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Everything posted by ChefDylan

  1. Still not much going on at the moment. But here they are
  2. Update. The girls are getting thirsty, I am watering every other day now. Taking shape nicely.
  3. Update. Still coming along nicely, still away to go though.
  4. Update: Top dressed all with elemental blend from dirty hands inc. And watered with ph water and molasses
  5. Not much going on this week.
  6. Update: recovering nicely an pleasantly surprised. Did some cropping and a watering and will leave them there until Wednesday and give them a feeding of some nutrients and molasses. For now, just pleasedthey are pulling through. I did however lose a few branches here and there but better than the whole crop.
  7. Quick update, so 1 of my plants seems to be trucking along after my cockup. Onwards and upwards hahah. Watered with ph water and will leave it there for now
  8. I used a mix of baking soda, oil and dish soap which i have used before and i used on all my plants on the same day, its only these ladies which reacted this way, But I do think it could of been the light. Who knows. I will just truck along and see what happens. The rest of my plants are coming along swimmingly.
  9. So not much going on this week, still waiting to see if they recover from my stuff up but I they do not look good. Lesson learned. Moving on. I did however transplant into final pots now and will water later today with ph water and explogro solution. Have a great day Peeps.
  10. Thanks for the advice, Lesson learned hahaha
  11. Update: So I have made a grave mistake, I was spraying some plants for powdery mildew and decided to spray these by way of preventative measure and well, Bad idea causei burned them. All the others are perfect except these. I am hopi g they recover. Only time will tell
  12. Thank you, work I progress
  13. So new update: Flip day!! Woo hoo it's time people. So I have done some defoliation and training for maximum light penetration. Watered with ph water with a solution of vermigrow. Let the race continue.
  14. Well not much to report today. Just getting ready for flip in a week.
  15. So, I have repotted #1 and 2 into bigger pots with amended canna pro coco and perlite mix with dirty hands elemental mix and worm castings. A light water of explogro solution 4ml to every liter ph water. Also have some some final training until flip.
  16. Its all good, with the power cuts and the weather the way it been, been tricky for all involved i think. 15 days until flip. so anybodys game right now
  17. Thank you, They are coming along nicely. This competition awesome.
  18. So I have tepotted #3 into a bigger pot and have decided to let her to get more light in, have her a little water and that's where I leave her for a while. I will repot the other 2 on the weekend.
  19. Thanks man, I will do that a little later when I get home, Thanks for the advice
  20. Update: Watered the girls today with plain water ph 6.0 Been traing them a little, this is where I leave them for a while. #3 still has not been touched or topped. Will leave that one there till the end. #1 & #2 am training and mainlining. That's all for today
  21. I am quite aggressive with topping and trimming but it works for me.
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