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I'm very excited for that clone! :P BTW, what light cycle has it been kept in?


Unfortunately the LECA things aren't even available at my local stores. Perlite, as stated, is ridiculously expensive. I was thinking of just buying some red wrigglers, they'd probably do a fine job of aerating the soil and would also help build that lekker soil ecosphere. ;P Also I could use them to start a proper vermicomposting system. :D


I've also been thinking of making charcoal in my parents' Weber braai thing and putting some of that in the bottom of the bed. I've done an experiment on water-holding and weight. The dry charcoal of hardwoods is extremely light, 10 grams had a volume of more than 20ml, which is quite a bit lighter than most compost and natural soils. I've got that sample of charcoal soaking in water. It's absorbed 6.6 grams of water over the course of 5 or 6 days of total submersion, and still lighter than natural soil despite absorbing so much water. Even if it isn't aerating if it absorbs too much water, I think it'll have some use in the soil mix.

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Okay to be honest I take back the Jik part, lol. Moth balls and... it's an indescribable smell. Very toxic, chemical-like. It smells like some type of cleaning product. They're just getting every couple days some tap water and a tiny splash of Seagrow.


Anyway, today the beds were filled with soil. Due to some serious measuring errors on my part, there are in each raised bed:

* 60 litres of mushroom compost

* 45 litres of kraal manure

* 45 litres of potting soil

* 60 litres of coco coir.


It only just occured to this stoner right here that this soil mix is probably a bit hot, lol. I'm gonna wait off transplanting until I am sure the soil isn't going to go into a composting process and heat up a shitload.


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Hein[/member]: I didn't want to spend any more money, lol. Perlite is quite expensive both online and "offline" for me. I'm gonna buy some red wrigglers soon, hopefully. Everyone in the "no-till" community says they do a really great job aerating soil.


Anyway, I have sad news: Pretty sure I've got a red spider mite colony on one of my plants. Pics attached. I pray to Jebus that they don't spread to the other plants. I plucked some of the leaves (all the ones that had visible mites), maybe 6 leaves in total. Gonna see if I can get a remedy tomorrow. Anyone else dealt with these little bastards before?


Pics are the top and under-side of the same leaf.



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I believe they have discontinued the product but it's still available in places if you can find it.

Added to that a good clean with pressure hose to wash most of the mites off first, they hate water. If you can't get the product then you will need 2 to 3 different products such as neem, pyrol and whatever else you can get your hands on because spider mites build up a resistance to neem and the like.


Sorry to say but spider mites is probably the worse infestation of them all due to their resilience and resistance.3dca638cf2467222dbde3be25497d676.jpg


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Luckily it's only the one plant. I figure I can keep it away from the others, treat it with the "destructive" stuff and get some "preventative" stuff for the beds.


EDIT: I just sprayed the infected plant. Couldn't see any left, so that seems like it worked quite well, hahaha. Of course I'll be keeping watch and am still gonna do what I said above.


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Just found mites on two more plants, one in each box. At this point I figured it's pointless to quarenteen the plant that originally had mites, so I just transplanted it into the box. Let's hope these mites don't spell a terrible fate for my babies. :( I sprayed the plants that are still early in flower formation with a soap/canola oil mixture, and probably got a few drops on the ladies that are really blooming. Pretty sure they'll be fine since it was early in the day, plenty time to dry off in the sun.

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Hey all, update time I rate. :P


The mites are not going out of my control. So far. Thank god. I've been doing daily water sprays, looking under every damn leaf and shooting the little bastards off with a jet of water whereever I find them. Also done two canola oil/dishsoap sprays now, and I've ordered some neem oil online. The plant I originally saw the mites on is totally clean of them, hilariously. Only one plant had any visible mites today, and it got sprayed real carefully and perhaps excessively. I think the reason the mites were even present on said plant was because it's in an awkward spot. That is, I can't spray under the leaves as easily as the other plants. Hoping that if I stay on top of these frequent plain water sprays that they'll not be able to stay around long enough to breed to large numbers.


Has anyone ever seen a plant with a main cola like this btw? Such an odd way of developing. It's looking almost like the male flowering structure of sparely placed pollen sacks on lots of little branches. It also has a lot of dying stigmata despite my efforts of literally searching the whole plant for pollen sacs and finding none.


There's probably going to be a long gap between now and my next update, because life is going to amp up real fast this year. I thought about blocking all the weed sites because I have kept coming home and reading about weed instead of reading the materials of the courses I am studying. Not a good idea with two weeks til the first set of tests... :o


P.S. Big shout outs and thanks to the good fellow Justin. I'll still be coming on 420SA until I get that granidilla to you, I'm not going AWOL like a dick. xD




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JustinHemp420[/member]: Some kind of local schwag. :P


It's got the magenta hairs typical of swazi, came from a bag I payed R150 for 10g. Was decent stuff if I remember correctly. The buds were quite fat and whole... not like this stringy, tiny-branches-with-sparse-calyxes growth at all. If you compare it to it's tied-down sibling on its left, that seems more representative of what I got the seeds from in terms of bud shape.


I reckon I'll make some seeds with it to see if its a phenotypical expression I can duplicate, just for the hell of it, lol. Collected a little bit of pollen from the male I killed ages ago.

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I think I might have gone a bit over-kill with my spider mite eradication program...


The plant I sprayed the most was this one I've attached a picture of. The leaves are going dark, dark gren and are curling up. They're quite moist, like they're sweating. Several of the leaves have out-right died. The same effect is present on the other plants that I sprayed, but far less severe.


I think I put too much dish soap in my spray. Or maybe leaves aren't supposed to get up-close blasted with high pressure water twice a day... xD Hopefully they recover quickly...


On the plus side, I haven't seen a single spider mite in over 3 days, lol. I'm still keeping a very watchful eye, of course: apparently spider mite eggs take about 3 days to hatch.


EDIT: For some reason I literally cannot upload files anywhere... think my browser is broken. -_-


EDIT2: Yup. Chrome works fine. Firefox, why u no upload?!?  Things like this will never cease to irritate me.


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The spider mites bites will distort your leaf structure like you cannot believe. Also expect the plant to stop altogether in growth for a while, mine took over a month to recover and that was not even a full recovery. Possibly the worse thing that can happen to cannabis is spider mites. Holding thumbs for ya man


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Hahaha don't worry guys it was just the one plant that got damaged like this, the others had almost nothing wrong with them. :P I mean, one other one also got a bit fucked (it has lost like 5 of its bud sites, totally dead, but 4 or so are left and are doing okay) but the others are all completely untouched by this effect.

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