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Everything posted by iHigh

  1. iHigh

    Please Help -

    So I spotted this on one of my plants, and though it was isolated incident and was not to worried. Now I see it is happening on a few more plants. I am using Atami buffered coco, with GH FloraCoco nutes. Anyone recognize this please ?
  2. The ideal pH for discus is around 6.5. If your pH is over 7 or below 6 it may begin to cause discus stress. Tank bred Discus species have been known to thrive in pH as high as 7.8 as long as there is little/no fluctuation. Relative water hardness should be 1dH - 8dH. I am thinking a discuss tank, with some plants, and neons....tank will have to run for at least 6-12 months before it would be stable enough to add plants on top
  3. All African Cichlids should be kept in water with a pH of 7.5-9.0, a water hardness from 10-20 dH, and a temperature between 77-82°F. The actual ranges of the African Rift Lakes are: Lake Tanganyika — 7.8-9.0 Lake Malawi — 7.4-8.4 Lake Victoria — 7.2-8.6
  4. Okay, so maybe keeping a mother or two, in veg, over an exotic tank might be possible ...??
  5. Purple punch - one month old Was thinking maybe wait another week ?
  6. Think the PH and water temp limit fish choices. I wanted to do something intergrated into my marine tank, but the salinity is a problem.
  7. Started it with 4 other strains, all same lights, nutes, everything, they are about half the size of the others...strange....
  8. Hi Besides Telapia, and stuff live gold fish, what other fish can be used in an aquaponics setup. Would it be possible with Cichlids ? or other more exotics like Discuss ?
  9. Thought I would give them another go, and got some Dinameds from them. Not sure if its because its a high CBD strain, but the little ladies have definitely fallen far behind all the others ,as well. Weird
  10. Im looking for a few Autopots XL
  11. Has anyone used an Arduino CO2 probe, or know if anything is available yet ? Are any temp loggers available for Sonoff yet ?
  12. I use Atami Coco, is ph balanced, and buffered with Cal/Mag - easy to use. I would also recommend a H2O2 flush every few weeks to keep the lines clean. Love my autopots - makes feeding sooo easy, and gravity fed, means no load shedding issues with pumps..
  13. Does everyone use RO water to mix with their nutes ? I just got a 5 stage RO unit and cannot believe how much water it wastes ... My autopot system's reservoirs are 120L in total, thats a lot of water wasted..
  14. yip - I think thats it - although my wife is a vegetarian - so that might also be am option
  15. Anyone recognize these teeth marks ?
  16. nope - they are spread out among all the seedlings Might be a sensitivity to higher PH - my PH tester was out by .4 - so my PH was about 6.7 for a bit..
  17. seedlings are 7 days old, under LEDs
  18. Got some Purple Punch from Barneys Farm - they are growing much faster than my other seedlings - but all have a funny leaf deformations.. All my other genetics are not showing this
  19. iHigh


    LED's are much more efficient than any other light on the market, except LPS, so a LED that has only a 250w draw, would be equivalent to something much higher than an equivalent HPS pullling the same draw ..
  20. iHigh


    btw - spots on leaves is dust
  21. iHigh


    i am also running 2 x 1200w LEDs and experiencing the same issue - very slight upward curl of outer edges of only some leaves
  22. Has anyone used these with the FloraCoco nutes ? Is it worth it, and can you get them here
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