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Everything posted by zolrooker

  1. Thanks bud, will go check if I can find some this week.
  2. Actually, would it work, if I mounted the inlet right on top of the cabinet, and then had acoustic ducting redispersing the air at the bottom?Don't wanna put the inlet fan at the bottom because the area is in the corner of my garage and very dusty etc
  3. 1800x500x900 steel cabinet with wooden doors. I can put extractor fan inside with acoustic ducting leading out. Inlet fan will have to be outside I'm guessing..
  4. How do these look? https://www.manicaa.com/catalog/product/view/id/1396721/?sfdr_ptcid=31333_617_576381418&sfdr_hash=cd8b72a875d9c3e49a9bbf92d1665c6d&gclid=Cj0KCQjw0Mb3BRCaARIsAPSNGpUrVshYQNj1z5Inb4fxBs9MBwFT3qWcmni1UVCKGKye3xhJ3tQpWTMaAhVUEALw_wcB
  5. More for unwanted suspicions, bit for my own sanity as well haha. What would you recommend I used for insulation?
  6. What would be the best way to soundproof my grow area? It's basically a steel cabinet with wooden doors. Would soundproofing foam work? Or does anyone have any recommendations?
  7. Thanks bud. Not really too clued up with this stuff, but will go check out my local garden store and see what they have. Btw I've been making my own compost in my garden recently too..
  8. Any microbes you recommend adding? One fan should be enough for me though? 1800x500x900 space
  9. Cheap R200-R300, 30-40cm oscillating fan should be OK im guessing? Something like this https://www.builders.co.za/Gas-%26-Appliances/Fans/Desk-Fans/Goldair-GDF12Y-Oscillating-Desk-Fan-(300mm)/p/000000000000132761?gclid=CjwKCAjwrcH3BRApEiwAxjdPTQo0DzVvVE1M8Tn4DBpovUeE_OhHI3lQzx5DQxCf60UqRK5LYR_ElBoC44YQAvD_BwE
  10. Lots to learn. Just hope it's smooth sailing without too many issues lol
  11. Planning on using just the molasses, if it would work
  12. Thanks,think I'll get another fan then.. And ive got some drums I can use to catch rainwater.. when it rains. Need to find my tds meter.. The ro filter I have is meant to give zero ppm tds readings, so I'm guessing that's not gonna work..
  13. Was thinking of getting just the fan heater for now and get some more cool fans when it gets warmer. Should i get a cool fan now as well ? PPM meter to measure TDS? I do have an RO/DI filter i can use for water to strip out heavy metals etc Have a super macro mode on my smartphone camera (Why would i need this btw?) Would still need to get the jars, bags etc, but i guess id only need those later on?
  14. Just an update on what im planning so far. (Already ordered most of the stuff, if i didnt have it in possession already..) 1800x500x900 grow space 80-150w LED grow light (Dimmable) Space blankets Hygrometer STC-1000 Temperature controller + Fan Heater 2 x 90 m3/h extractor fans (1 in + 1 out) with acoustic ducting 3 x fabric pots (10 liter) Freedom Farms Premium Soil PH testing kit Timers Seeds: 1 x Amnesia Haze 1 x Master Kush Grand 1 x CBD Good Wild Shark Blackstrap molasses Does this look like all i need? Anything else?
  15. And if I leave plants outside now, they'll veg until when?
  16. How good is a 600w hps light for flowering? Can i use 2 or 3 t5s for veg and get a 600w hps for flowering..?
  17. So basically, if I'm not gonna be covering it manually everyday, my only options are: Indoor grow Let it veg outdoors until spring Are these above assumptions correct?
  18. If I grow in greenhouse, is it going to go straight into flower? What does this mean for my yield? Maybe I could grow indoors and then move to greenhouse when I want it to flower?
  19. Unless i can get a good grow light for under 2k? If someone can point me in the right direction?
  20. Thanks, will do. Im just experimenting for now so ill do some more research and take it slow. So far from what ive read, people have had success with T5s, but i cant find too much info on optimal colour temperature ranges, wattage needed etc.. From what i understand, the cool whites and daylights would be great for veg.. and that id just need more bulbs with a lower temperature for flowering..apparently warm white does the job, but the yields are not maximised. im guessing it should be decent if supplemented with my LED. Besdies my 75w LED, i coul probably throw another 30+W of LED power into the mix
  21. Probably massive overkill then for veg! Im only planning between 2-4 plants tbh.. dont want to try and grow too much while im still learning. what exactly are the requirements for the flowering stage? And why wouldnt these T5s work, along with a 75W LED?
  22. So i went through my garage and found a crap load of T5 lights. Not counting the blue lights + acitinics etc, i can probably put together about 16 high output T5 globes which are a mixture of cool white, warm white and daylight (A total of around 750W) Would these lights be sufficient for indoor growing?
  23. If I plant the photo fems now, when can I expect it to flower?
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