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Everything posted by highjinx

  1. Here is my entry. As a first time grower I am very happy with how it is going, thanks to all the help received from fellow growers here.
  2. It is a fanstatic idea and someone has to start. Unfortunately until such time as the govenment has put something on paper, this is going to be risky. Not that anyone is doing anything wrong, but the police don't care and will go out of their way to make things difficult. With Fields of Green's new Stop the Cops innitiative, this might be the fight they are looking for to make the cops follow the law as they are suppose to uphold. Hopefully trade in cannabis will be legal soon and clubs/coffee shops can be open about it like in the Netherlands, but only time will tell.
  3. Not sure about the other one, but colloidal silver is sprayed on the female as it goes into flower every day either for a set period or until you see male flowers appear. So very easy to do.
  4. The error seems to have stopped...so all good
  5. That is what I have managed to gather so far. If you use the hermie pollen on a female the chances of the seeds going hermie is reduced. It is also advised to discard the plant that the colloidal silver has been used on and not smoke or make oil/edibles from it. So getting seeds from that plant is probably not the best either.
  6. With the bit of research I've done so far, a hermie will produce femenized seeds by itself, but you stand a good chance of carrying over the hermie in the seed. Therefore seeds produced this way is more likely to hermie by itself instead of needing the colloidal silver to force the male flowers to grow. Don't see any reason for this not to work on a autos as well.
  7. @CleanGreen I think the whole idea behind a mother plant is more to know exactly what you are going to get instead of having to grow from seed with a chance of getting same strain but different fenotype. Mothers can also produces clones all the time, so getting a hight number of plants going quickly, a mother would be useful. It seems that the colloidal silver does work. It is just not recommended to smoke the plant that you used that method on. So best is to treat one of the clones with colloidal silver and then pollinate a different female. That produces female seeds only as the pollen used originally came from a female plant.
  8. I see some of the international guys keeping their mother plants for 10 years and longer under a 18/6 light. So if you have a favourite strain, it might be worth it if you have the space to keep a plant that never flowers. Would like to try it eventually, but need a bigger space for that.
  9. There is nothing silly about wanting to learn, and by describing your ideas, it might teach the rest of us that are also new to growing a lot. Before we end up here...
  10. Thanks for the warm welcome. We managed to get hold of some oil and my wife was pain free for the first time in years almost instantly, even at an extremely low dose, but we are both concidering smoking for both the medical and recreational benefits. However, she is currently pregnant, so I've got a year to sort my grow out. Defenitely not looking at doing anything crazy for the first time, so still thinking about how to do it, but nothing to worry about now. Looking forward to my first harvest and making my own edibles and oil. Hope you all have a good weekend and have one on my behalf.
  11. So this is just to say hi... Still very new to growing my own and learing every day. Hope to learn some more around here. Currently have some Moby Dick and a bunch of randoms going. My reason for growing is to make oil for my wife that was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, so I have never smoked before. I'll give smoking a try once I take down my first own harvest. Cheers!! highjinx
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