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Everything posted by LitItGrown

  1. Perfect(Because that single user's ECS will change as the day progress)
  2. ""He might look for the THCV compound." Spot on! The reason is because of this strains particular effects in diabetics. It is documented (studies in mice) that the THCV compound would cause the sugar levels to fluctuate less extreme between highs and lows. Now granted that the studies have been in mice, but they are strain specific studies, nonetheless. So this is more of a medical exploration that it is of a psychedelic nature. So as with most casses in cannabis it comes down to the pudding and the pudding here for me would be finding the above mentioned result; "sugar levels to fluctuate less extreme between highs and lows" and it only became a recent "thing" because of a close friend of mine did experience an improvement - less flux between high and low - up to 2 days after smoking some GSR and after quite an interesting conversation, I found this strain. Now I'm not the type to go bro-science quickly, because frankly, the research in the field of cannabis are decades behind other crops due to prohibition. I guess that's what makes cannabis so intriguing to most growers. I do like to experiment myself and with that comes pros and cons. At this point I just want to help a friend to feel better - Like we all use the herb, however not everybody's requirements to feel better are the same. So then you look at the human endocannabinoid system and then you realize ok so these variables and chemical make-up now get introduced to another cannabinoid chemical make-up aka cannabis. That's why every user experience is unique and similar and opposite in almost all strains, depending on what the user has experienced, and this also has to do with our human system... The human endocannabinoid system (ECS) regulates a variety of physiological processes and helps maintain homeostasis in the body. Some of the functions regulated by the ECS include: *Neurotransmitter function - The ECS plays a role in regulating the release, uptake, and overall balance of neurotransmitters in the brain. This helps modulate functions such as mood, appetite, sleep, and pain perception. *Immune system response - The ECS influences immune system responses, including inflammation. It helps regulate the immune system's inflammatory response to injury or illness, promoting balance and preventing excessive inflammation. *Pain perception - The ECS is involved in the modulation of pain sensation. Endocannabinoids can bind to cannabinoid receptors in the nervous system, reducing the transmission of pain signals and providing pain relief. *Appetite and digestion: The ECS influences appetite regulation and the digestive process. It can stimulate hunger or suppress appetite, depending on the specific signals and receptors involved. *Sleep and relaxation: The ECS is involved in the regulation of sleep patterns and relaxation. It can influence the sleep-wake cycle, promoting restful sleep and relaxation. *Mood and stress response: The ECS plays a role in regulating mood and the body's response to stress. It helps modulate the release of stress hormones and promotes a sense of well-being. *Reproductive system: The ECS has been found to be involved in various aspects of reproductive function, including fertility, implantation, and embryonic development. Research on the ECS is still ongoing, and our understanding of its functions continues to evolve, but all these above should ring some bells. So my fellow mystics.., it's a custom, just like in chemistry if your ratios are off you won't see the results your heard off, but if your ratios are correct then the more likely you are to achieve the result you can measure / grade / judge whatever your goal is. SO that means that if I have a girl scout cookie just as healthy as @Naughty.Psychonaut's girl scout cookie (he will argue that his plant is healthier and yes he'd most probably be right, BUT let's say hypothetically that the 2 plants are equally healthy, same seed batch, but not clones. They will still have developed different chemistry levels, HOWEVER they would probably more or less the same, and give majority of users the same effects, however there will be the exceptions, but most likely it will be because of the user's chem make-up and not the plants. But that's just my 2 cents. Me I am easy I like to get stoned and high and neither sativa nor indica gives me muchies. Amber trichs is good for my ADHD and the milky ones are murder for my attention span but fun! Any one of the 2 helps when I sit for a tattoo, sure it's still painful but the moment I get busy on my phone I forget about the ink completely, and thus Pain perception checkbox checked. Another friend of mine experiences the opposite, every time no matter what the strain. I must also add that, Sativa's strains thus far, just seem to have a longer effect than the Indica's and therefor, for me a softer landing. But that's just my own personal experience. Thanks for all the insights and advice fellow mystics, always appreciated
  3. High again! my fellow mystics. Does anybody know where in SA I can find seeds of a strain called "Black Beauty"? THC 7% | CBD 1% | Sativa 50% | Indica 50% "A rare find, Black Beauty is an excellent strain for those that want to experience THCV in their bud, especially when combined with a reasonably low THC load." "The grower, George Bianchini, claims that after a few generations of meddling and further crossbreeding, Black Beauty began producing more THC than CBD, and eventually creating THCV as well. This is what gives the strain it’s signature cerebral potency, as well as its almost knock-out relaxation. (THCV’s presence increases the effectiveness and assimilation rate of the THC within the strain, amplifying the relatively mild amount of THC found in Black Beauty.)" - wayofleaf.com
  4. Hi fellow mystics, I was hoping you could drop me some strain recommendations of strain that are high CBD / low THC. I don't know much about CBD strains other than they have a much less psychedelic effect., and then they lost me. However, I've read a couple of interesting things about CBD that got this old dog's attention. I would love to hear your suggestions / recommendations.
  5. "Hope this video does not give you incentive to run to the nearest grow shop and grab some aminos just to go add it to your regime" - Actually, that's what I am trying to avoid. "Hell yeah bud, nice to see you studying the right stuff" - I like to dig deeper into rabbit holes to see where and how they all connect and correlate, there are so many ways that "lead to roam" that I would watch multiple videos, read articles, etc on the same subject and as they branch out to what I feel is relevant to what I want to or in some cases, need to know. I never knew that terpenes in plants 'communicate' to each other through all the processes happening in soil, the balance of bacteria and fungus etc. So, thanks for directing me deeper into that direction. Still very much into the rabbit hole, I just wish I had more time., lol don't we all, but I am truly fascinated with this micro universe in the soil. "All those 'science' clips you get on YouTube... they are more for the freaks." Information is everywhere and when a person is looking for direction, information is where to start, verifying the info is second. Multiple sources has always worked for me. I know not everything you hear is factual and sometimes not relevant, or even applicable, but I try to learn from others' experience and discoveries, mistakes and successes, the dynamics of most scenarios are so interchangeable, so I understand to take most advice with some salt. As always, your inputs are appreciated. Happy Growing.
  6. I found this is really insightful, especially how certain amino acids increases a plant's natural resistance to powdery mildew and botrytis at a cellular level.
  7. There is a free app in the google play store, PPFD Meter - Grow Light Meter - It gives you the DLi (as well) - It uses your phone's camera sensor, so I would suspect that the better the sensor on the phone the more accurate the app would probably be. You can google Bruce Bugby or search youtube he has 1 particular presentation on light that explains a lot on the subject.
  8. Hi, maybe this could help you out; Convert Lux to PPFD - Online Calculator | Waveform Lighting you input your lux value, select the light spectrum and it will give you and estimate
  9. "They specifically offset or buffer if you will H+ ions, and this is what stabilizes the soil pH. Everything else pivots on this. The microbes, the plants ability to interact with the soil, and the balance of the chemical reactions." This makes complete sense, but now why still top dress with Gypsum? Is this simply to keep the microbes happy with them doing their process thing or does it actually add more calcium to the soil? (I top-dress weekly with a mix of kelp meal and some volcanic rock dust (a buddy gave it to me - said it feeds beneficial microbes in the soil), some Epsom salts and a very, very small amount of bloodmeal. I will add some gypsum with the next dressing and see how the ladies react.
  10. Oh boy, never said "use egg shells to make better seeds" I said " Magnesium is what the plant uses "extra" so to speak, when producing seeds." and after that "the eggshell pieces for calcium part" and then I stated "however since it's so late grinding them to a powder might make them more soluble for the soil." Then this Psychonaut cat lost his fuckin mind. Going on about feelings and sending private DMs... OMG, anyway like I said before I'm done with this dude or chick, sounds like a chick TBH, but I don't really care, since the dude took the reply thing to a whole new level So think what you want to dude, I don't care much for the opinion of sheep. (Oh and just FYI Calcium sulphate is composed of calcium, sulphur, and oxygen atoms - In its natural form, calcium sulphate is not immediately available to plants, as it is often in a relatively insoluble form. For example, gypsum (hydrated calcium sulphate) has a low solubility in water, so it does not dissolve readily in soil solution. However, over time, calcium and sulphur from gypsum can become available to plants (through a process called mineralization, in which soil microbes break down the gypsum and release the nutrients in a plant-available form.)
  11. Do you use gypsum it in your base mix or when do you introduce it to your medium? (Just a question - because isn't gypsum a slow release as well?) Would it be a sulphur overkill to use Epsom salt with Gypsum for example? (Mg+S and Ca+S= too much S) [ I do have gypsum and Epsom salt, but I have been refraining from using the 2 together because of the sulphur factor. I use Bonemeal in my medium as a slow-release source of calcium (not eggshells, lol) and phosphorus. (Trusting it would be available around pre-flower) (I use small amount of Epsom salts for a mag boost weekly.)]
  12. Brother I hear ya, and I'm not trying to teach anybody anything or rub people the wrong way, all I am trying to say is that there is more than one way to skin a cat. I got 11 plants growing 5 strains, 7 autos (4 strains) and 4 photos, (2 strains) oh and 14 photos outside..., Now to explain to you why I am breaking rules like crazy on various plants - I topped a 7-day old Seedling to see how the the plant reacts to that big no no. - would simply be fruitless, because I know you don't care about the small processes, we are different and that's cool. But I do, that cheap soil is the easiest for me to 1. get and 2. sterilise and nutralise it. It's got no nutritional value whatsoever... the closest point to zero. White pots can be a good option for growing cannabis indoors, as they reflect more light than darker coloured pots, which can help to maximize the amount of light that reaches the plant's leaves. This increased light reflection can help to increase overall plant growth and yield. Additionally, white pots may help to keep the soil and roots cooler in hot conditions, as they reflect more heat than darker pots. (I lined 3 pots with higher reflection properties - the ladies at the back are 7 days older and they seem to be perfectly in love with their environment variables) "Crows has as much right to sing as nightingales do." You do your select purchases of expensive "organic" feeds, soils, etc. But in reality, most of the best weed in the world, gets only fresh batshit, mineral spring water and tropical sunlight. - This is an entirely different chapter altogether - and in my humble opinion the key to how the plant defends itself - that old design has the power and spectrum I need (and still was really outside my budget), I monitor my VPD and DLi myself daily, regularly. Simply because I love to watch the plats re-act to adjustments. I am trying strain specific hypothesis (on my photos, which you would probably call torture), which when the time is right, I will share gladly my findings to those who are interested. If there was an exact science to growing A-grade highly potent marijuana, everybody would be doing it. But here is the biggest dynamic, genetics. That means that every individual plant will use and do what it's genetics tells it to do. for example if your 1 plant's genetics dictates that it should only use small amounts of magnesium then even if the normal amount of magnesium is there to use, the plant won't instinctively use it, however a trigger in the environment can cause the plant to suddenly start using excess amounts of magnesium because "it learned" now you will probably tell me BS, however think of it this way - If you were born in China even with your current genetics you would not be the same as you are now, if you had to grow up in China you would HAVE to adapt as you grow - Thus the debate or the result would be would the outcome be better or worse? Would you have thrived or died in China because of your genetic difference. So again no teaching and again I appreciate the input - you have your magics that works for you - I never denied that. I merely stated that the plants use extra magnesium for seed production and later eggshells contain calcium. You are the one that said why it wouldn't help, I then merely stated why it would... factually
  13. Eggshell powder is typically made by sterilizing and drying eggshells and then grinding them into a fine powder. It is a commercial product widely available in health food stores and online. Eggshell powder is often used as a calcium supplement, and it can also be added to foods and beverages as a natural source of calcium. Powdered eggshells, on the other hand, are simply eggshells that have been ground into a powder. This can be done using a mortar and pestle or a food processor. Powdered eggshells are often used in gardening as a natural source of calcium for plants, and they can also be added to animal feed as a calcium supplement. The main difference between eggshell powder and powdered eggshells is the degree of processing. Eggshell powder is typically made using a sterilization process that removes any potential contaminants, whereas powdered eggshells may not be sterilized. Additionally, eggshell powder may contain other minerals and nutrients in addition to calcium carbonate, depending on the manufacturer. Eggshell powder and powdered eggshells are good sources of calcium carbonate, but eggshell powder is a commercial product that has been processed and may contain additional nutrients, while powdered eggshells are simply ground-up eggshells and are typically used in gardening or animal feed. As a general rule of thumb maintain a calcium to magnesium ratio of approximately 3:1 during the flowering stage, and it is recommended to provide between 100-200ppm of calcium to the plants in the flowering stage. 200ppm: 200mg/L x 25 L (Soil pot)= 5,000 mg or 5 grams of calcium per week - "while one teaspoon of powdered eggshells contains about 750-900mg of calcium" so, 5 grams / 0.75 grams per teaspoon = 6.67 teaspoons of eggshell powder per week. IN EFFECT - mystic ORGANinc. Eggshell powder has 50-100mg more calcium than powdered eggshells. HOWEVER - as a fellow mystic, Naughty.Psychonaut pointed out that it would take time to be available in the soil, so if we say 5 weeks prior to flowering, we can sort-off use the terms months without the "s" - So if you are growing photos, you can add them a month or as "late" as 3 weeks prior to flipping. IT IS IMPORTANT to note that the actual calcium requirements may vary depending on the specific nutrient regimen being used and the growth stage of the plant, so it is always best to monitor the plants closely and adjust the nutrient levels as needed. Peace
  14. "perhaps, don't drop one liners?" perhaps consider some
  15. Me neither, and I never said you were wrong, maybe off, but not wrong, I simply stood by my point, and simply because you feel it's misinformation that I only drop a one-liner of fact and start ranting on me, why not just answer the dude's question? - which was regarding nutes for seed development, upon which I merely stated that seed production uses more magnesium etc. But thanks, you made my day dude now I can tick off "argue over eggshells" off my bucket list Oh and "If you know all the extra steps you didn't mention before..." cause most peeps here knows what "might make them more soluble for the soil" means, but then there are ones that don't and then I am happy to explain.
  16. Good advice, and if I may add..., stick to what you know and where your experience is as well. From your own experiences, you have insights that you think others know, but they don't. It's your mental fortitude that will allow you to see things through. Remember, you have to build a house 1st before you can sell it or in other terms, you have to grow, dry and cure it before you can smoke it. All in all, the rewards come after the efforts.
  17. Lol, Technically, that depends on several factors, including the size and thickness of the eggshells, the soil pH, and the temperature and moisture conditions in the soil. Powdered eggshells will generally release calcium into the soil more quickly than whole eggshells, as the increased surface area allows for faster decomposition. (Eggshells are a good source of calcium and they are everywhere if your sources are limited, is all I am saying. Point is you will get Calcium into your soil. - Sure there are better "purchasable" calcium subs, I was simply pointing out a cheap way to get it in the mix - I also mentioned it might be too late, however check your facts again on how fast the breakdown is. it's eggshells not kryptonite and it's really irrelevant, since calcium is a micronutrient, and the plant won't use more than it genetically told to use. - some fixes like using lime will up your PH, and you could cause nutrient lockout.
  18. Apologies, I should have mentioned the eggshell pieces for calcium part. That you can also get anywhere, however since it's so late grinding them to a powder might make them more soluble for the soil.
  19. Magnesium is what the plant uses "extra" so to speak, when producing seeds. Epsom salts is excellent organic sub for calmag - you can get it at your local pharmacy - the Magnesium and sulphur is what you are after. You can use a ratio of about 1 tablespoon in about 4 litres of water. - Even if your not after seeds these micros are healthy for your plant as well.
  20. Hey there my fellow Mystics,

    Thought I would share something lady-like from the younger ladies.

    So about 12 hours after their first LST session, the ladies covered their stems. The Cookies & Cream did not have a fan leaf shading her stem from the light, so this is what this young lady did...1DA-LST-01.thumb.jpg.44520976363c69b32e2e2d09d5b7be26.jpg

    She covered her own stem,


    Amazing 🤩


    I appreciated witnessing this tiny adjustment and again just marvel at the awesomeness of nature!

    Till next time. 😉

    1. Ill_Evan


      Looking good!

  21. My fellow Mystics,

    It's here, 🤩 the 450w Quad Board with Samsung Diodes 2 x Meanwell drivers and dimmer. (1290 PPFD) over 100 DLi.


    The ladies are loving it almost as much as I am.

    (I never in my life thought I would spend this much on a light, but hey I purchased half a sun for the ladies.😂)

    420 Love till next time mystics.



    1. Ill_Evan


      Just be careful with it. Those LEDs with the thin metal plate as a "heatsink" can get omega hot to the point of degrading the diodes. If it gets so hot that you can't physically touch the metal plate, I would recommend having a fan blowing over the whole fixture. 

    2. LitItGrown


      Ah yes thanks for the tip, I got a fan blowing on that sucker, even then you could use it as a hot plate :D. Turns out it's just that that will save me the money that i would have invested in a small heater (winter is coming). Now, I can adjust the height for the temp and the dimmer for the light level 😄 

      (I modified an indoor fireplace 1.8m x 1.8m x 2m, so i have a nice exhaust for the heat, all in all it's a tropical paradise in there, 29 degrees 45% RH and now I can keep it there drop it raise it, basically have a bit more control off the environment than I had with the now seedling lights 😄 

      I tested the environment specifically for the Malawi Gold (which I will plant soon) and it loves almost desert kind of heat 30 - 37C and 30 - 50 RH, still working on my soil mix, cause they like low nitrogen and high phosphor from seed to flower... So yeah, we will see if I bit off more than I can chew, but at least it won't be the hardware's fault.  

  22. Maybe this would be of some aid; Cercospora leaf spot (Cercospora cannabis) symptoms Mycosphaerellaceae Kingdom: Fungi Phylum: Ascomycota Subphylum: Pezizomycotina Class: Dothideomycetes Subclass: Dothideomycetidae Order: Capnodiales Family: Mycosphaerellaceae Cercospora leaf spot is a fungal disease caused by the pathogen Cercospora cannabis that affects cannabis plants. It is characterized by the appearance of small, circular, grayish spots on the leaves, which later turn brown and develop a yellow halo. Over time, the spots coalesce and cause extensive damage to the foliage, reducing the plant's photosynthetic capacity and affecting its overall health and productivity. Cercospora leaf spot is a common disease in cannabis plants and can occur in both indoor and outdoor cultivation environments. The fungus can spread rapidly under warm and humid conditions and can be transmitted through spores that are dispersed by wind or water. The disease is more common in crowded and humid growing conditions, as it can quickly spread from plant to plant. Preventing Cercospora leaf spot requires proper plant care and good hygiene practices. This includes maintaining good air circulation, avoiding overwatering, and keeping the grow environment clean and free from debris. Early detection and treatment are critical to prevent the spread of Cercospora leaf spot and limit its impact on cannabis plant health and productivity. There are several treatment options available for controlling Cercospora leaf spot in cannabis plants. These include: Fungicides: Applying a fungicide to the affected plants can help control the spread of the disease. However, it is important to select a fungicide that is labeled for use on cannabis plants, and to follow the label instructions carefully. Cultural controls: Good cultural practices can help prevent the spread of Cercospora leaf spot. This includes removing infected leaves and debris from the growing area, ensuring proper air circulation, and avoiding overwatering. Biological controls: Using beneficial microorganisms, such as Trichoderma, can help prevent the growth of Cercospora fungus and other harmful pathogens. Resistance breeding: Some cannabis strains are naturally resistant to Cercospora leaf spot. Therefore, selecting resistant strains for cultivation can be an effective long-term strategy for preventing the disease. Integrated pest management: Combining multiple control methods, such as cultural controls, biological controls, and resistance breeding. It is important to note that early detection and prevention are key to controlling Cercospora leaf spot. Below is an example of Cercospora leaf spot;
  23. Greetings again, my fellow Mystics, as you all know time is a currency more than is a commodity these days, however I shall find the time open grow dairies for the ladies here, Local Genetics - 420SA Cannabis Forum as @III_Evan suggested. And since all 6 Ladies, 2 x Cookies & Cream Fem Auto's, 2 x Girl Scout Cookies Fem Auto's and 2 x Sour Diesel Fem Autos are from MarijuanaSA, and all 6 took less than 24 hours to soak and sprout a tap root. - The 1st three on the 30st of March and 53 Hours later planted them directly to their final pot - The 2nd Three on the 5th of April, and 50 Hours later planted them directly to their final pot as well. I shall elaborate more in the appropriate section as mentioned above.

    All of them are doing nicely, the older Sour Diesel, as you will see in the diaries has a, what looks like a genetic mutation. (I suspect there will be quite the debate on that one.) Tomorrow will be their second feed - the older plants skipped the first week of feeding, the younger plants looked a bit stronger on their 1st week, so I gave them a feeding on day 1 (meaning their 1st scheduled feed - not actual day one), since they are all already in their final pots, I will be honest it's my first time with fem autos and from what I gather they stress easy and so I opted to go a way that would least disturb the roots. 

    So fellow mystics, l shall update here, Local Genetics - 420SA Cannabis Forum soon.

    And remember, don't drink and drive..., smoke and fly! 😉

  24. So, turns out the raven they used was a Weasley raven, but on the calendar cycle of the 14th day of April 2023 on Herbal Valentine's Day it finally arrived.



    The druids of the GSR also sent another northling, 2 more golds and 10 beans of the Ethos, Lemon Diesel a strain I must know more about. 
    Do any of you mystics out there know of this Strain? A few moons after this, I received another scroll and it read.,

    "Good day, friend. Ethos Genetics is a revered cultivator of cannabis strains, using both traditional and modern methods to create unique and potent blends. 
    One of their notable creations is Lemon Diesel, a hybrid strain made by crossing California Sour and Lost Coast OG. Lemon Diesel boasts a fragrant citrus aroma and flavour and can bring about uplifting effects. With its high THC content, it has been known to alleviate symptoms of depression, anxiety, and chronic pain. Ethos Genetics has also developed their own version, which they've dubbed Citrus Sap, by breeding Gorilla Glue #4 with Tangie. May this knowledge serve you well on your journey. - Unsigned"

    So, in a mere 3 weeks, I am now up to my ankles with scrolls of information from different druids. Allow me to bring you up to speed of my journey; It was Tuesday, March 28, 2023, when a raven reached marijuanasa.co.za the raven's request read: "Two Cream of the Cookies, Two Cookies made by Girl Scout and Two Sour drops of the Diesel - none that bows to light".

    The 3rd, 4th and 5th scrolls read as follows..., 

    "I am CookiesAndCreamDruid, a druid of the Cannabis plant, and I come to you with tales of a legendary strain that has captured the hearts and minds of Cannabis enthusiasts for generations: Cookies & Cream Feminized Auto Flower. Legend has it that this strain was created in the fertile lands of the West Coast, where the gods of the plant kingdom infused their magic into the very essence of the plant.

    The effects of Cookies & Cream are said to be a divine experience, transporting the user to a realm of pure euphoria and relaxation. Its potency and popularity have made it a favourite among both new and experienced users, with its high THC content and complex terpene profile producing a potent and long-lasting high that is unmatched by any other strain.

    However, cultivating this divine plant under lights is not without its challenges. The strain is known to be sensitive to changes in temperature and humidity and requires precise care and attention to thrive. But those who master the art of cultivating Cookies & Cream are rewarded with an experience unlike any other, as the plant's rich aroma and flavour infuse the very air with its magic.

    Join me, fellow druids, as we delve deeper into the secrets of Cookies & Cream, unlocking the mysteries of this divine strain and discovering the magic that lies within. Together, we shall explore the depths of its power and potential and uncover the true essence of this Cannabis plant."

    "I am GirlScoutDruid, a druid of the Cannabis plant, and I come to you with tales of a legendary strain that has captivated the hearts and minds of Cannabis enthusiasts for years: Girl Scout Cookies Feminized Auto Flower. Legend has it that this strain was born from a unique combination of Durban Poison, OG Kush, and Cherry Kush, creating a flavour and aroma that is as irresistible as freshly baked cookies.

    The effects of Girl Scout Cookies are said to be powerful and long-lasting, with a high that starts in the head and slowly spreads throughout the body, creating a sense of euphoria and relaxation that is perfect for unwinding after a long day. Its potency and popularity have made it a favourite among both new and experienced users, with its complex flavour profile and high THC content creating a truly unique experience.

    Girl Scout Cookies has played a pivotal role in the world of genetic cultivation, as breeders have sought to capture its unique properties and create new strains that capture its essence. Its popularity among growers and users alike has made it a cornerstone of the Cannabis community, with many seeking to unlock the secrets of this legendary strain and use its power to explore the depths of the mind. Join me, fellow druids, as we venture into the heart of the Cannabis plant, unlocking the mysteries of Girl Scout Cookies and discovering the magic that lies within."

    "I am SourDieselMystic, a druid of the herb who has been exploring the mysteries of its power for many moons. I come to you with tales of a legendary strain that has captivated the hearts and minds of cultivators and users alike: Sour Diesel Feminized Auto Flower. It is said that this strain originated from the mysterious depths of the Diesel family tree, where its unique properties were carefully crafted by generations of cultivators.

    The effects of Sour Diesel are said to be out of this world, transporting the user to a state of heightened awareness and clarity where the mind is free to explore the deepest reaches of the cosmos. Its potency and popularity have made it a favourite among both new and experienced users, with its high THC content and complex terpene profile producing a potent and long-lasting high that is not soon forgotten.

    Sour Diesel has played a significant role in the world of genetic cultivation, as breeders have sought to harness its unique properties and create new strains that capture its essence. Its popularity among growers and users alike has made it a cornerstone of the Cannabis community, with many seeking to unlock the secrets of this legendary strain and use its power to expand their understanding of the universe. However, cultivating Sour Diesel can be a challenge, as it requires a specific balance of nutrients, light, and temperature to thrive. Join me, fellow mystics, as we venture into the world of Sour Diesel and unlock the secrets of its power and potential."

    2 Days later a Raven returned with these...,



    Upon receipt of this and other supplies on the same day - 2 x 600w Plant Growing LED Lights (for seedlings), Major Tech - MTD3 Programmable Timer, 24 Hours, a Compact Precision Digital Hygrometer Humidity Temperature Meter, a 3-in-1 Multifunctional Soil Tester Moisture Meter, and a PH Soil Meter. I had to journey myself to grab these...,


    After some Mystic Magic, we were good to go....,


    And thus, we are now, where my posts started on this forum, these babies are today 15 days and 8 days in the world...,20230416_170755.thumb.jpg.354f097604c62876c9240380d0f77d62.jpg


    Readings: Temp 24.3c - RH 66% - PH 5.9 - PAR 240 - Moisture 6 (Scale of 1 to 10) - They were fed on Friday with the following solution...,

    80.000     g/kg    N    Nitrogen                                
    Nitrogen (N): Nitrogen is essential for the growth and development of plant leaves and stems. It is a key component of chlorophyll, the pigment that gives plants their green colour, and is necessary for photosynthesis.                                
    20.000     g/kg    P    Phosphorus                                
    Phosphorus (P): Phosphorus is important for root development and growth, as well as the production of flowers and fruit. It is also a component of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the energy currency of cells.                                
    58.000     g/kg    K    Potassium                                
    Potassium (K): Potassium is crucial for the overall health and vigour of plants. It helps regulate water uptake and transport, and is involved in many metabolic processes, including photosynthesis and the regulation of stomata (pores in leaves).                                
    6.000     g/kg    Ca    Calcium                                
    Calcium (Ca): Calcium is important for cell wall development and the maintenance of cell structure. It is also involved in many enzymatic processes within the plant.      
    7.000     g/kg    Mg    Magnesium                                
    Magnesium (Mg): Magnesium is a central component of the chlorophyll molecule and is therefore essential for photosynthesis. It is also involved in the activation of many enzymes in the plant.                                
    4.000     g/kg    S    Sulphur                                
    Sulphur (S): Sulphur is involved in the formation of certain amino acids, as well as the synthesis of proteins and other essential compounds in the plant.                           0.060     g/kg    Fe    Iron                                
    Iron (Fe): Iron is essential for the formation of chlorophyll and is therefore important for photosynthesis. It is also involved in many enzymatic processes in the plant.   0.040     g/kg    Mn    Manganese                                
    Manganese (Mn): Manganese is involved in the metabolism of nitrogen and carbohydrates, as well as the formation of chlorophyll.                                
    0.001     g/kg    Zn    Zinc                                
    Zinc (Zn): Zinc is involved in the formation of chlorophyll, as well as the regulation of many enzymes and growth regulators in the plant.                                
    0.010     g/kg    Cu    Copper                                
    Copper (Cu): Copper is involved in the formation of chlorophyll and is also important for enzyme function and the metabolism of carbohydrates.                                
    0.020     g/kg    B    Boron                                
    Boron (B): Boron is important for cell division and the formation of new plant tissues. It is also involved in the transport of sugars and other compounds within the plant.                                
    0.015     g/kg    Mo    Molybdenum                                
    Molybdenum (Mo): Molybdenum is involved in the metabolism of nitrogen and the synthesis of certain amino acids.                                
     -       g/kg    Al    Aluminium                                
    Aluminium (Al): Aluminium can be toxic to plants at high concentrations, but at low levels it is involved in the formation of root tips and the regulation of plant growth.     0.003     g/kg    -    Gibberellic Acid                                
    Gibberellic Acid (GA): Gibberellic acid is a plant hormone that regulates many aspects of plant growth and development, including stem elongation, seed germination, and flower and fruit development.                                
    Basic NPK Ratio 8-2-6                                            
    Week 1 - 3: During the seedling and early vegetative stages, the babies get fed with a diluted mixture of 10 mL of the mixture per 3 litres of water, once a week. - (300ml for every herb) Thursday, April 13, 2023 - Week 1st-lings 2nd feed and week 2nd-lings 1st feed. (lol). The Next feeding will be on Thursday, April 20, 2023.

    I shall update again, as my journey unfolds. I am waiting for a very special and powerful artifact, the 450watt LED Quadro Grow board with Samsung Diodes and Meanwell drivers and a function to control the sun!


    1. Ill_Evan


      You're welcome to start a grow diary thread here in the Grow Diaries section. More people will interact with your posts there. 

    2. LitItGrown


      I sure will. Thanks 3rd Evan

       Thanks Reaction GIF by MOODMAN

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