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Everything posted by zolrooker

  1. OK cool. The light from master g can be dimmed as well, so I guess I'll just use that as it's already installed in the cabinet.. And then maybe add the supplemental light afterwards. I can still use it to grow macro algae for now in my fish tank refugium lol. Thanks again for all your help and time brother. I really appreciate it. And that goes to everyone who has assisted /n given advice.
  2. Thanks brother! Ill take some pics tonight. Can I add the 75w led to the mix as well as a supplemental light ? I guess the more the better? My main light is 3500k and supplemental has mostly Reds (which I believe will be beneficial in the flowering stage apparently) . See pic below. Ignore where it says 216w lol
  3. Sorry for the bad pics. I sealed the left door from the inside, so can't get a good angle. Does this space look OK for now? I can just put the seedlings on a bucket for now, closer to the light and then move things around later if I have to. Only problem is that I'm getting around 40% humidity in the cabinet atm
  4. I'm going to use 3 x 10l pots and don't have the space to use any bigger tbh.. Maybe I'll plant in the pots this weekend.. Let's see how it goes
  5. Alright, cool. I'm hoping that the grow cabinet will be completely ready by the weekend. I could have it ready enough by tomorrow though.. I already have a nice 150w from @Master_G hanging in the cabinet (will take pics soon) .
  6. Here's the current setup. Excuse the mess. When can i move it to the main grow space? Just have a heater and a fan running with the led atm
  7. Will do This morning it had the whole shell/husk on it and I gently eased it off.
  8. I think my previous germination worked well in a paper towel, because it dried out quick, even though i watered twice a day. So i didnt think that id only have to water these jiffys every few days.. not considering that they will hold the water for longer than 2 days. It was feeling too moist to me though thats why i asked lol. Hopefully they will recover, like you say
  9. Damn, i should have asked before. Will check every second or 3rd day then and water just a little bit. Hopefully i didnt mess something up
  10. Does this look healthy? Looks a little brown for my liking.. Unless I'm imagining things. Could it be that I'm watering too much? (I am currently watering once a day. Enough water until it just drains out from the bottom) Also, the humidity levels go through the roof after lights out in that area.. (Around 60% during the day, but its hitting 99% after lights out)
  11. I'd rather not complicate things then. Since this is just temporary.. I can switch off all lights and make sure there's complete darkness, until the plants are ready to move to the grow cabinet
  12. Thx brother. They're fems. I'll put on 18 / 6 then Coming to think of it.. not sure if the residual light in that area will render that timing useless though haha
  13. Thanks bro, can I leave the light on 24/7?
  14. 75w led about 30-40cm away from jiffy. Hope it's not too close?
  15. Ok thx, ill put a small light closeby tonight and take a pic. there is also a residual light thats already hitting it indirectly through glass and algae (From about 800W T5 fluorescent)
  16. How much light is enough? I can put a 20w LED or a 75W, or even a 54w fluorescent.. Or should i move to final destination asap? under the 150w LED?
  17. Hi guys, so one of my seedlings has broken the surface already.. Do i need to provide it proper lighting from now?
  18. Cool, i got some weather strip this morning as well, both 3mm and 5mm. Will play around with it and see what i can do
  19. Not sure where to get the magnetic seals so will try out the weather strips first
  20. I can try the weather strip. Also, the frame of my cabinet is steel. I'd prefer not to hang the space blanket loose as it's quite noisy when the fan blows on it lol
  21. What could also work lekker to seal the light leaks is the seal you get on a fridge door. Not sure where I can find some though I already tried foam pad taped down with aluminum foil but the problem with my door, is that the door has a slight curve so the gap at the bottom vs then top is not equal. I'll buy some weather stripping tomorrow anyway n give it a go
  22. Yes bro I have some spare space blanket. I think I'll use a combination of the foam and space blanket
  23. Any idea how I can seal these light leaks from the insides of the doors?
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