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Cannabis: Italy is the new frontier of marijuana legalisation - IBT


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The traditionally reactionary Italy might incredibly soon find itself at the forefront of liberalism, becoming the largest country in Europe to legalise cannabis.


A cross-party committee has in fact submitted to parliament one of the world's most progressive legislation proposals on the matter, with a text that, if approved, would largely decriminalise, production, distribution, sale and consumption of marijuana all over the Mediterranean peninsula.

The leap could seem far-fetched for a nation drenched in Christian conservatism, which only ten years ago voted in a draconian anti-drug bill that cancelled any distinction between hard and soft drugs, strengthening sanctions for pot smokers and heroin addicts alike.

However, the legalisation movement has recently gained unprecedented momentum and, although Italian politics and the country's tortuous legislative system harbour plenty of potentially deadly obstacles, conditions seem favourable, as more than 250 lawmakers from the entire political spectrum have already given their support to the proposal.....

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