made for that kind of treatment. Don't collect liquid tane and don't blast inside. And winterizing is very different from "dewaxing", which you would still do when the tane is liquid in a loop.
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