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Everything posted by Oolong83

  1. Fuck!!!!! Was afraid of this. What now?
  2. im always on a learning path, but i will stick to cocomix, however my mix is coco/perlite/soil (50%/30%/20%). this could be causing some issues, right? stick to EHG nutes for now? Luckily i got outdoor plants too, so the organic nutes i will use on them. Will look at Upgrades and improvements when the next paycheck comes in.
  3. How about using coco mix with organic nutes?
  4. will do, thanx Which brings up another conclusion. seems going with organic nutes is the safer and better option?
  5. Has anyone read the article about the Piketberg bust. FFS the person that wrote that article is clearly a moron. Throughing terms around that they clearly dont understand. Kak like this is what causes people to fear Cannabis and adds to all the negative stigma. What makes this a LAB? where do you see any signs of Hydro here. AND FOR FUCK SAKES, ITS CALLED CANNABIS, NOT DAGGA..... Dagga is that kak you go buy to smoke ur mandrax with, lol. https://www.news24.com/SouthAfrica/News/pics-holy-smokes-lab-with-dagga-worth-r700-000-found-in-old-church-hall-in-piketberg-20190709
  6. i think ima just do it now, seems like the logical way to go to maximize bud.
  7. i should've probably mentioned, its 2 different plants ne. she get dry very quickly, i water every 2nd day, i really doubt that it could be nute burn. salt buildup sounds more likely, will test as soon as i get home from work.
  8. @PsyCLown i did actually put this ladies head under the scrog net. Just want to see how she would grow and what to expect, get a better idea so i can be ready for this process next grow, which is already to go to flower already, i just don't have the space. So as soon as these 6 come out of vegging the next 6 move in.
  9. I use the EHG nute mix. I only gave nutes last night for first time last week, they usually get feedings every 6-7 days. I do give a foliar spray every now and then with either kelpak or wonder-soil all purpose mix. Usually around 5ml/lt yes i do PH to 6.2-6.5. all plants are on the same shit, but none show any signs.
  10. Can i get excited? Is she finally showing sex?
  11. Hey guys any thoughts on this? I thought maybe calmag issue, so i made a very mild dose for spray bottle, but no improvement over 2 days yet.
  12. Nah, thats sounds like too much effort for now. Will just raise the lights some more. That a great idea to do on my next grow, will just raise the net a bit.
  13. Thanx man, im all about the DIY. Haven't really thought of bending them yet, put the net up to support them and to help with spreading the branches. HoW would i bend them? Just as you say? Bend the top through the net again?
  14. Ive actually changed nutes since then, got EHG from hortishop. also got sum organic nutes. So i have to decide which option to go with for flowering. Any advice? Pic1 or Pic2?
  15. So i just selected the top 3 to put into budding section and will flip the lights in 2 weeks. They in there with 2 White widows and 1 Super skunk kush. 6 in all.
  16. The girls are getting nice and big. Will flip them in 2 weeks.
  17. ALTERNATIVE TO PERLITE and it wont cost you a cent......... 1. Styrofoam as Perlite Substitute. Perlite is excellent for amending soil used for container grown plants and for starting seedlings in a soil or soiless medium. ... Blending for about 1-2 minutes and then draining in a sieve will give you a nice Perlite substitute. It has the consistency of coarse sand, but very lightweight. 2. Rice hulls share similar physical properties with perlite and may be substituted for it in fresh or parboiled forms. Because parboiling rice subjects it to steam pressure, which kills all weed or rice seeds, it is preferred over fresh rice in potting mixes. 3. All natural cat litter. (Calcined clay.)Your plants will dig it. 4. Pumice is the better choice for sandy soils because it greatly increases water-holding capacity. Both pumice and perlite help improve soil drainage and increase oxygen levels in clay soils. Pumice particles are larger than perlite and less likely to blow away in windy areas. 5. Crushed glass also works. 6. Biochar can be used. just crush it up, but be cautious as it will absorb nutes. From what ive read you only need to apply about 10% to mix.
  18. i dont doubt that, hopefully if that happens maybe 420 will make a separate category for this purpose. Obviously only if its a successful and worth it. No point in having a thread with just a lot kak and not informative. So far been getting some nice ideas. Love Crex's idea, will definitely give it a shot. Lets keep those ideas coming guys.
  19. Has any of you guys ever tried Flavoring your cannabis plants? Seems pretty easy.
  20. So i will start us off with this video i wathced on Youtube, would like to get your thoughts on this. using Aspirin in your garden. it should work on Cannabis, right?
  21. Hey Guys @420SA @highchome @Green Leaf Organics @greenkush @Bospatrollie2@Trailblazer420@PsyCLown@CleanGreen @SkunkPharm @nakes @CreX @Totemic @AcidAlice @CaNaWidow @CanabisScialGrpSuthAfrica @Dabtzar @DaFish @DaggaBoy @Daggaman @farmaBrown @Farmer Frank @False_axis @Hansom1 @Happee @iGrow @iGrowDagga @icu2 @jabulanithehutt @Jacques @Malice_420 @Nama420 @ODDGRO @RampageZA @Sacred Seeds @S420 @S!ckN!ck @ydt @YourStonedBuddy @Zaskar09 @Za_Organic420 @Za Weed Lover Not sure where exactly to go with this, General discussion just doesn't feel right. Okay, so what I'm attempting here will require everyone to get involved. I would like this tread to be for us to share any new tricks we learned in the garden that could help the rest improve or make things simpler. Also any experimenting with something new? Learned a new trick that can save you money? Share it here, let us all see what you up to. I hope this works and becomes a thread full of useful garden hacks.
  22. Was also thinking of doing this with the green shade net. Also going to use use the green net to line out an old washing basket, then fill it with potting soil and grow strawberries from the sides, so they dont lay on the ground. Saw this cool idea on Youtube. I love this DIY stuff
  23. awesome dude, this has been on my mind for a few days now. thinking of how can i do a cheap scrog net. thanx
  24. is that LED flood lights you using? i just got a 20w LED floodlight to use on my Stoep for the outdoor plants, will it work? Have been thinking whether or not to maybe get e few to cover bigger area.
  25. Love the jungle you got going, now thats a spot i could pitch a tent, lol.
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