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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/21/2018 in Posts

  1. Here are some of the good bud shots in their normal size. Cheers.
    1 point
  2. 22/10/18 - Lots have happened! : Day 30 Flower for the Chocolates and Dance World - Day 7 for 4 DW clones and 2 Choco clones Alright, Weekly update here we go ! Let's start with the youngest, The Clones. Since last time a few more Dance World clones have been added. They were taken from flowering plants so they will have to re veg. So I had something interesting happening a few days ago. When I take clones I usually let them soak for a while in a glass of water and fresh aloe juice. This time 2 of the clones had there stem soaking right in the middle of some aloe goo floating in the water. The next day when I took them out I noticed the 2 clones which were in the aloe had already developed a small root whereas the on that were soaking just next to the aloe goo floating, opposed to in it, did not generate root. Next time I take clone, and maybe you should try it too, I will put the goo around the stem and let it soak in water, next day the goo will be kept on the stem and transplanted. Aloe has regenerating properties, maybe if kept around the stem for long enough without suffocating it it could help. Anyway try it and let us know. I certainly will. What I did try during this transplant is plant the clone in a small piece of aloe and put that in a jiffy. I will let you know of the results. Since last week 4 DW clones have rooted and 2 Choco within 4 days. They have been transplanted in small pots and today, about a week later, 2 DW and 1 Choco were transplanted again in a larger pot. The roots were developing way too fast. The DW could have waited a bit longer but the Choco was already circling the pot, crazy root grow! My super soil is finally ready and looks beautiful, nice and dark with a lovely smell! They clones have been transplanted in it ! I am running an experiment with one DW in purchased 'supersoil' and one in homemade supercoil. It will be interesting to see the difference. Now for the flowering room, They are doing quite well, they are now at the beginning of their 5th week, day 30. The buds are swelling at a constant rate and the trichome production is quite a sight! The buds are getting super frosty and absolutely beautiful to watch! A sweet smell is slowly starting to fill the room. They were given a Super Powered Tea and Foliar feed since last update as I started to notice a slight K deficiency and an even slighter P. The foliar feed was made up of the general stuff with humic, fulvic and alfalfa SST, The super tea was a wide variety of amendments and what I call the ABC of SST which is Alfalfa, Corn and Barley. I made a few batches of each + cannabis SST and Aloe juice which I have frozen in cubes, They can be conserved and used anytime this way. I made it so that 1 cube is for 2L of water. Simply let them melt and throw it in your tea. I managed to get my hands on some Greenhousefeeding Bio-Bloom, any of you playing with this product ? any opinions/observation you can share ? I have top dressed the plant with half of the recommended dosage and after about a week I can see some slight fungus development and a few roots going to the topsoil to tap on the nutrients being converted there. I have also noticed my top soil being very crusty, like if you had a soil that is overdosing on magnesium. not sure if that is a result of the fungus, but it made me uncomfortable and I started breaking it away, don't want my plant to suffocate... The plants are reacting very well to the tea and I imagine the top dress as well. At the moment , considering they are in hempy buckets, I water them every 3 days, This time they took 4,5L before I saw the tinniest run off, pretty crazy as pots are 10L... . I will have to water them every 2 days soon. Oh and the DW has also been moved into a Hempy. Strange to transplant halfway through flowering I know, but the Choco boomed after moving in it, hopefully DW does too. Temp wise still a nice steady 24-25 in the room with an RH averaging the 50%. Here is the Dance World (30 Days Flo): She just has way too many leaves haha. Bushy girl. But a nice Canopy though. The buds are quite far behind the chocolate even though she is suppose to flower 1-2 weeks earlier, maybe she will have a sudden boost. As for the Chocolate from Seed (30 Days Flo) : Long tall plant eating up space quick, just beautiful ! This girl must grow massive in outdoor, might try to pop a clone outside. A good canopy as well that doesn't fit in the frame, my bad.. Nice tight long colas! And the buds, oh the buds... Looking good ! And last but not Least the Choco from Clone (30 Days Flo) : Not many colas, 3 big one and a few small one, but surely they will grow huge !! Already a noticeable difference between the clone and seed. She is not super photogenic, but in real life she is a beaut! Canopy isn't fantastic but it is on purpose to allow light to go all along those long colas. The socks, 100% cotton adidas, very comfy. Nice big Colas And the buds, a lot more photogenic ;) So yeah thats about it for now. Thanks for watching and I hope all you guys have a sweet day ! I will add some close up in better quality for your eye's pleasure. Those are all shrunk to fit in the post. Grow well. Trying' to be arty ;)
    1 point
  3. The Clubs feature on the forum is now active. Clubs are essentially sub-communities which members can create and join themselves See the types of clubs below: ------------------------------------------------------------------ Club Types Public clubs Clubs that any forum member can see and participate in without joining. Open club Clubs that anyone can see but cannot participate in unless they join. Closed club Clubs that anyone can see in the directory, but joining must be approved by a Club Leader or Club Moderator. Non-club-members who view the club will only see the member list - not the recent activity or content areas. Private club Clubs that do not show in public, and users must be invited by a Club Leader or Club Moderator ------------------------------------------------------------------ Every club that gets created gets submitted to the admin and mods for approval. Once your club gets approved you can manage your club. Managing a club involves creating the club's own forums, moderating the club, as well as approving/rejecting members. You can find the Clubs link in the main menu under Browse
    1 point
  4. Very neat, excited to see the NFT in action. Do you have the pump on a batterie/UPS, or do you not worry about power outage? Also, is worm tea the sole additive you are using?
    1 point
  5. Public or general forum members cant see the posts unless they're in the club
    1 point
  6. Afternoon Richard, glad to hear you made the right choice and ditched the speed boat....lol. So are you going to keep us in suspense or are you going to share what ya got with us as there is just about every kind of grower here that's more than willing to help.... So catch ya later....
    1 point
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