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Smelly Joe

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Posts posted by Smelly Joe

  1. I would say it's nute burn with with a slight N deficiency. Go to hydro store and get some of this stuff and flush the ladies.... 


    I understand why @Trailblazer420 asked about the heat. I would move the plants if possible because:

    White Wall + Stones + Summer Sun = Very hot and crappy conditions for the lady 

    It might be that the sun damaged some of the leaves as well. 



  2. What happened before this started??? 

    Did you feed them all the same cause I'm seeing same issues with all of them. A nice flush and start feed at 1/4 strength is a good beginning to get rid of any build up in the soil.


    I know with Bio Bloom they say to feed with every watering but I still give it every 2nd feed and alternate with my aact brews. 


    I am also doing a grow in clean coir and is currently using seagro and aact but will be using Bio Bloom once flowering starts. 


    Ps: is that the spot they stand permanently??? 


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  3. Chemdawg x Candyland:


    I bubbled out 10L of water for 24 hours and then added 100ml of coconut water. The pic is just to show how she looks now and the next pic will be on Sunday. The pistils is less and she is getting ready for that nice stretch. I was thinking of pulling her down some more but decided to leave her as is and rather just super crop a few tops. Also added a close up pic of one the the tops

    Mendicino Skunk:


    Still regretting my decision to top her I did the next best thing to get as much out of her as possible. Grabbed some twine and pulled her down. I gave her a small dose of the Coconut water just to see...... 




    And lastly just a pic of my latest addition. And with a new baby :classic_biggrin:



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  4. Chemdawg x Candyland:


    I can see more pistols all over her more and more. And it seems as if the stretching has started. I will conri ue veg feed for another week or two and then flush before starting the flowering feed. 

    Mendicino Skunk #1


    I topped her in hopes of doing a Mainline training for the season but it seems like time has caught up with me. I should've waited before potting the 2nd cutting out cause I could've kept one for next season. The lady started stretching as well so I topped her for no fucking reason 🤪


    Mendicino Skunk #2


    Here is the one is should've kept for next season. She is just recovering well and I'm sure she wont bring to much to the table. 


    I have decided to keep the Shiska Berry and Blue Gelato in veg till new season because I won't be ordering beans next year. 

  5. On 12/28/2018 at 9:45 AM, Totemic said:

    Yes. This is the final month of veg. By feb pre flowering kicks in full blast.

    I finally get a new Blue Gelato41 cutting and I had to make a choice whether to pot her up and veg for this next month or keep her in veg till the new season... I am leaning towards keeping her for next season aswell as the Shiska Berry. 


    Both plants have a great review from the seedbank with both plants hitting the 2-3kg mark for harvest. So why not keep both and next season plant them out in 60L containers and do a shit load of training to see how close I can come to that amount. 


    Onto another topic. I read on Royal Queen Seeds website about giving your plants a dose of coconut water. It's not the 1st time I've read this and I am gonna give it a try. I went out and bought a bottle of 100% coconut water and will give it to the one Mendicino Skunk that is growing a bit slower to see what happens. They call for a ratio of 15-50ml per liter. I will start if the the lowest dose and increase if I see some results. 

    Any comments on this. :investigating



  6. Hey all

    Just an update to show how nicely they have come along since their feeding on Sunday. 


    The Chemdawg x Candyland was pulled down quite a bit and she has recovered very well. At this point I am just gonna leave her to grow upwards but will clean off all the lower growth to let her focus on bud production properly and to keep trimming to a minimum as soon as she has grown a bit more.


    The one Mendisino Skunk that looked deficient has recovered very well and the new growth is looking healthy and growing strong and her little sister is looking great too. I have topped the smaller Skunk at the 4th node and will be doing main line training with her. She is growing well in the Freedom Farm soil and its definitely on my shopping list for next season. 


    The Siskaberry is growing slower than the other plants but I think it's due to her still being in the smalller pot (23cm). It's almost as if the main growth is happening on the bottom but the top growth is slower. I gave the bonsai a feeding tonight and gave the Siskaberry some food too. I will see what she does  next week. 


    Here we have a different case. When I checked her for roots I saw a fair amount that suggested that all is well and repottting can take place. So I repotted and waited for signs of new growth but it seems as if the cutting is going backwards. I will keep an eye on her and if she does not not recover within the next 2 weeks then I will pull her out and the Siskaberry will take her pot. That's the main reason I have not repotted the Siskaberry yet. 


    While giving the bonsai their feeding I came across a small little seedling. I know ow I chucked some seeds into the garden so it can either be a Blue Kush Berry or bagseed from the weed I bought a few weeks back. I gave it  some of the feed as well but I'm sure the soil will have enough feed in it to sustain the plant. 

    On a different note, can anyone maybe point me in the direction of a seedbank that sells a good Durban Poison strain. Of course a trusted seedbank. Local or International. 









  7. On 12/25/2018 at 5:31 PM, Justin Hemp said:

    Great to see a fellow Northern suburbs oke taking advantage of our new found freedom emoji16.png


    LoL yeah man. But I still treat all my growing as in the past. The only good part is that I can openly buy my grow needs and the paranoia of working on the ladies while hearing the neighbours having a braai is a bit less. 

    15 hours ago, Dr. Green said:

    I also want to look at growing mushrooms in the new year

    I found a great local supplier and I got my syringes within 2 days. Not sure if we are allowed to mention names.....??? 

  8. Ahoya @Hochymama

    Thanx for that advice. I remember reading about it somewhere but fuck knows where. Thanx for reminding me again. 🤙

    Here is the lady that received the tea. I pulled her down as much as possible and will tie down again in a weeks time and then I will just let her go. The other plants is still small and I am not going to do to much training on them. 


    One of the Mendicino Skunk cuttings is showing signs of deficiency but it might be due to the repot. I gave the cuttings a tea made of Rock Dust and Molasses and if that one doesn't get better then I'll flush with some Calmag. 

    2 of cuttings has leaves missing due to my youngest boy helping in the garden. 


    Have an awesome Smelly Sunday. 






  9. Woke up this morning like a kid on christmas. I moved the tea brewer outside due to the Seagro that I'm adding. My wife is not to fond of that smell hanging around in the house. 

    I added an aquarium heater and set it to 24C. Tomorrow morning I will give the batch to the plant in pure coco. The FF soil is still so rich that I'd rather wait before giving any feeding. I will however foliar feed those ones as well as the rest of the garden. I still considering if I should add the LS to the tea. I will wait until to tonight to think about it and do some research. Otherwise I'm adding it tomorrow before feeding. 


  10. 1L of Lactobacillus Serum 😁


    I thought that the small amount will have a really small outcome but I have a full litre of serum and for now that's more than enough for what I have planned. The new batch will be stored using Molasses


    The bubbler was started up yesyerday and tomorrow night I will add the ingredients. Will Seagro work in the tea??? Due to smell it will be moved outside. I added a teaspoon each of Rock Dust and Rock Phosphate so long. After buying the phosphate I read on the package that I need to use it in conjunction with mycoroot.......which I don't have of course, but still added it anyway. I was thinking of adding a tablespoon or 2 of LS to the tea. Can I do that @Green Leaf Organics??? 


    Will update when I have a nice foamy batch going. Will be giving tea to C x C on Sunday morning and will also foliar spray all the plants with the LS. 😄



  11. Hey Guys


    A few topics today


    As I said previously I will be making a bigger batch. I made another batch of rice water, 1L this time and within a week I will be checking in again to show you what's up 

    The small tester batch is starting to form some mold so I'm thinking that I could/should harvest the LS now and store it. Unfortunately my tester plant for this operation was killed by my new and unforgiving puppy. 


    I went to the hydro store today completely unplanned but hey a trip to the hydro store is always fun. I picked up some Freedom Farm soil and repotted the 2 Mendicino Skunks. I watered them and they will stand by the Outdoor lady. I am impressed with the look and feel of the FF soil and I hope that all goes well from here. For veg nutes I will be using the old trusty Seagro and my homemade LS and AACT

    3. AACT

    So I've been doing some reading again I decided to just go back to basics and keep it simple. I got myself a few black 10L buckets a started up the air pump. I will be starting with water bubbling followed by adding the goodies. 


    My ingredients for my tea is as follows:

    * EWC



    I will be adding some Turbo Grow and Rock Phosphate to the tea at the beginning. 


    Well that's it for now. 










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