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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/23/2018 in Posts

  1. Hey fellow cannathusiasts! Glad to have joined. Site looks great & looking forward to connect, learn, share & express my passion for Miss J and the journey thus far... Been an avid smoker for about 15 years, growing for little over 4 years now. Version 4 of my 4x4x2.2m self built polytunnel Greenhouse (see cover photo) and grow in all mediums (hydro, soil, pots & raised beds). My fiance and myself own and run our own Alternative Health Platform where Cannabis became a life changing plant, in my perception, as we immediately started hearing feedback from patients (fiance is a Biofeedback Therapist and does resonance therapy too). I have experimented with land races, hg indoor & bagseed. Favorite strain to grow - Blueberry XY. Favorite to smoke - Sour Diesel. Favorite for doing extraction - Alien OG. But let me not ramble on. Just a little to say 'high'. Looking forward to learning, sharing & meeting new peeps who share the same passion.
    2 points
  2. Peat lost popularity here because of cost. Coco was cheaper and punted as being as good/better. I prefer peat, the pH is easily balanced and the activity is far better imo. It the medium preferred by professional flower growers, however the cost is often the reason it is ignored. Want some golden advice? If you use Lime/Rock dust/Phosphate/Oyster etc, you'll want peat not coco.
    1 point
  3. The Clubs feature on the forum is now active. Clubs are essentially sub-communities which members can create and join themselves See the types of clubs below: ------------------------------------------------------------------ Club Types Public clubs Clubs that any forum member can see and participate in without joining. Open club Clubs that anyone can see but cannot participate in unless they join. Closed club Clubs that anyone can see in the directory, but joining must be approved by a Club Leader or Club Moderator. Non-club-members who view the club will only see the member list - not the recent activity or content areas. Private club Clubs that do not show in public, and users must be invited by a Club Leader or Club Moderator ------------------------------------------------------------------ Every club that gets created gets submitted to the admin and mods for approval. Once your club gets approved you can manage your club. Managing a club involves creating the club's own forums, moderating the club, as well as approving/rejecting members. You can find the Clubs link in the main menu under Browse
    1 point
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