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Posts posted by Brown-dawg

  1. So this is what the cabinet looks like.



    And here is a reading from my phone lux meter



    1x 70w halogen 3x 20 CFL all are 2700k bulbs, main light is 105w T5 spiral CFL. Passive inflow. 40w extractor in ceiling with fan controls to adjust speed.

  2. The last time I grew some plants I used the " pop it in a cup of water overnight method " and then let the viable seeds sit in a sprouter until they developed taproots. It worked ok.


    I had a couple of weak plants that started off with strangely shaped cotyledons and stunted first leaves.


    This time I'm going straight into soil ( grow green organics potting soil.) Damp but not saturated. Planted exactly 1.5 cm in the soil.

    They are currently in a dark, warm spot ( for 6hrs) then under 24 hr 105w T5 CFL lights until I see green ;-)


    2x Dinafem California Hash Plants and 3x mixed seeds from a buddy.



  3. Hi bud

    Yea the 315w SE is deffinately be a better bet than the 400w sunmaster from what I have seen.


    @Reaper I have seen it said as well that a 315w SE keeps up with a 1000w but I am very scepticle with that. I would say the 315w SE is equal to a 600w , I have gone with the 630w de to test against my 1000w fixtures


    Agree with you, grow guru very helpful dude. Stock was all wiped out last time I popped round which I guess, is a sign that growing weed is a budding business :-tongue in cheek



  4. Hi bud

    I personally am not a fan of led lighting , they are fine for micro and small tents under 1m x 1m but if you want to get the most out of your grow I would go hid or cmh.

    Google cmh lighting fixtures and have a look what the net says about them , there's a lot of benifits in cmh including a 37%-45% saving on power over hps/MH. The cmh produce a absolutely beautiful spectrum light with a really high Par and cir rating. They also have your UV in the spectrum so will have a little extra resin and crystal production.


    Have a look into it and see what you think but I feel it's quiet a good option for you.


    Growguru has ordered a few in the range to start and should arrive in a few weeks and as far as I know he is the only one in the country so far that will carry stock. He is getting...


    315w  SE complete fixture (ballast , remote , reflector and hangers)

    630w DE complete fixture

    315w SE ballast ( can be used with regular hoods)

    Hi guys

    I've been watching your chat with great interest as I am about to buy some lights and am trying to decide.

    GLO , you reckon a 315CMH better than dual spectrum 400w sunmaster hps?

  5. Aaaah Shit! now you hvae me interested too.


    I am looking at the Critical+ 2.0 and the Critical jack.


    I will wait to see how your grow goes 1st

    Ha ha ha. Glad you keen. I got prices on  400w dual spectrum sunmaster  setup today so I'm going to scrutinize that  tomorrow. Going to start slow.

    But I will post a grow log.


    That critical 2 does look good. But if these California s are good, then I'll be looking for a fat Bubba Kush as well.

    Medical supplies

  6. I dont think there is any real definitive way to say what strain it is. I think the closest you will get is Sativa or Indica.

    My best guess it that its a Hybrid that is Indica Dominant.

    Maybe someone with more experience can comment here?

    Thanks @Reaper


    No biggy. Just a matter of interest. So you reckon indica dominant.

    You basing that on leaf shape, internode spacing?

    Ed-Zackary! I dont know much but thats what Im basing it on


    We've got so much to learn... luckily it's an awesome topic:-)

  7. I dont think there is any real definitive way to say what strain it is. I think the closest you will get is Sativa or Indica.

    My best guess it that its a Hybrid that is Indica Dominant.

    Maybe someone with more experience can comment here?

    Thanks @reaper


    No biggy. Just a matter of interest. So you reckon indica dominant.

    You basing that on leaf shape, internode spacing?



  8. I got a mixed bag of seed from a friend. Most of them were males, all different strains.

    This one is one of three females.

    Any ideas what strain she may be.


    Just curious and wanna learn as much as I can.



    Any observations/ useful comments greatly appreciated.



    I think there's a mass of South Africans out there right now who have planted seeds thinking its a relatively straight forward process. Once they hit the inevitable issues that beginners go through they'll be here. I hope :-meditate


    I think you're right @420SA. Still, early days for SA legalization etc. don't wanna take unnecessary chances. But there's no reason not to learn how to grow the best weed we can. I'm sure this forum gonna xplode soon with interested people.



    I think there's a mass of South Africans out there right now who have planted seeds thinking its a relatively straight forward process. Once they hit the inevitable issues that beginners go through they'll be here. I hope :-meditate


    I think you're right @420SA. Still, early days for SA legalization etc. don't wanna take unnecessary chances. But there's no reason not to learn how to grow the best weed we can. I'm sure this forum gonna xplode soon with interested people.

  11. Sure it's pricey. But seeds from friends are a bit of a shot in the dark...

    Until SA seedbanks get some local competition, I guess this is just the way it is.

    A well organized seed swop  on this forum would be awesome though.



  12. Yeah you dont want to use any chems now dude or ever actually, just get in there and wipe her down. She is not bushy at all so she will get plenty light if you stake her. Looks like you can get a triangle shape there if you pull those 3 branches back

    Right. Thanks man.


    I feel like an ass abandoning her like that.


    Thanks again.

  13. Hey bud, I would suggest staking her, The plants buds will eventually get heavier and weigh those branches down. If you stake her up you allow for more energy to be put into the buds. One cant really do much once the plant is in flower, when she is flowering she is flowering. stake her and give her a PK boost.

    Thanks man

    Thinking of spreading her on a s rig screen. Get a bit more light all round.


    Any ideas for getting rid of critters under the leaves? I don't want to use poisons this far into flower.


    I was thinking wash each leaf with mild soapy water ...


    :-nervous chuckle

  14. Hi guys.


    So a while back I thought this lady was done for! Put her in a back room in the house with mainly morning light.

    She seemed way slower than rest (mix seeds from a buddy ).

    Now, after everyone else is long done, she starts putting out.

    Organic soil. Currently on bio bizz bloom every few days. Need to spray leaves have some critters on underside!


    Buddy took care of her for two weeks while I was away. Pic is from today.

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