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Smokey's Stealth cab


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Greetings everyone


I've started up my first grow in quite a while. I am busy using 2 unknown beans, the label seems to have vanished, they could be the last beans left from my seed collection. Not sure myself, I'll have to wait and see what they look like.


I germed the seeds in rockwool. Then I decided to go for coco & perlite instead, so I just transplanted them into some 1l pots.


I am running 2 x 20w Daylight CFL's I had lying around. I am hoping I have 5min free this week at work to pay for a 250w HPS, they should flourish under those conditions.


I'm running GHE Nutes but have yet to start feeding them.


Day 0


Day 1


Day 2


Day 3


Day 4


Day 5


Day 6 - Transplanted


Day 7


Today we are on Day 8, I am going to check on them in the next hour or so.

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Hey smokey


The little ones are looking good but I cant get my head around you switching your photoperiod so soon :investigating


Isn't the plant too young to show sex? Doesn't seem like a good idea to me... Those plants still need to develop a decent root structure too



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Cannabis takes 3 to 5 weeks from seed to become sexually mature ,  at 3 to 5 weeks they will start to alternate node which is a sign of sexual maturity and will then show preflowers on a veg cycle. No flower cycle needed to sex a plant


What you are doing just doesn't make sense...you forcing them to flower before they are mature so causing huge amounts of stress for no advantage. Let them veg and look for the preflowers you going to get a better healthier plant , you are actually slowing down the process by forcing flowering.



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All good bud , that's why we here is to help steer you in the right direction. Train her properly and you will get a plant 1000 times better than that sad looking little plant in the link. Top her once she teachers the 3rd internode , then top each branch at the 2nd internode. This will give you a nice short bushy plant , remembering to punch every internode as it forms.



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Hello everyone, 


I have some good news and some bad news today.


The good news is these little ones look good on Day 10.






The bad news however is that I am soon to be unemployed. Got my notice today, "down scaling".


No bad feelings there, I just need to come up with a new source of income.

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Sorry to hear bud! Seems to be going around.


Well, maybe you could find a product that's easy to produce at home, has fair value, and in high demand. I'll keep my ear to the ground, and let you know if I come across such a product. I'm sure there must be something.😉


Haha, nah I think I'll go towards web design.

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