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Everything posted by THCSA

  1. Thanks man. Yeah, been missing the forum vibes. Definitely fixing myself;)
  2. On the mend:) Although 4 weeks flat on my back is tough. Silver lining that I can still be in the matrix and get my pips in a row.
  3. Hemp and Medical Cannabis Legalized in South Africa following president Cyril Ramaphosa’s State of the Nation address in Parliament. https://thehighco.co.za/hemp-and-medical-cannabis-legalized-in-south-africa/
  4. Headshop owner, blogger and pro stoner. https://thehighco.co.za/
  5. Recently wrote this article about the paradox of cannabis seeds since decriminalization in SA. https://thehighco.co.za/are-cannabis-seeds-legal-in-south-africa/ My gut says that cannabis seeds are legal to buy and sell. What do you think... is it legal?
  6. Aweh and greetings Buzz here. Professional stoner and cannabis enthusiast. Haven't been on a forum in ages and looking forward to getting back in the swing. Some of you may have met me already at various expos, events and on The Hotbox Show. Also the owner of The High Co and ex Fields of Green for All director. www.thehighco.co.za Looking forward to making some new 420 friends and talking lank dank on this forum.
  7. "The Traditional Health Practitioners Act does not create a mechanism to sell cannabis and cannabis related products” - SAHPRA & SAPS joint statement https://thehighco.co.za/canapax-is-illegal-say-cops/
  8. High Gnome We discussed all of this a day or two before you placed your order. Your screenshots are all of this pre-order discussion and me explaining that unfortunately Secunda doesn't qualify as it's an outlying area. Am very open on THC that terms and conditions apply to the free shipping offer and we don't try to hide it. Also disclose the shipping costs and whether you qualify for free shipping before you pay for your order. Hence our chat. The Courier Guy is worth every cent and 420SA is doing a great job to promote local vibes. Sucks that you're putting so much energy into being negative. Can't make every chappie happy and am not gonna be a dick about it. Don't see any previous orders for you, but could be wrong. Here's a quote from this, your first and only THC order. Folk can judge for themselves if this is an irie attitude. "420SA Growoffs 1 Pack i am fucking pissed off that i have to pay 200 in fucking shipping i better get free shit because i have to fucking order from you that i can get my seeds" You're 420% right. In the BTL days we gave free shipping to anywhere in SA for orders on R420 or more. Even when the areas were up to 5x times the regular cost. This was at the insistence of the BTL owners, even though it was me personally covering all of these additional costs. Can't really comment about your history with BTL. Was just the pleb doing the hard work, while also paying for all the bills and mistakes. Thank you to all those who support THC and 420SA. Even if it's as small as liking or sharing. Gnome, you will always be welcome to order from us or not.
  9. Obviously can't enter the comp but here's one of my pics that made me smile the most this month. A friends Acapulco Gold from this summer.
  10. Pleeeeeease make our CBD receptors drool and break our THC riddled minds with your favourite cannabis inspired pictures. I will politely thank you for it and then beg for more. We have lot's of great shiny new goodies looking for goods homes. So don't hold back. The danker your submissions, the danker the prizes will grow.
  11. Hello Not much to say other than looking forward to chatting lank about the local dank. So rather than bore you with what I think is important to you, just go ahead and ask me anything. See you in the threads:)
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